Mafia Game 2- Sign Ups/Discussion/Feed Back

Thanks Jimmy. And with that, our own Mafia Olympics are underway!

I am sorry if you didnt receive your role today
My cousin will soon take his laptop
but i will finish sending them ASAP

dont understand your role or a certain perk?? PM me
Weeeeeee its starting~ I hope to be around enough but school is starting soon~ At least its not just a vacation where im gone for most of the day~

@ Ojou sama~ Gahh... oh the confusion >.< since its mirror world... should i do as your words say or not... D: But well... those frogs dont seem like theyre there to keep me safe either :runaway: Up the purple road i go... or return~
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Purple poison...

/me just casually watches

Mafia Game = /me will die again
Hmm will we get to know our teams?...

Nuu dont die ojou sama D: Though theres someone who might just go and do that... T_T

Purple poison :o Ehh wait where?... :scared:

Btw hellos ojou sama~
Not sure about the teams, but I received my PM from Para already.

I have a good and bad feeling about this. xD

There are high chances of me being lynched based on that so-called 'popularity'.

Pretend the purple poison is blackberry pie or blueberry pie. Eat it!

Always good to see you, Sam. ^^

Just wished Ralium didn't mention me so much. Haha~
@ elysium~ He isnt done sending yet~

@ Ojou sama~ Hmm would your popularity allow you to stop them? xD Though that might have mixed effects...

But its just poisonous purple mush covering the road D: Ehh? Im sinking :runaway: Nuuuuuuu... oh its only a few inches deep~ And its yellow underneath :shocked:

Hmm mentions :/ You cleared out the mentions?
@ Nero

Glad to see you as well, Nero~

It didn't seem too long ago when he sent it though. Hmm.

@ Sam

Maa... it could be used to my advantage if I play my cards right. ;3

You shall suffer~ :evillaugh:

Some mentions are recent, but most are 1-2 months old.

Ralium keeps mentioning me the most. =_=
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Hmm but you didnt really play any cards during the last round... then your position was revealed to the mafia and that meant a death no matter what...

Im not liking this mirror world very much :scared: Dont wanna try the poison either D:

Well ralium really wants/likes your attention... or maybe not just you but mostly...
I'm talking about playing my cards for this mafia game.

The last game had too much real life stuff going on for me. Besides, I joined half-heartedly.

Maybe just try to escape on that horse far away? He's by the mulberry bush.

Plenty of others do mention me. Eh... let Ralium do as he pleases for now. It's not like this hasn't happened before to me irl.
People want renano's attention? Guh! They're trying to replace me to do ero with her.
aha i may have been replaced already XD

/me watches those two play
Hello again Ralium~

Haha, don't fret about the ero, Nero~

They do want attention or just a quick hello. Ero is just a possibility, but you're my number one for that~ <3
Umu. I will wait for the day when someone else becomes number one, since I will not be here much longer. Only until the Mafia game ends, at least.
@ Ojou sama~ So you will go all out for this game and just destroy everyone? :scared:

A horse :surprised: Gahh so sticky and so many frogs :runaway: Get over here horseeeeeee...

Side effects of popularity... :/

@ rali~ Im everywhere and nowhere at once~ ;p
I'm okay, Ralium.

I'll stay for a bit longer.

Hope your cousins aren't biting you again. Haha~

@ Sam

I'll just do my best and play with a better mind instead of going half-heartedly. That's all.

Man-eating horses, Sam.

I always find it funny that kids want to be popular.
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Well then good luck in this round xD

But.... D: It seemed innocent... i wonder if i can tame it.... sighs... the stuff that ojou sama tosses at me :runaway:

Hmm popular... yes... it doesnt really add up to anything after middle school :/ There is no real popularity in high school... everyone just doesnt care anymore... I never had a chance to want to be popular but i suppose i knew quite a few people.... and were around some who could be called "popular"...
Same to you. Best of luck~ ^^

Just random ideas I keep tossing at you. You can tame them with the poisonous frogs. They eat those as well.

I remember that popularity was gained based on how smart you were and your personality = middle school

Being active in sports, being top in class, and personality = high school

Being active in almost any activity, sharing ideas, and doing well with a nice personality = college/university
lol i haven't seen him in months =_= but if i see him i'll go broke i'll buy lots of sweets for the kid

lol popularity hmm middle

high school.....again football XD

if you are pro in football you become the most popular student and in fighting XD
Never was popular in middle school. Maybe a little because the most popular female in the school asked me out on a date, who I later rejected.

High school was the same, except I was a little popular because of my looks and height.

College is self-explanatory.
@ Ralium

You'll go broke buying sweets. xD

I guess that is what makes you lovable in your cousin's eyes.

@ Nero

You are good-looking. ^^

Sometimes it's better to just go to school. There's no course in popularity. Lol.

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