[LPW#63] 君と彼女と彼女のOD.. あ、間違えた.. 恋ですか..?

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mmh. will you be become mod of social or discussion section?
Yeah, because they (Admins/Mods) King already so long know, where they so the perfect badge for him choosen have...:goodtea:~>
G'evening, and welcome Semmless...:goodtea:~>
And yeah, Coins...:goodtea:~>
It was just courtesy of Iggy-sama to motivate me since I said I'll never see a Seiba badge, so surprised when I saw it myself too :3

Shiki, I'll be mod for the whole Social Sec
Thanks Seemless :3 Trial Slave is all about the Checku-sama's Enslaving program :3
King! Maybe, if you to full Mod became are, then can you maybe with a Saber badge appear...:XD:
i see. social section.. well, good luck with that ;9
Well, I go now to bed guys - G'night my important friends, bye...:goodtea:~>
Nighty Nanashi :3

and there aren't as much things to do, I can't follow every thread, so I just hope people will actually contact mod when they see something wrong XD
night, nana.

mmh.. seems plausible. now if everyone just knew the rules~
xD If everyone follow rules, we don't need mods like us around to keep things in order xD
But they are necessary on a forum.
Not everyone's accustomed to the rules, especially new members.
And it's reassuring to have them around. For me at least :3
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