[LPW#62] Here We Go Again

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@mokou didn't sleep too well, but it was still ok.

@quay a stream again, mmh-mmh. the weather here isn't too bad. at least the sun doesn't try to mock me~

@hey, sam. catch this! /me throws propane tank at sam

EDIT: listen to a whole OST, quAy
I'll go back to listening to this from about a year ago. :goodtea:

This should be enough. I'll listen to a whole OST later if you can link me to one. >:3
Slept long enough at least?
Since I know I didn't sleep well...

Lucky you Gwee, the weather here is semi okay, but still too hot for me..

And Sammy, do be careful. it is still a flame.
I guess~ Would've went out today but I usually have to change it to another day when at least one person is busy or has other plans. Sad times. Though I have to say, it's been a while since I've had a cool breeze down here. I got little to no wind flowing into my room at all this month and even when it did, it was all warm air. ;w;

I can see that Autumn has taken effect early on some trees already. :goodtea:
Hmm.. I hardly have any cool breeze in my room. My window is usually opened but.. my curtain is probably blocking the wind.
Plus, I'm doing hardly anything to nearly nothing anyway..

On a side note, it feels really good to be able to sing again without anyone possibly hearing~ =w=
Lol~ Well... i guess... but its only warm and doesnt really burn~

/me sends propane tank into a portal and back to shiki~
Mmm. Same. Just finding a way to kill time for the moment and doing nothing productive. I might decide to stream some time in the near future just for fun (and because it seems like 'the thing' nowadays)

/me tastes the air.* :goodtea:
yep, slept long enough.

Quay, you have my support >:3

/me eats propane tank and mutates into something grotesque
Ah, cool~ Thanks guys. Next month, hopefully, then. :)

Guess I should start working on that resubmission for coursework before I do anything.
No worries about it Gwee~ I'd love to watch it.

And good Shiki, don't want people to not have enough sleep.
Did you interesting news...? Is just a random question from me...:goodtea:~>
I see... Well, I jump to animefushigi now then...:goodtea:~>
Notice: Samy!

I've this message get, as I on the link clicked have:
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hey, naza-naza and nana

access denied, samson

@mokou yeah, the times of lack of sleep are over for me, since lectures ended. had 4h of sleep when i had school..

EDIT: what will your list of games be, quay?
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