[LPW#61] Dentist! Drills FTW!!!!!

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Oh, g'morning on your side, King^^!
Hmm... Just £300...:goodtea:~>°°°°°°°°°°°°°...W-WHAT...?! £300 for a figure...?!:surprised:
(Well, there is already night (21:19 PM), but that is needless...)
Ahh... I see...
Well, that is also expensive enough, not King...?:goodtea:~>
Well, but the maker put in a lot of attention to the detail of the figure...I'm so tempted >.< Plus is Rei...
Well, indeed that the makers with a lot unique details attach, what of course because of will always very expensive... I don't want say, that they not so much details work should - where then maybe cheaper be will - I try just say, that is nevertheless somehow too expensive created is.
Well, with Evangelion, Rei and detail slapped onto it, it is bound to be expensive, especially when it comes with such an awesome base...and especially when it is a 1/6 scale figure, it will be expensive.
Well, to be honest, I wanted once the complet sets from Hyakka ryouran (all 1/6 version) buy, but I as the prise seen have, was I on ground smashed - Because as I few days before still the prise see could, was still in my level, but after as I tried have it to buy, was the prise almost about the double...:goodtea:~>
...Where I me, then decided have (With painful heart), not more with figures to occupy, King...:goodtea:~>
With another words: I've stopped figures to buy (If it also for me not nice was) - King...:goodtea:~>
Oh, so you stopped buying figures? That's a shame, but I've moved on to other things like rings and watches as well, simply because they're easier to store :P
Yeah, I've stopped...
And sure, because you've maybe the complete sets of Fate-series (figures meant) - Where then you on small things moved are, not King...?:goodtea:~>
Well, can never seems to finish collecting Seiba figures, I'll just buy any new ones that I find awesome :3
Well, which version of Seiba missing you still, King...?:goodtea:~>
Ahh... I see, but is it a small version of Seiba what you currently have, or a big version, King...?:goodtea:~>
[MENTION=26]KingArturia[/MENTION] ;

I saw this really pretty Saber figure!

Do you have it? :3
saber luly? :3

i am tipsy and it feels strange lol
I have 1/7 Scale Saber Lily Nanashi

and no, I personally dislike figurine for some random odd reason :S

Tired, I'm off to sleep, see you guys later! :3
Ah I see :3
I don't really like figma's too..
But I just thought it was pretty :3

Also, lol @Shiki
Party without me? D:
Hmm... saw a lot of saber figurines at hong kong xD There was a saber extra or something which i didnt know about... xD
hello... and bye king~


saber extra? the red one?
See you king~

Ahh wait... that figure unown found has the sword of the extra form... xD
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