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If it would be Oblivion or las vegas i would say Oblivion if it would be skyrim or fallout 3 i would say fallout ^^
fair enough haha, i'll go with NV since its slightly less glitchy
yep XD, should be fun starting a new character XD

and sky why youuuu no join me???
Fallout 3 and Mirrors Edge where the first 2 games i bought with my xbox and those are still my favorites ^^
cya king catch ya tomorrow

love mirrors edge im looking forward to the second one!
I'll also called it a day... King I have some questions for u, and gonna contact u tommorow about those..

Good night luvs
there are two theory's why it hasn't been brought out that i have, 1) they want people to play the single player, and 2) they are ironing out as many bugs as possible, maybe both might not be either of them...
they've been planning to release the multiplayer on the 1st before the game even released
Yeah I don't think GTA V is online till October 1st, I have it for the PS3.
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