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yeah.... i although plants are hard to tell i still like the field work of it

theory though i hate a lot
I somehow like things related to animals
biology, chemistry, psychology, etc

I don't quite "hate" plants theory
just dislike since I can't understand it easily
plant theory isnt hard just some are annoying because some are so simlar you can only tell what they are by the flower and sometime the shape, which can be hard if you jst planted them as seedlings and they just come up. the theory itself is hard but easy to understand once explain
I've only went as far as flowering and non-flowering plants XD

can't say anything more about plants
I can say good luck in your studies and assignments
Hmm.......sam.......u do my overall post in a week......
It feels kinda........—.—
Well not now but still......
Reaching 5000 will be already a challenge for me >.<
Lol well youre managing to be quite active even with a phone? x3 Randomly posting goes by quite fast here~
But 100k?
U post more than 1k a week~ maybe not always but thats what it looks like~
And then I think~~ reaching the top with the post is impossible:sigh:
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