1) Original Shiki – can vote for lynch at day and drink blood, convert civilians to Shiki, or attack at night. Can either choose to drink blood from civilian to get Power, or use it to convert civilians to Shiki with Normal Conversion or Special Conversion. Normal creates Normal Shiki (or Special if target has potential) Special creates Special Shiki (potential doesn't matter). Normal conversion takes 1 night phase. Special conversion takes 1 night and 1 day phase. (If Special is chosen, Original can't vote on the following day phase unless uses Power) Can also kill opposing team's Shiki by using Power. Can only be killed by lynching, Shiki Doctor's examination or Special Shiki's Power Attack (cannot be killed by Normal attack no matter what), but all three ways can be blocked if has Power.
2) Normal Shiki – cannot vote at day, but can hunt for people at night and drink their blood or convert them to normal Shiki or Special Shiki if the target has potential. Can be killed by lynching, doctor's examination or civilian Special Shiki. Cannot be killed by civilian Special Shiki's Normal Attack or lynching too if uses Power.
3) Special Shiki – can vote at day. When player is converted to Special Shiki he can chose his side. If civilian side is chosen, Special can hunt and kill Shiki's at night, if civilian is a prey, simply drinks blood. If mafia side is chosen, can perform Special and Normal conversion of civs or hunt for opposite team's Special Shiki. When hunting can attack with Normal Attack and kill Normal Shikis, when attacking with Power Attack can kill Special Shikis and Original Shiki if those don't have it. Rules of death are the same as Original but can be killed by normal Doctor.
4) Doctor – can vote at day and at night take up to 2 players to his clinic for protection or 1 for examination. Invited for protection civilian will be protected from Shikis at night phase, if invited for protection is a Shiki then Shiki can choose to convert Doctor or other civilian taken to Docter to Shiki. When doctor invites player for examination he finds out whether the player is a Shiki. If it is a Shiki he can choose to either kill it, let it go, or feed it with blood to recharge Power. If civilian taken for examination, doctor can see if he has potential. If doctor chooses to invite you to his clinic for either of reasons you will get a PM invitation which you can refuse. Immune to Normal and Special Shiki normal attacks, can be killed by lynching. When doctor becomes a Shiki he can also choose his side still vote at day, but can now invite a civilian and convert him to Shiki.
Edit. Doctor can also spend the night to find out the class of someone they lynched.
5) Normal civilian – can vote at day phase. Converted to Normal Shiki by Normal Conversion and to Special Shiki by Special. Can be killed by lynching. If Shiki drinks your blood, you can't cote on the day phase.
6) Civilian with Potential – can vote at day phase. Will be converted to Special Shiki no matter what conversion is used. Can be killed by lynching.
7) Priest – neutral civilian. At day phase can either vote to lynch someone or protect one person from lynching by taking him in church. If protects, both Priest and that person can't vote, if person already voted his vote is nullified. If someone already voted for protected person, his vote is returned without spending changes. At night, a single Shiki can take shelter at priest's house and drink his blood to get Power. If that happens, priest cannot shelter or vote for someone at day phase.
8) May add more classes later…