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『Yeah, I mean I already know how to use it by using my Madness hashtag whenever something fun happens xD』
Wow you might actually find a constructive way to use hashtags on a forum. GJ!
They are mostly for sites like Twitter/Tumb1r, where you can search/display posts by hashtags. People use them to organize things/communicate on the same topic.
Find out another one xD
Number of users lurking here: 23%

I guess you can use it for the status of the game.
Find out another one xD
Number of users lurking here: 23%

I guess you can use it for the status of the game.

What is your strategy for guessing these? Comparing with knowledge of known Vbulletin tools I guess?
I'm trying different tags names for example bar, statusbar,... until works
she could have been told.

but I you can figure it out yourself if you have been accustomed to the forum tool :p
Well most of tags you can see on vBulletin web page and then try use them until they work

~~ Mafia Game 8 Sign-Up status: 88%
『Btw Pyre, that Phi Brain PSP game isn't bad at all... Its quite fun that it actually lets you solve lots of puzzles yourself and not watch as they are solved in seconds in front of you before you even understand how they are solved xD』
『Btw Pyre, that Phi Brain PSP game isn't bad at all... Its quite fun that it actually lets you solve lots of puzzles yourself and not watch as they are solved in seconds in front of you before you even understand how they are solved xD』
Oh a puzzle game eh? That could be good fun. Did you buy it or emulate it?
『Downloaded it and playing on my psp?』

『There was this one puzzle that was similar to one in anime but I couldn't understand how it worked at all until I actually started trying to solve it myself』
You have a link? Puzzle game sounds like a decent way to practice Japanese without it being to hard (as long as they aren't word puzzles or something).
『There was this puzzle with kanji that I couldn't understand at all before using a hint that threw some of kanjis away... other than that, its pretty easy if you know basic japanese words... The link
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『Thanks for sending link to thread with wrong description and made in wrong section? xD』
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