『Yo Ryuta... I think its a first time I heard of someone winning PS3 in a UFO catcher... Hell, how does that even work? xD And I can name you almost 100 of great games for PS3...』
『Well, I actually caught a few animals with that thing when I saw it was pretty much impossible not to, but still... How does that thing even pick the PS3 up?! xD』
I got it by UFO catcher.But if I'm not lucky,I can not got it.
I caught many lotteries.I think ,I'm very good at UFO catcher.I like it from when I was a child.
It is specific case.But I can get many lotteries in 1 game.Thus my probability of getting is more high than that of another person.
Basically,UFO cather is not the game that we "catch" the target.It is UFO "pusher".
And setting of UFO cathcer is very important.If in BAD game center,I can not get anything.
『Ryuta, KH1.5 has 1. more complete version of normal KH with better graphics, few more bosses and stuff like that, 2. KH RE:COM a game that tells what happens immediately after the KH and 3.All event cut-scenes of KH 358/2 days. So basically its like 3 games in 1!』