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Yep long sleeps is one of the most important things in my life~
I feel bad if I dont sleep long enough~~~
Hmm.. how long do you usually go for? xD I have around... 8-9 hrs... maybe more depending~
I agree with inorix sleep is one of the important things i like to do most in life
『Remember Fear, if people don't reply for more than a day, do their action for them with rolls and coins or each phase will last a week or even 2+ (when 10 people will go out)...』

『Ohayo everyone... Seems like I sleep more than Samye... From 4:30am till 3:00pm...』
『Still... Strange dream... I wonder who those random people I've seen are... In the dream I knew them all but once I wake up I can't even properly remember their faces or voices... And those strange youkai/monsters/whatever they were...』
『Remember Fear, if people don't reply for more than a day, do their action for them with rolls and coins or each phase will last a week or even 2+ (when 10 people will go out)...』

『Ohayo everyone... Seems like I sleep more than Samye... From 4:30am till 3:00pm...』

its a commen player, but lets say some unexpected things happen but if this takes to long ill continue the game

『Yeah, especially that weird puzzle in that weird castle where a spirit of a guy asked me and 3 other people that were with me to solve it since it killed him. But in the end, the first attempt (failure) almost blew off my hand, and 2nd attempt (also failure) almost blew off all of us and attracted like all bosses of the castle at us and made us escape into a weird whirlpool...』
『Usually immediately once I wake up I try to process what I've seen in my dream one more time so I better remember it...』

『Still, for some reason I think that one of people with me at the time was Samye...』
I can remember bits and pieces of it after I just woke up, but I usually am too lazy to do it XD
『Still, I wonder why I think it is Samye probably just because after a 2nd failure (where we were almost blown off) that he attempted, he still didn't give up and tried to go at the puzzle again until bosses started appearing...』
I usually sleep 11 - 6

I can't remember recent dreams, though I remember some dreams from the far past
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