Re: [LPW #64] OH MAI GODDO!! IMMA SO PUMP- never mind i just lost interest >.> *SI~GH* well w/e dis is me were talkin bout so ima just say 1 ting...LO
『Still, I can't remember 2nd part clearly for some reason... Only that 2 girls were in dark room in big building and there was some man in that room on the bed... Afterwards they started punishing him in many many blood ways which I can't remember for some reason... And the most weird reason is I can't remember my role in that place... Were I one of the girls? Was I the man punished? Or maybe neither? I just remember that those 2 said they were punishing all evil afterwards...』
Re: [LPW #64] OH MAI GODDO!! IMMA SO PUMP- never mind i just lost interest >.> *SI~GH* well w/e dis is me were talkin bout so ima just say 1 ting...LO
You may/may not know what happened from the latest thought thread
My mind was filled with rage, bumness (?) (bummed), Exhaustion, helplessness
I need to take a break and so I sit back on a veeeery comfortable position and watch some anime with some snacks beside me
Man that was awesome