[LPW #8] New members come here to chat!!

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You didnt like it? Oh well.

I just finished Inception (I hit up the Redbox tonight, can you tell?) and I loved it. It was as interesting as I hoped it would be.

After watching Shutter Island and Inception, Im beginning to think certain movies with him will have "DiCaprio endings"...
I haven't watched anything unrelated to anime in years... I got fed up with all the fake acting and scenes. Once I started thinking how it's all fake I lose interest. Ironic that what I love is also fake yet something I can enjoy blissfully...

I really wish I knew how to hack a poll on a blog right now... Damn this sucks... why did people have to spread false information and viruses on these sort of topics? ;_; Tch...
I got fed up with all the fake acting and scenes

I'm getting there and that DiCaprio dude doesn't know how to act either.

I also deleted my entire western music collection 3 years ago and start over, now it's 100% anime and eroge OST for me, and they are defintely much better.

Uwaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!! I want Cocona Dakimakura! Gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!!!!1!!!!
Herp derp dirt (referring to own connection).
Oh this is for you Coco

.................................................................. lolicons
l-lolicon? Me? No way... besides, he said for my eyes only. :P

@Check: oh~ that's nice. Do you know where she's from?
Natsu No Ame. But if you're thinking of doing something ecchi to her. You can stop it right there ^^

@Kou you too!
Boku wa rorikon ja nai. I am not tsun either..
Heh, me tsun? That is quite a surprise given that the VN group think of me as.......... uhh not mentioning it here >_>.
Heh, me tsun? That is quite a surprise given that the VN group think of me as.......... uhh not mentioning it here >_>.

Yandere? Dandere? Kuudere? Kamidere? Himedere?
Kamidere? Wut?

Guess as much as you can :P.
Kamidere - It's in the name. Acting as if she or he is god, but with a ~dere side hidden away. Kyouka Midarezaki from Kyouran Kazoku Nikki, Amber from Darker Than Black.

Kou so hidoi~. ;_;
@ Coco - I didn't show that trait/side here so ...... hah!

Hello drooling jinrei.
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