[LPW#74] "Herpes", "herpes me"!

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OMG. An avatar set that isn't all mammaries. *^*

The best I've seen from you so far. :goodtea:

[MENTION=10646]unownHGSS[/MENTION]; Oh yeah! Now that you're online, do you want your Eevee now?
[MENTION=27362]AhGwee[/MENTION] ; Sure, lemme get my DS. What do you want btw? :o
Vulpix? Clefairy? Growlith? D:

Otherwise, anything is fine, really.
Maa, konban wa minna-kun...:goodtea:~>

To American side: G'afternoon (Samy? TKos-kun and Anti) - And to Asian side : G'midnight (Ryuta)^^^!
man i have a terrible headache... :S and i have from 13:00 - 16:45 classes god save me :(
Wow, cool and cute.
Eevee? Yeah, I want he/she. I like Eevee. And what do you want in return?
I can give you 5 iv maxed Kangaskhan. Oh, it's not in return. Today is your birthday.
:eathead: Oh, that souds painful on, Darky2... Can you not the class skip?
[MENTION=10646]unownHGSS[/MENTION]; Thanks. >:3

I'll be getting a Larvitar with both Stealth Rock/Pursuit from a friend of mine so you don't need to give me one. c:
[MENTION=66271]ryuta[/MENTION]; The same Eevee as what Unown has: 5 maxed IVs, Bold, and Wish as well. I'll take the Kanghaskan for it. >:3

And regardless if it's my birthday or not, I don't want special privileges.
:eathead: I see... But is that a important lesson, that you the class not skip can?
:eathead: I see... But is that a important lesson, that you the class not skip can?

it's not that the matter, the matter is only 3 absents is prohibited for the laps the fourth absent i am doing the same year from the beginning!
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