[LPW #79] I am not a rat.

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Yeah lots of the time I'm in the middle of things and suddenly need to leave.
Even if there's nothing sudden about my leaving I still leave things open. Don't even talk about things like skype...I've been signed in and available for 7 weeks now...
haha that too :)

I also do use pinned tabs, so because I never close my browsers, I by default have at least 10 tabs open.
Well, in my case have I 3 tabs open: This, Animefushigi and MyAnimeList - This is enough for me...>_>
I have 5 youtube channels open, 2 ASF tabs, my crunchyroll queue and myanimelist open...and they usually stay open...
Left monitor, Chrome: gmail, youtube, soundcloud as pinned tabs. ASF generally open as unpinned. MAL, university sites, or Facebook only when I'm using them.
Right monitor, FireFox: OGS, gmail, deviantart, tumblr, youtube, pixiv, RSS reader, and then any reading I'm doing, or maybe some searches/information.

This doesn't tend to change much.
I usually have Facebook, ASF, mIRC, Skype and uTorrent open. Any other tabs that are open are usually indicative of what I was doing the previous day.
Oh, crunchyroll have you open, then are you up-the-date with the upcoming animes, Shin...:goodtea:~>
I wish youtube would just remember what I have watched...pain in the arse...I have to highlight where I left off...

No, I'm very far behind on everything...
I have 150 -200 tabs open always and chrome uses too much RAM so i use firefox
:evillaugh:my sniper girl siggy is up :evillaugh:

Nice DA :thumbup:

My queue is open...the only thing I see on crunchyroll is a very long list of stuff I haven't watched yet...
I thought that i should get a little serious OK enough with boobs and girls time to go "Dark" :evillaugh:
My queue is open...the only thing I see on crunchyroll is a very long list of stuff I haven't watched yet...

Oh, I see... Well, indeed. The upcoming list is very long, but this is nice^^!

Notice: Very nice became D'angel!!!!
@Dark that character doesn't have a name as far as I know. It was just drawn by a very well known-artist (I'll try to pull him up). It is a very popular image.
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