[LPW #64] OH MAI GODDO!! IMMA SO PUMP- never mind i just lost interest >.> *SI~GH* well w/e dis is me were talkin bout so ima just say 1 ting...LOLI'S

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Re: [LPW #64] OH MAI GODDO!! IMMA SO PUMP- never mind i just lost interest >.> *SI~GH* well w/e dis is me were talkin bout so ima just say 1 ting...LO

Oh, I think, that King's new power slowly to head rises...:goodtea:~>
Re: [LPW #64] OH MAI GODDO!! IMMA SO PUMP- never mind i just lost interest >.> *SI~GH* well w/e dis is me were talkin bout so ima just say 1 ting...LO

:hi: people just passing by :)
Re: [LPW #64] OH MAI GODDO!! IMMA SO PUMP- never mind i just lost interest >.> *SI~GH* well w/e dis is me were talkin bout so ima just say 1 ting...LO

『But exactly what was so unrealistic about them? If you call them unrealistic, you should call every single damn anime character unrealistic, you know? Name me all of each and every character's features that you deemed unrealistic.』

『Yet when you know that the guy was possessed by an evil spirit it completely changes the view on the situation, you know? And they KNEW that Richard was possessed...』

『I don't think lots of people have actually seen Richard himself. And all those who did died, so how the hell would they have been able to report it was him to start anything, huh? And I think that that indeed started the war against that Kingdom once Hubert and Asbel reported things to the country in sand... And I don't think that even a single Tales of game was based on even part of reality or real people or real politics...』

『Seriously, what does having a shuttle to fly around has to do with what character cares about... You sound really weird... And its not like having a single shuttle makes you invincible... It didn't even have any weapons or anything installed. Having a shuttle doesn't make you god Pyre. Even if you control a shuttle that can take you to space, you are still only a single little human that can be killed by 1 gunshot. And did you forget that people indeed deemed him a hero and Pascal's sis even sent an army of those flying things fighting to let them escape and reach the space station?』

『Unrealistic here, weak there... You know, do you actually have even a single character that you honestly liked instead of just covering with criticism and categorizing as one or another?』
Re: [LPW #64] OH MAI GODDO!! IMMA SO PUMP- never mind i just lost interest >.> *SI~GH* well w/e dis is me were talkin bout so ima just say 1 ting...LO

G'morning at you, Darky2...:goodtea:~>
Re: [LPW #64] OH MAI GODDO!! IMMA SO PUMP- never mind i just lost interest >.> *SI~GH* well w/e dis is me were talkin bout so ima just say 1 ting...LO

What's up on fresh morning at you so, Darky2...?:goodtea:~>
Re: [LPW #64] OH MAI GODDO!! IMMA SO PUMP- never mind i just lost interest >.> *SI~GH* well w/e dis is me were talkin bout so ima just say 1 ting...LO

nothing i had some thing to do before the 15 August comes :) so i am checking out some Airlines for tickets :D
Re: [LPW #64] OH MAI GODDO!! IMMA SO PUMP- never mind i just lost interest >.> *SI~GH* well w/e dis is me were talkin bout so ima just say 1 ting...LO

You having fun being a trial mod?

Fun-ish, I've to watch over Social Sec xD What's up Blue, nice to see you drop by.

Power, meh, he dared to Spam in King's Holy Ground, he meet the Banhammer. End of story.
Re: [LPW #64] OH MAI GODDO!! IMMA SO PUMP- never mind i just lost interest >.> *SI~GH* well w/e dis is me were talkin bout so ima just say 1 ting...LO

nothing i had some thing to do before the 15 August comes :) so i am checking out some Airlines for tickets :D
Ahh... I see, hope that it not too expensive will/become, not...?:goodtea:~>
Re: [LPW #64] OH MAI GODDO!! IMMA SO PUMP- never mind i just lost interest >.> *SI~GH* well w/e dis is me were talkin bout so ima just say 1 ting...LO

Ahh... I see, hope that it not too expensive will/become, not...?:goodtea:~>

i am not having these kind of problems :lol:
Re: [LPW #64] OH MAI GODDO!! IMMA SO PUMP- never mind i just lost interest >.> *SI~GH* well w/e dis is me were talkin bout so ima just say 1 ting...LO

[MENTION=13039]MadSova[/MENTION]; Just to get this out of the way, obviously you like the game, and obviously I didn't really like the game. I'm just saying some problems I noticed. They may or may not be problems for you, but to me lots of them were pretty severe.

To be honest, very good characters in anime are indeed pretty rare, but making a good or even decent character isn't that hard. I think perhaps one of the problems with making games that are so enormous is that by the end they have simple processes to go through to decide how a character should react when presented with a problem/new information. Half of the time they seem broken to me, like they are just fulfilling a role, not being a person. That takes me out of the game.

I suppose evil spirits do make a sway. But still. The dude seems to be pretty in-control lots of the time, and it still stands that as far as we see, they barely knew the guy.

As for people seeing him... The places he was flying into were often located on the outskirts of towns, and high-security areas. He did not kill all the people/farmers in these towns, not all of the security, only immediate threats. If you want to vouch for spirit possession, that actually is a course of action that makes more sense: an evil spirit shouldn't care about who sees its host.

Not a god? He just defeated a being capable of destroying a planet with his bare hands (well, he was holding some little metal sticks). I sound weird because I was being silly. Oh well. Just saying his inferiority complex is so huge it is ridiculous. Also I'm not sure how killing generally works in the game universe, but wouldn't the battles suggest that one bullet would not be lethal? I wonder about that sometimes myself.

Pascal's sister is an extreme minority. She is part of her secret cult in her secret civilization on their secret mountain in the secret alcove.

As for your last point. As fast as Tales of Graces is concerned, I don't think they had a single character that was a strong character, and that is why I couldn't play through F, I couldn't stand it anymore. Though after a while, deciding to put Malik in his swimming costume made some of the serious moments more enjoyable. XD

Edit: aw crum crap! I was sure I had typed less this time OTL my apologies.
Re: [LPW #64] OH MAI GODDO!! IMMA SO PUMP- never mind i just lost interest >.> *SI~GH* well w/e dis is me were talkin bout so ima just say 1 ting...LO

i am not having these kind of problems :lol:
Well, somehow have I nothing different about you thought, Darky2...:goodtea:~>
Re: [LPW #64] OH MAI GODDO!! IMMA SO PUMP- never mind i just lost interest >.> *SI~GH* well w/e dis is me were talkin bout so ima just say 1 ting...LO

xD Them wall of text in LPW xD
Re: [LPW #64] OH MAI GODDO!! IMMA SO PUMP- never mind i just lost interest >.> *SI~GH* well w/e dis is me were talkin bout so ima just say 1 ting...LO

xD Them wall of text in LPW xD

You know you love it :menft:

Good discussion is always enjoyable, especially when you have such clear different stances like madd and I. :)
Re: [LPW #64] OH MAI GODDO!! IMMA SO PUMP- never mind i just lost interest >.> *SI~GH* well w/e dis is me were talkin bout so ima just say 1 ting...LO

man i need coffee :(
Re: [LPW #64] OH MAI GODDO!! IMMA SO PUMP- never mind i just lost interest >.> *SI~GH* well w/e dis is me were talkin bout so ima just say 1 ting...LO

I would suggest you leave it in the actual discussion section but hey xD I aren't that strict :P
Re: [LPW #64] OH MAI GODDO!! IMMA SO PUMP- never mind i just lost interest >.> *SI~GH* well w/e dis is me were talkin bout so ima just say 1 ting...LO

Well this is the LPW, after all. :P
Re: [LPW #64] OH MAI GODDO!! IMMA SO PUMP- never mind i just lost interest >.> *SI~GH* well w/e dis is me were talkin bout so ima just say 1 ting...LO

man i need coffee :(
Hmm... Want you a originally European-coffee, I could do, but the export there would maybe slow be...:goodtea:~>
Re: [LPW #64] OH MAI GODDO!! IMMA SO PUMP- never mind i just lost interest >.> *SI~GH* well w/e dis is me were talkin bout so ima just say 1 ting...LO

I have Hausbrandt and an Espresso machine so i will make one ;)
Re: [LPW #64] OH MAI GODDO!! IMMA SO PUMP- never mind i just lost interest >.> *SI~GH* well w/e dis is me were talkin bout so ima just say 1 ting...LO

I wonder how much shipping on a coffee would cost. Might be cold when it arrived. :(
Re: [LPW #64] OH MAI GODDO!! IMMA SO PUMP- never mind i just lost interest >.> *SI~GH* well w/e dis is me were talkin bout so ima just say 1 ting...LO

『It was obvious that you didn't like it from the very start xD And I love every single Tales of game...』

『And yet again you claim that every single character is weak yet the only examples you give are about Asbel... And what exactly is your idea about strong and weak? What do you use to categorize characters? And I'm sure you know that english version isn't only about VAs but about every single line they say too? So reactions qould look completely different in 2 versions of the game...』

『Did you forget about the time when grown up Asbel, Sophie and Richard were traveling together (after escaping from assassins to get the army to fight the guy who tried to usurp the throne I think)... It may seem like a few hours for the player, but if you consider the distances and other stuff, it should have been quite a few days. And seriously, I think you already forgot how quick kids are to create strong bonds between each other so 1-2 days were enough for them to become close friends in childhood considering that Richard kinda opened his heart to Asbel and Sophie after they saved him...』

『I'm pretty sure they weren't secret at all and quite on the opposite famous? (might be wrong here though...)』

『Tried making it smaller xD』
Re: [LPW #64] OH MAI GODDO!! IMMA SO PUMP- never mind i just lost interest >.> *SI~GH* well w/e dis is me were talkin bout so ima just say 1 ting...LO

The scrolling!!! THE SCROLLING!!!! XD
Re: [LPW #64] OH MAI GODDO!! IMMA SO PUMP- never mind i just lost interest >.> *SI~GH* well w/e dis is me were talkin bout so ima just say 1 ting...LO

I have Hausbrandt and an Espresso machine so i will make one ;)
Hmm... Okay, Darky2...:goodtea:~> {You traitor...!!!)
I wonder how much shipping on a coffee would cost. Might be cold when it arrived. :(
Well, maybe expensive than on at your workplace sure have... And not sure...:goodtea:~>
Re: [LPW #64] OH MAI GODDO!! IMMA SO PUMP- never mind i just lost interest >.> *SI~GH* well w/e dis is me were talkin bout so ima just say 1 ting...LO

[MENTION=13039]MadSova[/MENTION]; I'm going to try making this smaller still! Until we are back to normal posts!

Well Asbel is the most important character. If you want I can clarify that Charia is not too bad for her trope (which I dislike, though), the purple haired one does a bad job of her trope, Malik is a shoe-in and fits his trope okay (I'm sure you know what tropes I'm speaking of: none of them are original at all, which isn't by itself a bad thing), your otouto is a moron. I have no words for Pascal other than I hope I never meet someone like her.

I am probably not a good example of a normal kid, but I made dozens of friends for one or two days. I don't even remember most of their names/faces by now. It seems you are quite the romanticist, which I am probably not.

I just want a good JRPG that isn't all about the blasted Power of Friendship. I am of the opinion that the Power of Friendship is a stupid plot point, made worse when I don't like you or your friends!
Re: [LPW #64] OH MAI GODDO!! IMMA SO PUMP- never mind i just lost interest >.> *SI~GH* well w/e dis is me were talkin bout so ima just say 1 ting...LO

Though that remind me, we used to do that back the time...sure bring back memories...
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