[LPW#6] The Honor is passed to me

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i forgot about Kara no Kyokai epilogue episode ~.~.
I love ;]

but this one, what I heard is from orginal subbed release
hey guys~

i finally got the rest i need after that work in putting up a booth in our school~
so what's up?

Hello pryce, no specific topic to discuss :P.
i just read the who's the biggest pervert thread. i just posted there my favorite part :3

@kou~ i thought you were talking about the KnK epilogue. i haven't watched that one yet. i'm waiting for someone to DL it for me XD
I didn't know it was out , been busy for the CNY. Catching up with the anime i missed~
@coco~ lol, me? a siren? that's impossible.

@kou~ i'm not sure myself but i'm pretty sure that someone will just give me a link or a copy of it :3
@kou~ lol, shito will probably give me a link if i ask~ but i'm talking about my friends and boyfriend who will readily give me a copy once they've DL it.
Looks like I will be resting for a while, I will now begin my learning for japanese language seriously. so i think i won't be able to post things more often. especially uploads. but still I'll be here in AS whenever i have the time...

Better make something nice in my time once in a while :)
hmm hmm looks like gg is done with their star driver. as expected of them, time to catch up what i missed during all the lost tranmissions
As usual thx for the uploads~

@ Shito - play and learn at the same time aka VNs~
sorry, just got back from my cousin's house XD

hey shito~ :3

@coro~ thanks for the link :3
Well i did that before but it made my mind go blank reading and hearing it all. so i guess i had to stick with software and modules to learn the language.
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