[LPW#53!] Do I Need to Make a Title :\

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hmm.. not really..
I mean all of the people that are turned do feel like that at first, I even planned of a revenge when I got turned (I thought he turned me because I voted him on the very 1st round...)
but later on you feel like you want to win, so you will end up co-operating with him
I actually thought that the way Sova told me about your death was fishy, so I decided to hack your body off, but no one knew.. not like anyone can just know about it..
ahh, well whatever, it's over now. not to mention the whole time hinode knew i was actually alive
well I could say screw hinode, he's just helping the mafia side survive

And sin said that I'm wasting my votes... and look.. you're alive... god damn that vote should have passed.
I guess my intuition is pretty sharp :gotidea:
honestly, it doesn't matter to me what happens , it just seems like it's taking too long
:hi: KingArturia

Why i have a feeling that this thread is raging about for what happened in Shiki Game????

Or is my imagination

:lol: :XD:
an Ura Moka fan :P I prefer her Manga, much more fearsome ;)

Nazaka, do you dislike RE/Ada Wong? :S Can't be sure about your reaction.
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Not really, I now see her normal version as Akasha Bloodriver which is just as awesome :P

And Nazaka, its just me posting random pictures of my collections, that's all , not really starting a topic.
Nope not that, I mean the rosario vampire topic, never read it or watched it.

and I want to ask you, what is that word on ada's picture? I can't read it... (or I can but for me it looks like... you know)
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