[LPW#53!] Do I Need to Make a Title :\

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let me do this first

hm? it's not unown don't worry

no backyard, it's in a room

so, you want to leave it to my imagination?
Let me tell you this


you want ass? I don't want that, so no ass stuff there

so, you sure?
have you ever seen george carlin?

[MENTION=3]Checkmate[/MENTION] has been lurking for quite a while. are you actually reading through every page, or just afk?
Nope, never even heard of the name.

I hope he wasn't trying to ban me for making that topic..
he's basically the inspiration to most stand up comedians today

that's actually what i was wondering lol
I don't see stand up comedy that much so I don't know

oh yeah, to just end that topic completely...
The test proves that thou art a homosexual
i love stand up comedy :fullblush:

:sigh: what if i turned out to be a girl this whole time? would i still get the homo grade?
aphrodite is the greek god of beauty. are you saying i would be a beautiful woman? well that's creepy. anyways i'm a heterosexual guy. why are you trying to make me gay?
maybe not an aphrodite...
basically, if you're a woman, you would have an abnormal body condition

I'm not, IF you analyze closely what my question was, you can know it

Hm...I don't know what to feel about the latest Arc of Medaka Box, is it going to be the end of Medaka Box series after all? Oh well, looks like it will be an epic arc! :3

I see a lurking Checku-sama :3

if you check, I told you to "forget" the 1st question which contains a "girl" and just focus on the 2nd one
and the 2nd one says "human", it could be male / female.
you should know by now
Yep, that was the "slight mistake" I mentioned you. So basically, you got blown by a male, congrats
[MENTION=26]KingArturia[/MENTION]; yeah, dont know what to think about it as well. but taking on 100 ppl should be nice. interested in what happens after that~
ha i was wondering why you said blown. the information i've picked up from all of this has been extremely scattered lol. i was in the mindset of the loli girl who was for some reason my fiancee
Well turns out your fiancee is a trap, another congrats
I was just trying to make you do him (yep it is revealed now so..)
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