[LPW#54] Thou art I...and I am Thou..from the sea of thy soul i come fourth

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Well then make your food, Darky2... And SB, was you already at Neko's bday (Thread meant)...?:goodtea:~>
can't recall.

neko isn't even around anymore, probably message him once he returns.


you need a more original name then that

ZoA as darky is fine XD
mmh.. why should my soul be yours? my body and soul belong to my fair ladies. :goodtea:
can't recall.

neko isn't even around anymore, probably message him once he returns.

Oh, well okay...
And yeah, I've Dark Angel the name Darky2 given, because so is me simpler to call, and it is a randon, because of DaRk_AnGeL_ZoA...:XD:
Konban wa Unown-kun...:goodtea:~>
in 3 minutes the soup was ready that's why microwave is a miracle of device
no zoa was the first darky here

that is all

hey unown :)

dark angel needs another nickname to be initiated into the as family...

I am Dark Angel and the person Dark_Angel_ZoA it has nothing to do with me!
Well what is, if Dark Angel the nickname Drael get would, guys...?:goodtea:~>
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