[LPW #83] I can not beleaf I won.

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Stop killing pichu's parents! :objection: he'll never evolve into pikachu and then finally raichu at this rate...
Well, hello and g'evening ASF/LPW-people...:runhappy:°°°°°°...WUT?! The LPW is always still alive?:surprised:
Hey, this can't be...>_> - Hey Franky! Are you not maybe with the power equipped this LPW to close?:goodtea:~>
But I wouldn't close it, even if I had the power. =\

It seems I have to ragequit now, bye. Long live # 83!
I wonder if is finally over, everyone were waiting before.............
* Nanashi1 plans the self-destruction application of LPW to activate.. - and then, RUNS AWAY!!!:runaway:
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