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Yep Unown-kun, that anime is on my top watching-list^^!
Welcome back from the "battlefront" - I hope that with you all OK is...>_>
Oh, hey sam.

Saki is next season right? Might have to skip my queue I've been waiting forever for it.
Lol that have I already seen, and posted in the Anime-section - That is a promotion video, no in-anime video (In-anime videos are, where some finished scenes out of anime show)...>_>

man my heart is beating so fast for this, can't wait D:<
Upcoming season will be entertaining, will be watching many xD

But how I see, will out of my view less good animes give than in the currently season - Well yeah, e.g. Little busters! R. and Strike the blood will still in the next season (winter) stay.
How terribly exciting. Can't wait for the next season already.

I don't know how to play mahjong... :sowwy:
I've played a little but with hong kong rules not Riichi rules (otherwise known as japanese rules).

Cya unown.
Well, I wait also for Saki (because the actually 2nd. season since about a year delay...>_>), I'm voltaged already^^!
Bye, have a good dinner Unown-kun^^!
Here is latest winter 2014 Anime chart if you didn't see it yet


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