[LPW #89] “We never really grow up. We only learn how to act in public.”

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One good way to fall asleep is to have six or seven hours of sex before bed.


Perhaps I should rephrase that. One good way to keel over dead is to have six or seven hours of sex before bed. :dead:

/me lassoes unown

No work today!

But 4 is a nice number! I like four
四 don't sound so similar to 死
Heck, lotsa words sound like si
Quite a few languages have four sounding similar to death so... ahh well =w= I dont really care either way though...~
4 is a nice number. I like it so I don't care.

Imagine if someone related your name to death! How cruel!
Someone named four? =w= Im fairly sure if it was then it would be assumed to be related... if youre chinese or something =w=
I see no sense in people giving their children weird names

Must be difficult having to live with that name for the rest of your life
I got the huge urge to just call myself dipshit everywhere whenever possible
But who knows the mods...
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