puppy love heh? It's great, I had been through puppy love before. If I were be able to turn back the time, I'll be able to turn those puppy love into real one and I won't be rejected anymore.
I found 2-D later too, I decided not to fall for anyone again but right after that lots of girls started to go for me. I failed to hold against just one girl... she was so stubborn, and she did everything just for me, despite how hard I try to turn her down (I made her cry countless time), or play with her feeling in a very cruel way.
She tried her hard and pushed it to beyond her limit several time, that impact me in a way or two. A girl tried so hard for you... Well more important, she's cute (appearance wise), she cooks well, she made me lunch, and always want to make me happy no matter what the cost is.