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/me poke's infa

dont worry...

and gonna try this game i just heard about called star project... looks... different but i will give anything a try...
i don't want your pokes of pity :raging:

but as i said, i got off of work at 5:30 so i'm pretty tired, bye :sleepmoon:
『I'm not really making a set... Saw a really pretty picture so I just automatically rendered it... Now thinking what to do with it... To make a set for myself or just leave it like that...』
Oh, sorry Kyoudai for the late reply, but I've just a new thread made...

I see then... Put in your stock/store, where then later as set-parts use can...:goodtea:~>
Hello Zad/Sky:hi:
...Heee...?!!!:surprised: :eathead: That is already a mental abuse from you, King... ...But, wait! Actually Pinky can the banhammer swing, not?:goodtea:~>
She's different, she have Checku-sama as her Onii-san :P So...that gives her a lot more hidden power ;) No one can bully Pinky-sama :3 (not that anyone will but hey, she's adorable!)
:eathead: Hmm... Then should I with her not invest, not? ...But I've my tricks...:goodtea:~>
Don't know, but I myself respect Pinky-sama a lot :3 If I know you do anything stupid, I'll chase you even if Checku-sama won't :3
Although on my profile it says Join Date September 25th, I just got 1 year registered achivement lol
Don't know, but I myself respect Pinky-sama a lot :3 If I know you do anything stupid, I'll chase you even if Checku-sama won't :3
Lol I'd never a girl (Pinky) attacking, and not because of the fact, that she the imouto of Checky is - I'm just a easy gentlemen...:goodtea:~>
O-kaeri Unown-kun:hi: - And welcome Monj:hi:

Notice: The 1 year achievement counts 12×30 days.
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