[LPW#70] UOOOO! Dame da! Zenzen dame da!

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Well, I can me remember, that I one time about 1L coffee drunk have in a period of half hour...>_>
/me cracks his neck from side to side and grins wickedly*
You'll regret those words :evillaugh:

your clearly overestimating your ability

you can't even hit me.

I am just a spectator.

your wasting your energy on trying to attack me <_<
What should I do.... Hmmmmm
Should I give you a quick death with a simple palm-heel to the vomer?
The sheer force and angle of the blow would cause the vomer to jettison into the frontal lobe... giving you a quick death (if you're lucky)
Or should I dress you in agony?
Slicing your carotids first, then going for the subclavian... and finally the aorta.
Sooo many choices... and I only get to pick one...
You seem to be forgetting I'm an unown..a special one at that!

/me disappears mysteriously..
And you seem to be forgetting your place!
So I will let you run for now... but remember, I will find you.
We're only play fighting ^.^..
Though I tend to get carried away sometimes with my Martial arts and somewhat medical background :XD:
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