Mafia Game 5: Highschool of the Dead... Class is in session

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Selvaria Bles is something like the demolition man or something like that?
dude you're in the school too, you can't just destroy a boat whom's existence wasn't even verified!!
[MENTION=28026]Selvaria Bles[/MENTION]; What are you, the antithesis of Bob the Builder?!?
The first Floor


Floor two will be unlocked tomorrow...
First time doing this it takes time :P
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/me wakes up
『Stop the panic damn it! Do you even realize a situation we are in?! Look outside the damn windows! Zombies! And they are coming for us! But aren't you forgetting something? We are the ASF class. Even in this special highschool we are the top. Whether its a zombie outbreak, world war, end of the world, or another shit, we will survive! But, for that we have to work together. Just leave everything to your good Class Rep ;p』

『First, we will break in 4 teams. 3 teams of 4 people, and 1 team of 3. I wanted to wait for a bit and ask everyone who they want to team up with, but looks like we don't have time for that. So, here is the first team:』

Team 1. Code name: Black and White​
1. MadSova - group leader
2. [MENTION=28026]Selvaria[/MENTION]
3. [MENTION=29827]ogikumo[/MENTION]
4. [MENTION=28672]musangbeku[/MENTION]

Team 2. Code name: Red Petal​
1. [MENTION=41294]Fear211[/MENTION] - group leader
2. [MENTION=40801]infamous[/MENTION]
3. [MENTION=38786]Hinode[/MENTION]
4. [MENTION=46616]InorixShu[/MENTION]

Team 3. Code name: Geijitsu (art)​
1. [MENTION=8332]Samye[/MENTION] - group leader
2. [MENTION=37707]FinalPyre[/MENTION]
3. [MENTION=44312]Dark Angel[/MENTION]
4. [MENTION=29193]nanashi1[/MENTION]

Team 4. Code name: Yellow Trio​
1. [MENTION=41434]Nazaka[/MENTION] -group leader
2. [MENTION=41391]♥ Sky[/MENTION]
3. [MENTION=10115]kactaplb[/MENTION]

『And that's it for team list. Give me some time to decide on who to send.』

『Infamous, Hinode, you shouldn't go to vents yet, as we don't have any screwdrivers and loli just aren't that strong enough to open the vent's lid by force, so you just might stumble on the dead-end and lose your energy for nothing...』

『Sin, I guess we are in class A?』
why aren't there any doors to the cafeteria or janitors closet [MENTION=41987]Sintarow[/MENTION] ;
Lmao the code names are a bit much Sova :P

the first day is getting supplies.
The game will really start on day two.
So use this time well.

why aren't there any doors to the cafeteria or janitors closet [MENTION=41987]Sintarow[/MENTION] ;
(I forgot them okay, that first time ever doing that) :P
Lmao the code names are a bit much Sova :P

the first day is getting supplies.
The game will really start on day two.
So use this time well.

(I forgot them okay, that first time ever doing that) :P

we can't get food if there's no doors to the cafeteria..... how many doors are for the cafeteria? and is there a door to get to that back room from the inside? the gym?
『Sin, how many places can we check during a single search?』

『You don't like my code names..?』
For the location I will allow 4 places.
When two people are sent offsite they can only explore one place.

Keep in mind some people might find different things!
Go to the gym for ALL THE BALLS!

Also I think you might be more thinking of Bijutsu (fine art) [MENTION=13039]MadSova[/MENTION];
Well in the Gym you might actually find something there to use it as a weapon ;)
『Nope, I meant for it to be like that ;p』

『Like balls or balls or balls?』

『Sin, what do you mean offsite? Outside the building like to gym or Grounds Keeper Shed?』
depending on how many doors there are, i was thinkin saying in the cafeteria, to keep the food refrigerated so it'll last longer.

i think we all need to go to the Winchester!!
(i hope somebody gets the reference)
All the weapons we need are balls. We will challenge the zombies to dodge-ball, and trounce them with our superior reflexes of our fully-functional nervous system. They will be so embarrassed they could die. For good.
Well zombies can't see but they just hear (like the anime) so we can attack them from distance with the balls

But balls can't kill them and there are limited...
『Don't you think playing baseball with their head will be much more effective? There is no guarantee the ball will bounce back to you...』

Offsite would be outside of the building, or trying to head into town for supplies. (or a new base of action)
So yes to the shed
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