[LPW #89] “We never really grow up. We only learn how to act in public.”

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『Its actually pretty easy to change your name, you know? But I would rather get Thanatos, Izanami, or Osiris than a completely normal generic name~』

『Also, 4 in japanese can also be called shi which is death and which is short for Nanashi~』
『I haven't seen people with those names before so not really?』
osu is fun
Love 'em otogames even if I suck at them :X

Do people really walk around wearing those names? I mean where I am I don't see/hear of any but is it different in other countries?
It would've been fun for me had it been a normal rhythm game

I can make it so that someone has :3
Surprise surprise I can't handle games like Tap tap, guitar hero or Project Diva
Tap tap is shit
Diva is... kinda bad in my opinion
Guitar hero is the average rhythm game that I like to play when I'm bored

Btw pichu, you've finished with your a levels?
Lol you can use your mouse or keyboard or touchscreen or drawing tablet to play

I can't share my experiences in bootcamp if I have none, can I :bepraised:
There's talk about reducing it to one year which I'm all excited about
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