[LPW#70] UOOOO! Dame da! Zenzen dame da!

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[MENTION=40801]infamous[/MENTION] ; do me a favor teleport me when ever you have time once backto my homeland

thanks :D
nope, my teleporter never teleports people where they want to go. if it did, then that'd be no fun :evillaugh:
even if it teleports you to where you don't wanna be?

That is only a minor setback. All you need it a hypnotist or something in front of the device to convince people they would love to go anywhere except for one location. Loopholes win ;)
nope, the teleporter is sentient, so it could tell

That extra rule should only make it easier? Or rather harder for the machine. It would have to try to have some kind of crazy conversation with you to figure it out before hand.
Watching now Sora no Minami nothing special just fun... Miii-Chaaann... all the money this fraze...
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