[LPW #95] To what purpose, April, do you return again?

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Hi again all~

Omfg, Fairy Tail <3 That OP/ED. A very solid starting episode, waiting week after week is going to be hell again..
Hmmm kinda lost interest in Fairy Tail after watching so many other nice anime
Can't wait for the full version of the opening song :runhappy:

I'll never lose interest in Fairy tail I think..
Of all the anime from the new season that I've watched, Bokura wa Minna Kawaisou is at the top of my list. The others (including Fairy Tail) is still rather meh for me
I've been waiting most for Fairy Tail to be honest. I've seen Bokura wa minna Kawaisou as well, looks good ^^ Sorta reminds of Sakurasou in way. Oh and let's no forget about HanaKana <3

There are a few others I'll be watching/give a shot. I usually drop stuff after 3/4 episodes so..who knows~
/me wakes up...
『Yo LPW...』

『I liked Akuma no Riddle 1st ep a lot, looks very promising ^_^』
Since I'm bored and I deny the existence of my homework I'll do some reading. :bye:
Yay i beat the boss battle that game wise im supposed to lose :runhappy: After spending an hour trying to get something i wasnt supposed to get yet and failing in the end =w= I guess ill be getting it the normal way... =w=
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