[LPW#74] "Herpes", "herpes me"!

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well yes...

Hmm Aizawa Inori... seems like Microsoft is desperate on IE
『Damn, Kill la Kill is just awesome...』

『Yo lpw btw...』
『After listening to his voice again I got a strong desire to listen to Akutare(Axel)'s theme song yet again >_<』

『Yo Samye...』
Hellos shiki coins and shi~

Hmm.. that ie mascot.. xD Pretty sure 18 was intentional...

/me tosses a pokeball at coin's pokeball o.o
/me tosses a greatball at coins's pokeball~

Just that odd inori thingy they have for ie =w=
That mascot is a good idea but a little too late, nobody uses IE anymore
Well, what is at your watching-list still openly, Kyoudai?:goodtea:~>
Lol xD Hmm... yes ie already has a crappy rep... and they let it be as such for too long...
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