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So hardcore... I've never played a game that makes me want to stay up for so long
The other two were gaming related deaths? Stare at a screen too long and that probably does something or another to you...
You can find quite the number of reports related to gaming death in korea. "hardcore", as pichu said
First you must know that what is written is not always true but if it is I'm 100% sure that he must have drinking a lot of coffee or something similar. I'm saying this because I have experienced myself (You will not die if you not drinking something to keep you awake since it's impossible to stay awake so long). If you don't believe thats fine too but keep in mind is not possible too stay awake soo long without taking something.

I personally think that up to 4 days without sleep would be possible. I'm must say my record is 3 days and half without going to sleep (I'm not like coffee so i never drink anything like that ) and this happened to me only 2 times. It was actually very hard and this was exception because i have at that time very good motivation/will power which keeped me going because I just have to do those things until then otherwise i will regret it entire life you could say.
Even today is common for me not to go sleep for 2 days very rarely 3 days but never more than that.

Just curious, but are you purporting that your anecdotal evidence of your own experiences is indicative of the average person randomly selected from the human race? I was expecting some kind of research paper you knew of that disproved this and was looking forward to it. Now I am disappoint.

Just to clarify, it was an awfully long time ago that I got my information (I think I was in middle school), but I got it from reading an article in some science journal. It is, of course, estimated averages.
Even if you play whole day your eyes will be quite tired beside that you again all believe whats written there.
You MUST know what is written on internet is most likely Half true or false. Because this way will be more interesting and more people will read.

For example there is written playing games for 50 hours without a break. That's so big lie that he didn't go to wc or drink , eat...
Just curious, but are you purporting that your anecdotal evidence of your own experiences is indicative of the average person randomly selected from the human race? I was expecting some kind of research paper you knew of that disproved this and was looking forward to it. Now I am disappoint.

Just to clarify, it was an awfully long time ago that I got my information (I think I was in middle school), but I got it from reading an article in some science journal. It is, of course, estimated averages.

Actually i did have read papers when they have doing experiments otherwise i wouldn't go against just because of my experience. I will try find it and tell you

sorry double post
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Actually i did have read papers when they have doing experiments otherwise i wouldn't go against just because of my experience. I will try find it and tell you

sorry double post
Assuming research only improves over time (which should hopefully be valid), I very much look forward to your sources. :)
Good morning LPWs!

[MENTION=76366]chiru[/MENTION] ; you can have it...I don't want it...it's snowing here too...
Uwaaah, someday I hope I could see snow :goodtea:

Well, you've in your city sure a Super Market, right? - Then have you easly to meat/fish-bar/section go, and one in the big ice-rooms to go. Then know you, how itself snow feels...:goodtea:~>
Welcome Shin:hi:
[MENTION=55154]Shinseph[/MENTION]; isn't snow supposed to be beautiful? all white something like that? and we can make a snowman? :reallyconfused:
[MENTION=29193]nanashi1[/MENTION]; that's suicide Shi senpai, :freezing: and I don't think mu country have such big freezer we don't really have a big electricity here... :runaway:
Snowing here as well. Supposed to for the next few days. All it means is that everyone forgets how the hell to drive, so getting places takes way longer :runaway:
that's suicide Shi senpai, :freezing: and I don't think mu country have such big freezer we don't really have a big electricity here... :runaway:
Well, that was only a recommendation for freezing-experience... Anyway; dunno which part of Malaysian you live, but it must in your country a big MAL give - especially in the capital...:goodtea:~>
[MENTION=76366]chiru[/MENTION]; It's white and beautiful at first, then it's horrible, the morning rush has had 12 accidents so far...everyone forgets how to drive at the first sign on snow... Eventually it becomes a light gray because of all the crap in the air.
[MENTION=29193]nanashi1[/MENTION]; I'm not at Malaysia :runaway: I'm at Indonesia... See ya senpai...

[MENTION=55154]Shinseph[/MENTION]; :shocked: that sounds not pretty...
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