[LPW #90] Yayyy! It's Summer!!!

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haha terminator... well i can take a few hits at least, wouldn't say im the terminator though xD
『The fact that you are still alive after bullet to head is enough proof that you are terminator :/』
/me uses zad's body as a human shield

I wonder if anyone plays the last of us...:runhappy:
why am i the target of pain today T.T i come back after a few week's (month?) and i get attacked and used as a shield... what a cruel world!
『Its hard being murderer (even if accidental) and terminator, isn't it?』
not so hard being a murderer, didn't have a guilty conscience about it, but being attacked on the other hand is a bit of a pain >.<
『Wait, you would have guilty consciousness if you intentionally kill someone and not if you unintentionally kill them? o_O』
dunno, in the end the person's dead, can't change what happened if its done, just move on haha, and thanks for the cake!

hmm... anyone got a romance comedy they could suggest?

think i might make a new set as well... :goodtea:
zad do you speak like David Tennant :O

Romance Comedy? Sure, lots

Sakurasou no Pet na Kanojo
Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Comedy wa Machigatteiru

Two of my favs
:sigh: I'm tired of rendering pics already... I think I've spent over 15 hours on rendering pics for this set and I'm not finished yet >_>』
Yea those 2 are awesome. The romance is better than comedy in them though.
watched the first one and lost interest when he started aiming to get a job, the second one im looking up the now =D and i dont think i speak like david tennant
How can you lose interest in Sakurasou. It's one of my favourites D:

There's more I can suggest but I don't know how strict you are with the term "Romance-Comedy"

Also David Tennant as the Doctor is YES
if it's funny and has some romance in it, its romance comedy, i liked stuff like clannad and shuffle! if that helps
It's the other way around for me, if it's romance and has some comedy in it, it's romance-comedy.
ah, im more of a comedy person, hence why i put if its funny first, but i dont mind a serious romance every now and then
Romance + Comedy = Romance-Comedy

If there is a significant amount of Romance and a significant amount of Comedy it's Romance-Comedy.
Significance being determined by yours truly.
I like pure comedy more than anything else. And gore.
Black comedy is the best.
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