[LPW#60]『Madness vs Fear!!! Which one will win!? Find out! Only on MG-TV!!!』

『Which one will win?!』

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My sleeping habit is a mess..... One moment I'm sleepy then the next I'm fully awake.....
『Yo Mokou...』

『Hmmmm... My dreams are so messed up that when I wake up I can't tell if I'm awake or asleep and usually think that I'm still dreaming or can't understand whats going on at all...』
Morning Sova.

I don't like spiders at all, they always just creep me out.. I'm glad there are no big ones around here.
Spider-woman* But no thanks... I'd like to stay away from spiders as much as possible..

And morning Second.
mm what game do you want to play.???

hi mokou long time no see.... did you miss us.??? :XD:
『Nope, becoming spider-man/spider-woman is impossible unless spider's poison makes you see illusions...』

『I like spiders though... Although I like all animals...』
『I wonder why Slayn wants to share a bed with Flight...』
『Gonna go outside for a bit... The wind is just so awesome right now...』
Second is playing hard to get.... But you don't got no choice in that matter....
Cuz you're already lock up in the room with me when you brought over the drink.....
What you talking bout, Sammy???? You're here with us also.... Mad is on the balcony.....
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