[LPW #90] Yayyy! It's Summer!!!

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haha ive seen it too mad :goodtea: was really good series though pity it ended
Death to anyone who says the title of yet another anime I like. :shockmenft:
hey pichu you watched... um scarlet aria? main character turns badass when he gets turned on or something like that haha
/me locks a random person in a small dark space hoping for them to develop claustrophobia...
i agree loved the sniper xD much preferred to the actual heroine haha
『Hidan no Ariya was too changed from LN and I didn't like anime :/ My imagination made scenes much cooler too...』
sova's turned masochist...

and pichu, in a lot of anime's i prefer side character's to the actual heroine haha
Mad is M *gasp*

@zad Depends on the character really. I can't and won't generalize

OMG yes -> Say NO no Louise
hmm, yeah in zero no tsukaima i preferred the maid, in shuffle i preferred asa, who later turned into the heroine which made me happy :runhappy: and so on, but some of the times they make the main good enough

edit: ehhhhh?! we meet for the first time in ages and thats what you do?! do i have a target on my back or is it be mean to zad day or something??
Henrietta best :shockmenft:

Mad, DA just posted an image which I have mixed feelings about. :/
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