[LPW#60]『Madness vs Fear!!! Which one will win!? Find out! Only on MG-TV!!!』

『Which one will win?!』

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hmm gtg..bye~

oh and this /me throws the wand to sam

maybe you could try controlling them. good luck~
『Bye Coins...』

『I ended up reading through MG4.. Fun times... Poor Zoa... :goodtea:
『Yo Flight...』

『He was lynched on the first day... And mostly cause he voted for himself xD』
『There were clues... Like who didn't vote... You could just change your vote to someone who didn't vote...』
『Although I guess it was more of other people's mistake since you actually voted for the right person ;p』
I'm already dead.... This is just an apparition.... Maybe it for you, Second.....
Nobody..... I was doing an experiment.... Now, I'm gonna go after you, Second.... Better watch your back.... :evillaugh:
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