[LPW #8] New members come here to chat!!

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I just happened to be around when the LPW is coming to an end Corocoro? ;P

Plus I prefer to start longer conversation in early LPW, since it would make life a lot easier when people don't have to check what they say earlier in the conversation from the last couple of pages of the last LPW xD

Anyway, off to college, see you guys in a bit~
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Bye King~.

Now I just have to wait for the others to wake up...
Im back from work. Man, it was a long day today.

It feels nice finishing off anime series one after another.
No, I literally came back from work. Then I watched some anime and finished off a few series from last season. I finished Super Robot Wars The Inspector and the Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood OVAs (I completely forgot about those and had two left to watch. Good stuff.)
@AlexeonI see... have you though of what to put on your signature yet? :P

@Fallen: yeah. xD
Haha, I really cant think of anything. Sure, I can put an image on there but I suck at graphic stuff. Beyond that, I dont have any fancy quotes to put there. I think the two links to my anime and figure lists are good enough.
What about the picture I posted before? The twintail Gundam girl? ;_;
I should really start searching for images to change my avatar and signature unless I can find someone to make one for me lol.
I saved the image. I should probably do something like that, huh? Like I said, though, I suck at graphics stuff. Ill see if I can whip something up in paint using it tomorrow. Its sleep time for me now. Good night!
Bye Alexeon~.

@fallen: But you just changed it. :P
Ye, took some time to dig up my pictures and I used the siggy that I used as a gamer last time :S Don't want to double post lol.
@ Fallen, Eh what? Other players to play? Completely confused @.@ Never mind, I got what you meant now xD I got it working in the end ;P
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Hello lovetolove~.

I'm from Pastelia. My job is to go deliver the Cristal of Gaia to the third tower.
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