[LPW#61] Dentist! Drills FTW!!!!!

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Don't mess with me, no its not ! How do you know its not down too me ??!
Answering that might lead to something a tiny bit related to philosophies so I won't
A very philosophical answer :whistle:

Think I scared Nazaka...

I just got up at around 5am today because I realized I was not going to be able to fall asleep, so I'm having an extra long day today. Feel free to spam away....especially if I'm here, or not, maybe I can watch you and sova "screw" around a bit....

Think I'm gonna have to have a day with watching lots of movies perhaps. Though I have no idea yet what I'm gonna do.
Hmm... still havent tried that game someone gave meh... =w=
Dust: An Elysian Tail ?

『Hmmmm... What to post...』

It doesn't matter, anything you like ! maybe some skrews or something, what ever comes to mind. Usually there is always something happening in our lifes, we just don't notice always, like it get filtered out. weather on the outside or inside. Feelings ect.

That or you could post some mail ?


/me goes looking for some more touhou to play.
『Fun dreams are fun
@Sam yeah I saw...I got it too !

@Sova...Fun dreams ! Tell me/us all about it, dreams can be so creative. Though sams can be a bit too creative at times I think..

P.s. I was so bored once, I had a nightmare, it was fun, cause at least it was not boring. Infact I had a dream yesterday that I had forgotten I had.
POOP ogi where are you ;-; and nazaka where are you... I want to go to sleep *arms open in bed*
How Romantic. In a violating way I presume...

Nazaka should be around, sammy just left, but was yelling for you not that long ago iirc...

Though now it might be my turn to go, or atleast figure out what to do from now on....

Maybe Sova will speak of his wild dreams laters.....hmmm reminds me even futher of my own. Me out for now. cya all maybe in just a bit.

@can't sleep, huh if so that would make 3 of us right now.
『Well, I planned to post it somewhere else first but oh well, guess it doesn't even matter, huh... Anyway, sorry to keep you waiting, it goes like this:』

『When I realize, I am in some sort of house... Its night and there are no lights... Yet light of the moon and stars coming from outside was lighting the room enough to see things. Everything around the house was a mess, glass broken, furniture lying all over the room, pillows ripped with feathers all over the room. It was like that everywhere. Then I heard a moving sound. I looked in the direction of sound and saw someone who just as me couldn't understand what was going on. He didn't even look at me and went exploring the house. I followed him. After searching for a bit, we found a small source of light. There was a cassette tape and an old cassette player/recorder. There was also a turned upside down chair near it that unnaturally stood so that nothing behind it could be seen. He went to take the cassette player. The other guy (was he even a guy? I couldn't tell...) went straight to the player and stood in the way so in order for me to take a look closer I had to go around that chair thingy. But when I passed it behind it I saw something standing. The other guy was to focused on the player so he didn't see this. The guy pressed play button on the tape and male voice started going from inside. I didn't hear the beginning of the tape cause I was too focused on the thing before my eyes. It was like a human silhouette or maybe shadow? It was made of complete darkness. I could still see through it a bit but I could tell that it was made of pure darkness. It didn't move, it just stood there looking at the chair. It was making some kind of noise, no... was it speaking something? I tried focusing on it but voice from the tape became much louder and I couldn't hear what shadow was saying. I tried touching it but my hands would unnaturally stop 5 centimeters from it without being able to get closer. And the shadow kept becoming more and more darker with every moment. The voice from the tape was now loud enough for me to tell what it was saying: "need to escape! You need to run! Don't press the button! You hear me!? Don't press the button! Escape! Run! The main door should be open so go out and run! Use cars, ships, planes, whatever! Get away as far as you can! Just don't touch the button! RUN!", somewhere in the middle of that, the guy ran to the main door and I followed him, he was opening the door while crying that he should escape, and with that "RUN!" as sign we were finally able to open the main door and get outside. Once there, guy started running to the main road where cars were running... I didn't bother stopping him... he was run down by high speed running car that didn't even stop afterwards... And I... I just leisurely started walking down the street for some reason... I never even bothered looking back to that house... Nearly 200 meters away from that house was a small shop sending buns and juice. My throat was very dry so I wanted to buy myself something... I entered the shop and as I was choosing what to buy, earth started shaking as if the shop was moving somewhere... Someone from the shop asked what was going on to which the salesgirl replied with a smile "We are moving to our next customer." I could tell from the trembling the direction shop was moving to... After a few seconds shop stopped and familiar sound of bells ringing when shop's door was opened rang out... I turned around and saw the shadow entering the shop... It was completely dark now... Every part of it was dark but yet I could still tell it was smiling... It was smiling as it grabbed me by my collar... It smiled as it started dragging me out of the shop... It smiled as it dragged me to the pool in front of that house... It said "You can never escape me" as it still smiled while dragging me inside the pool... Yet in the pool wasn't the water... It was filled with darkness... I kept feeling something dragging me by my collar as I kept sinking into the blinding darkness... Then I woke up...』

『Still, thinking back about it... I wonder why didn't that guy even look at me once... Why didn't people from the shop look at me even once... Why can't I remember the bell ringing when I entered the shop myself...』
Woa...very fascinating indeed sova. I am curious, do you have any sense or knowledge where this took place, continent, country ect ?

I think shadows like that can represent things more then just arbitrary and imaginary things at times....
Seems like everyone was running too me, like a very big event, or was it just you and the other guy from the house that ran ? Also whatever you needed to run from seems big, and effecting a big part of the world. Like some huge natural catastrophy, just the kind of cataclysmic event I'm actually expecting too see in some not too distant future. And I believe in more than what the eye can see, or the human perception can perceive in the natural.
Very interesting story.... So you/him was already caught by the shadow but was hallucinating that you/him had escape.....
Tell me what you guys think of this story? (P.S TRUESTORY)

Through my few years of life, i seen many wondrous things. But what would i know as wonder? I fear already at my age that my time is coming to quick. Only a few more hours till I quit. But sometimes I feel happier being closer closer to the hours, just counting the time down. At the age of 10 I started taking up hobbies playing with blades, and swimming in rivers. It cleansed me of the pain and removed the evil and stress that filled in my small head. Maybe the wonders of the world filled my head to quick, for me to handle. And I stand in the shower with the blades I play standing to see what I should do. Should i slow down my time or should I Quicken it. I play with it one more time till I am fully relaxed waiting to know the answer. Like a drug, it was clearly to addicting. In me there nothing but addiction stuck and filling my brain like a virus, Just one more time, what wrong will it do? It was changed when my angel spoke out. But turned out to be the demon for he wanted non other then to stop what only relaxed me. It Yelled at me,While I quickly hid my ability to play with the blade.Hid my knowledge of swimming away.It Tried to make me face reality and see from the eyes what should of been seen from the young i age i saw. The Demon Whips at me with its crackle, saying that I am a selfish coward for questioning my self. This Demon mistook my actions and believed that i would ever change. At the age of 11 As I knew, I did not change change but only got worse. Every Year till the age of 15 it got worse and I didn't want to stop my love of my addictions. My Unique abilitys that many had but where much worse then me at. I took the Nobel Prize but in a different name. The prize went to a mysterious man, no one allowed to know his name for he never has told his name. No one in the face of the earth knew what he faced, what he knows. The Demon Appears Back and Whips with the crackle from 5 years ago. You're Abilitys are no talent, Yes i have figured it out. I whip back, Why should i trust a demon who only looks at the bads of me, never for the better. Like everyone else you treat, Do this not that! What is the point of being human if I never get to choose the abilitys I want. Why am i forced to keep it the way i Am. Ill never Change if you tell me to change. I am but as stubborn as anyother human being in this world. But thats when the demon smirked with a evil face. Do as you will I will not stop you. Why do you think I care about your hopes and dreams that you desire. GO ON decided these foolish addictions you face, I have nothing but a open world for them. You Call me a demon but you are nothing but a reflection of me. I will not tell you to change if you will not listen. Then I understood.. That the demon i saw was not my enemy. It isn't as cold hearted as it appears. The Demon doesn't seek death, but life. The Demon made me slow down time. Make me have the most time I can have. I have no use for rivers and blades to clean my pain, I found that they were no use with what i have open to me.
TL : DR.... In other word.... Your perverted nature got the best of you....
TL : DR.... In other word.... Your perverted nature got the best of you....
Lol way off but sure if thats what you get out of the story, Key words in this story : Demon, Reflection, Blade,River,Pain,Stress,Relief
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