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Hmm waiting for someones is always troublesome cause the game wont move on like This :sigh:~~~
cant sleep.... maybe killing samye might make me feel sleepy :reallyconfused:

and sorry that 2 people are slow at sending message back and that i have a studies which i cant afford to fail....
No worries, I understand the situation
I just thought that there will be no problem at all once the game started
no thats why i rushed at the start with the fazes because i knew when i get the assessment they would be huge, good news there is only 3 written ones and the rest are field work. but the each assessment has 4-5 tasks and each one has to be a page long. then there is the botany part and thats 100 pages of 100 different types of plants and there shape of leaves and flowers to which season is grows in and the hieght and so forth
/me smacks his head
I wonder if I have to do something similar to that if I'm joining animal biology...
.... i think it would be easier but if they have latin names too then your screwed..... at least its not as bad as marine fish names
At least they have the same genus name...
Though animals are easier to memorize because of it's VERY distinct feature
You can't identify plants in a single glance
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