[LPW #8] New members come here to chat!!

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good evening .. or day... whatever...

hi to all those who are online...

. . .
Hello schizo~

Lots of new members posting in here today.
Hi schizo~

I don't feel like doing anything with this kind of weather... >_>
hello Cocona ~ AntiClimax

hope you're doing fine wherever you are . . .

. . .
Err... Aren't we supposed to talk something here?

Good luck with whatever you are doing minasan. :D
Well, maybe xD
But he might also be doing something. o.O

oh and, Saber is back xDD
*points at king's ava and sig*
Nothings beats Saber in my heart, so if there aren't much interesting pictures/anime I'm watching, then it will always return to Saber, plus Arturia is always in my profile picture, that's something I'll not change xD

I love your Avatar Check o.O Borderline Pure and Innocent xD
@lan, no i am not japanese. me=student

check changed ava? nice~

*sits in corner again*
You seem boring Terumi xD. Go play VN?:P

@ Anti - from 77.
Forget what was her name since there was like 10 routes in 77 and it was forgettable.
yeah it is from 77.

@Kou, not bored. but feeling down.
You're almost always feeling down it seems when you post Terumi. :P

@King & Anti: It's from Kona's sig.
77~ is a bliss, too bad it should have grand harem routes XD
whirlpool art is always similar
just look at magus, 77 and suzukaze. not that i hate it though~ :P the games are nice
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