[LPW #64] OH MAI GODDO!! IMMA SO PUMP- never mind i just lost interest >.> *SI~GH* well w/e dis is me were talkin bout so ima just say 1 ting...LOLI'S

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Re: [LPW #64] OH MAI GODDO!! IMMA SO PUMP- never mind i just lost interest >.> *SI~GH* well w/e dis is me were talkin bout so ima just say 1 ting...LO

Hellos second~ :goodtea:
Re: [LPW #64] OH MAI GODDO!! IMMA SO PUMP- never mind i just lost interest >.> *SI~GH* well w/e dis is me were talkin bout so ima just say 1 ting...LO

Oo, neat
But I'll most likely forget these hotkeys in 10 minutes or so w

Ingrain them into your very soul. Carve them into the tablet of your heart. Then you will be one step closer to being an internet master.
Re: [LPW #64] OH MAI GODDO!! IMMA SO PUMP- never mind i just lost interest >.> *SI~GH* well w/e dis is me were talkin bout so ima just say 1 ting...LO

『And how the hell would you even understand how good character development is by just watching trailers? So you didn't like Symphonia's and Graces's plots? Why?』

『Yo Flight...』
Re: [LPW #64] OH MAI GODDO!! IMMA SO PUMP- never mind i just lost interest >.> *SI~GH* well w/e dis is me were talkin bout so ima just say 1 ting...LO

A bit tired so "no way" for now w
Re: [LPW #64] OH MAI GODDO!! IMMA SO PUMP- never mind i just lost interest >.> *SI~GH* well w/e dis is me were talkin bout so ima just say 1 ting...LO

Lol maybe he read the story? xD Or saw the anime...~
Re: [LPW #64] OH MAI GODDO!! IMMA SO PUMP- never mind i just lost interest >.> *SI~GH* well w/e dis is me were talkin bout so ima just say 1 ting...LO

『Tales of games are all games that take 60+ hours to finish even one game's story. The story is always long and its almost always made into 3 different story arcs. Trailers or quick story description placed on the game's box only says about the 1st story arc. Its impossible to understand anything about story or character development only by those. You either have to read a book length full story, or completely play the game while doing all sub-events. Otherwise you seriously have no right to say anything about those 2 points...』
Re: [LPW #64] OH MAI GODDO!! IMMA SO PUMP- never mind i just lost interest >.> *SI~GH* well w/e dis is me were talkin bout so ima just say 1 ting...LO

Self notice: It will slowly getting heavier to spam on ASF...:goodtea:~>
Re: [LPW #64] OH MAI GODDO!! IMMA SO PUMP- never mind i just lost interest >.> *SI~GH* well w/e dis is me were talkin bout so ima just say 1 ting...LO

Hmm off to bed =w= 7:30 seems like a good time right?... xD
Re: [LPW #64] OH MAI GODDO!! IMMA SO PUMP- never mind i just lost interest >.> *SI~GH* well w/e dis is me were talkin bout so ima just say 1 ting...LO

,mmmm why heavierr shii..??

pyre : wow thats good.. cleaning house... :XD:
Re: [LPW #64] OH MAI GODDO!! IMMA SO PUMP- never mind i just lost interest >.> *SI~GH* well w/e dis is me were talkin bout so ima just say 1 ting...LO

『Btw, only Tales of Abyss, Tales of Symphonia, Tales of Eternia and Tales of Phantasia have animes... And Phantasia's one is kinda just 4 episodes and Eternia's 13 so of course that won't be enough to completely tell the full stories... Symphonia's isn't finished yet. And Abyss's was actually pretty good as I played both game and watched anime...』

『Good night and mad dreams Samye...』
Re: [LPW #64] OH MAI GODDO!! IMMA SO PUMP- never mind i just lost interest >.> *SI~GH* well w/e dis is me were talkin bout so ima just say 1 ting...LO

Hmm harder? xD Gahh i need to get myself awayyyy... xD
Re: [LPW #64] OH MAI GODDO!! IMMA SO PUMP- never mind i just lost interest >.> *SI~GH* well w/e dis is me were talkin bout so ima just say 1 ting...LO

『And how the hell would you even understand how good character development is by just watching trailers? So you didn't like Symphonia's and Graces's plots? Why?』

Oh madd, I can't tell with trailers obviously, but when I'm watching a trailer, I'm expecting them to show me their best stuff. Whichever one was the most recent one coming out just started to be "durhur hur spirits" "durhurhur teen angst" half way through.

Hmm. Tales of Symphonia would be... well for one they tried to almost make the plot too grand, and it seemed to be spiraling out of control by the end. It started out pretty cool, and I was pretty into it until the second disk, where Lloyd starts trying to fit in his "build a world" speech with each action he takes. Like I started to be embarrassed to bring the guy to family restaurants because he would start to say "I'll eat this hamburger, and use the energy to build a world blabla racism is bad blabla". I don't remember a whole lot of it since I think I played it when I just entered high school... I wouldn't mind trying to give it another go, but we got rid of it. :P

For Tales of Graces... where to even start. It is a mess. The whole thing is a mess. Their government and political issues are completely ridiculous and unrealistic. Characters develop about as much as a old sandwich does in the back of the fridge. Everything has to be resolved in the most perfect touchy-feely way possible. etc. etc.
Not to mention in both these games for some reason the main bad guy turns out to be some stupid kid that I should be able to beat by putting one hand on his face so he can't reach me.

I dropped it after the second part (Graces F, I believe) where the character relations had gone from being so bad it was funny to just plain sad. I mean what the hell is your main character doing grovelling to Richard. Richard almost killed him multiple times, you save his ass five billion times. He destroyed his own country, with people witnessing him doing it, and that just isn't a problem now anymore. And you have a freaking SPACE BOAT. That you can use to SAIL IN TO SPACE. And apparently whatever-his-name-is sill just cries to himself thinking "I wonder if I can become a Lord of my little shit town boo hoo".

tl:dr characters deal with problems by grossly sobbing and defeat their enemies by ridiculous luck and the Power of Boundless-To-The-Point-Of-Idiotic Optimism.

Edit: obviously much was said while I thought about and typed this. :P
Re: [LPW #64] OH MAI GODDO!! IMMA SO PUMP- never mind i just lost interest >.> *SI~GH* well w/e dis is me were talkin bout so ima just say 1 ting...LO

,mmmm why heavierr shii..??
Well, just look on the area, then will you it sure understand...:goodtea:~>
Have good rest, Samy...:goodtea:~>
Re: [LPW #64] OH MAI GODDO!! IMMA SO PUMP- never mind i just lost interest >.> *SI~GH* well w/e dis is me were talkin bout so ima just say 1 ting...LO

Oh goodnight sam :)
Re: [LPW #64] OH MAI GODDO!! IMMA SO PUMP- never mind i just lost interest >.> *SI~GH* well w/e dis is me were talkin bout so ima just say 1 ting...LO

Nighty Sammy :3
Re: [LPW #64] OH MAI GODDO!! IMMA SO PUMP- never mind i just lost interest >.> *SI~GH* well w/e dis is me were talkin bout so ima just say 1 ting...LO

『Uwaaa... I guess you didn't try to become part of the game's world at all, huh... I think Graces actually greatly showed how their relationships completely changed as they grew up in different places in different ways, as their view on the world changed with only main character the one still be the same. I didn't think Asbel was sucking up to Richard even a bit. Maybe that was how it felt with english va's but in japanese I could clearly feel as Asbel was just feeling a really strong feelings of friendship to Richard whom he thought didn't change at all just as Asbel didn't... And as the game was going on, Asbel was actually trying to change and mature as well. And its not a real world of scum humans where if you are betrayed once by a person you thought was your best friend you are going to shoot him in the face the next time you meet him. Whats so wrong for a single guy in the game world to believe in his vow of friendship?』

『Whats so ridiculous from those politics btw? And why would you even want realism from a game's world?』

『And why exactly would shuttle to space feel ridiculous? And actually its not like it was going to space, but just transporting them to the space station on the nearby moon. There was nothing ever said about this being a middle age with them only having swords and magic? And actually, you may not have noticed but Asbel's brother was using 2 gun-like thingies, you know? They have tanks, you know? You have a damn android in your party! Exactly what is wrong with space shuttle?!』

『Hmmm... I haven't played the Symphonia game, but even I can tell that it wasn't that bad... And yet again, I think you try to mix real life with game world once more... Can you just sit back, forget about reality and enjoy game's world?』
Re: [LPW #64] OH MAI GODDO!! IMMA SO PUMP- never mind i just lost interest >.> *SI~GH* well w/e dis is me were talkin bout so ima just say 1 ting...LO

Welcome back, and yeah, thanks again for the thing, King..:goodtea:~>
Re: [LPW #64] OH MAI GODDO!! IMMA SO PUMP- never mind i just lost interest >.> *SI~GH* well w/e dis is me were talkin bout so ima just say 1 ting...LO

Night Sammm.......
Re: [LPW #64] OH MAI GODDO!! IMMA SO PUMP- never mind i just lost interest >.> *SI~GH* well w/e dis is me were talkin bout so ima just say 1 ting...LO

So second, are you... galau?
Re: [LPW #64] OH MAI GODDO!! IMMA SO PUMP- never mind i just lost interest >.> *SI~GH* well w/e dis is me were talkin bout so ima just say 1 ting...LO

No problem Nanashi :3
Re: [LPW #64] OH MAI GODDO!! IMMA SO PUMP- never mind i just lost interest >.> *SI~GH* well w/e dis is me were talkin bout so ima just say 1 ting...LO

[MENTION=13039]MadSova[/MENTION]; Hmm too ornery to quote, so I'll just go through from the top.

Yes I very much want to 'become a part of' and enjoy the games world. That is the #1 reason I play games. The problem is that the world they presented me was too fake and broken. I can't get immersed if all I can see is unrealistic characters. You seem to vouch for that being some beautiful thing, and perhaps, if I really try to stretch my mind, I can now see how there is a possible chance for people to not think the characters in Graces were horrendous.

There isn't anything wrong with a guy believing in his vow of friendship. But you know. That friend tried to kill him. And then tried to kill him again. And then tried to kill an entire town. And then tried to kill the entire world. If you still think he is a swell guy, hey good on you. But perhaps consider this: despite making this pact of friendship, they barely knew each other. At all. They spent what? Less than a full day together as kids, if I recall correctly? Most people wouldn't barely even remember that years later. That does not properly parse in my brain as logical affections.

I don't remember specifics, so this will come across sounding rather weak, but I recall the way the countries relationships were built felt just like that: like they were built only as a plot device. Though really the biggest problem was that people could literally see Richard flying around on his bird-pony, and murdering people, but apparently nobody turns against his kingdom. Later he returns to the throne and I guess everyone is all "lol its k!" and he just resumes power... If we try to assume that the 'people' in this world and their politics are even slightly modeled after 'people' in our universe, this doesn't even remotely make sense.

Nothing is wrong with the space broat. The boy has a freaking space boat. He can literally fly into lower orbit, or get anywhere on the planet about a gazillion times faster than anyone else can. He still seems to think he is such a small fry, yet he saved the freaking planet, and can fly into space. He should be worried about becoming a good Lord of Space, not about his 5 house town. People should be wetting themselves to bask in his presence at this point, not him being some Joe Shmo. You can't actually do what they did without a good half the world noticing.

As I said, Symphonia was much better than Graces. Characters are still weak, as well as the plot though. Not sure what you mean by mixing reality with the game world. If you mean that I should forsake my humanity to immerse myself in a game, that is rather impossible. If you make a story that only makes sense if you are in a specific universe where people do things that are nonsensical, that is called bad story writing. That can't even be used as a hand-wave. That is unacceptable.

To clarify, saying "No this makes sense for them to do that because in my fantasy world people do things that don't make sense" is a horrible argument.
Re: [LPW #64] OH MAI GODDO!! IMMA SO PUMP- never mind i just lost interest >.> *SI~GH* well w/e dis is me were talkin bout so ima just say 1 ting...LO

Then am I glady, King...:runhappy:
Re: [LPW #64] OH MAI GODDO!! IMMA SO PUMP- never mind i just lost interest >.> *SI~GH* well w/e dis is me were talkin bout so ima just say 1 ting...LO

I banned someone today xD That was fun...he dared to spam in my Social Sec...
Re: [LPW #64] OH MAI GODDO!! IMMA SO PUMP- never mind i just lost interest >.> *SI~GH* well w/e dis is me were talkin bout so ima just say 1 ting...LO

The power is going to Top Gun's head! Oh noooooo :runaway:
Re: [LPW #64] OH MAI GODDO!! IMMA SO PUMP- never mind i just lost interest >.> *SI~GH* well w/e dis is me were talkin bout so ima just say 1 ting...LO

You having fun being a trial mod?
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