Mirai Nikki

Ok so I'm not sure if I mentioned this before, but I hate Yuki so much I wanna punch him in the face until his eyes come out of back of his head. ...At least then, he'd be able to see behind more to not be stabbed there every 5 minutes. Srsly. When the hell is this little piece of crap going to realize that nobody's going to approach a sad hikikomori like him because they wanna be friends with him? And after the 9001st time of being in the verge of death for ignoring Yuno's warning, he STILL doesn't get that Yuno is the only one who's genuinely trying to drag his ass out of the shithole. Sigh.

Also, did anyone keep count of how many times Yuki fell on his ass this episode? I lost it.


Can blind a man's thought process for sure!

Anyways, it seemed like they went through a lot of the story in this episode, faster then usual at least. A lot of twists to be done now that the "gang" is together though so shaping up nicely.
They've done a great job of showing that every time Yuno suggests something that sounds morally reprehensible, it turns out to be the correct course of action. Not that it absolves her of the questionable and occasionally downright evil things she demands Yuki do, it just means that Yuki is consistently punished for trying to do the right thing.

I'm glad they at least tried to have it make sense that the Rei incident could happen without the entire world wondering what's going on with these two high school kids who leave bombed out buildings and mass graves in their wake. After all, this time it happened in their own house. Fourth apparently has the pull to shush what he can, and spin what he can't.

This was another episode that worked fantastically, as long as you don't think too hard about the contrivances, and the scenes that no longer make sense after the reveal. The dogs showing up was great scene, and as soon as Hinata returned at the end, I got that Keyser Söze flashback moment of Mao saying "you're not going to be anything more than friends with Hinata.. I can't tell you why."
Stage 9 Ended

Yukki got:

1 yandere girlfriend
1 gayfriend
2 female friends
1 male friend

Yukki lost
- All freedom in his live (especially about love)

Isn't that great, Yukki?

Mirai Nikki had its appeal from near the very start, but at last it's finally starting to get interesting.

My favorite part of this episode was certainly Yukiteru's little white lie, but my new favorite character has to be Aru-kun, hands down (and that he's voiced by Akira Ishida couldn't have been a more splendid choice). That he doesn't have a diary to work with and yet still represents such a changing force in the Survival Game will make his character very interesting to watch.

Much in the same way as Kaworu from Evangelion, you get the impression that he can manipulate everything around him like a puppet on strings; yet even his own death doesn't seem to matter much to him in the grand scheme of things. Even that is a part of his intent.

I loled when he said that his feelings for Yukiteru go beyond friendship and Yuno was like "WUT!?" XD


Don't look at the wrong hand XD
Oh my, Fourth betraying Yuki and Yuno, how unexpected~/sarcasm

I wonder if Akise is connected to Deus somehow. He has this "aura" that says he's got something big under his sleeve, and that shot of Akise in ED makes me wonder even more although it might or might not be relative.

Also, that organ music in the wedding chapel sounded more like a march theme of death, which I thought was a nice touch for this type of anime. By all means I hate Yuki, but I do kind of understand his reluctance to just accept Yuno as his lover. Girl's creepy.
The 3rds stuff is an example of where Esuno was going further than just theme-naming the characters after Roman deities. He seems to have started with theme-naming, and then filled in some of the character attributes in ways that loosely draw on their namesakes.

For Yukiteru this is why his character is a dart-thrower: he's named after Jupiter, who's analogous to Zeus, who amongst other things was known for throwing lightning bolts like javelins, which Esuno translated into dart-throwing.

The 3rd is named after Vulcan, analogous to the Greek Hephaestus, whose main attributes are being a ugly/disfigured, lame/crippled, and a master engineer/craftsman. Esuno seems to have translated those attributes as "ugly => wears a mask and disguise", "lame => really very stupid", and the "engineer => heavy-duty body armor".

There's plenty more of this kind of thing in Mirai Nikki, and it's part of why I like it so much: on the one hand it's a very fun, very trashy, very pulpy bit of adventure; on the other hand it has lots of eater eggs hidden away if you enjoy finding that kind of thing.

FWIW it seems like Esuno started backing away from the Roman-deity stuff as the story kept going (aside from the theme-naming). The earlier arcs have much, much more of it than the later arcs.

In any case, about Yuno digging that hole: I'm pretty sure right around here is where Esuno changed his mind about how ambitious a story he was going to try and tell. Once it isn't a spoiler I'll explain what I mean.
The one thing I don't agree with from the official list is that the official list tries to pair up the 6th with Apollo. I mean, if that's official that's official, but she's seemingly *very much* designed as a reference to Proserpina (Greek: Persephone), and I'm left scratching my head over the "Apollo" claim.

I feel like the anime did a good-but-not-great job adapting the material. In particular, the 4th's explanations of his motivations make more sense than I remember from the manga. I'm not sure if it's b/c hte dialog is edited or it's just having some inflection, but I actually get it this time around (he needs allies that might actually win; 1st and 2nd are no good b/c they aren't serious about winning...).

I strongly disagree with one of the directorial decisions this time: this episode we see Yuno go into a visually-distinct "crazy mode", and imho this is a bad move. I'd prefer she be harder to read, and I really hope the show doesn't stick with this "crazy mode" thing for much longer.

It's also the first episode for which I'd prefer they cut the omake. The reason is b/c the show's mood is like "serious, serious, goofy-ladder-scene, serious", and the goofy scene feels too rushed. Given a few more minutes it could've transitioned into and out of the goofiness more smoothly. So overall verdict: not the best episode of the series, but still a solid adaption of the source material.
To me, its pretty much reached the point where the manga began to seriously spin out off control.

Its the usual good -> bad for me, even after reading the manga, I didnt like this title. :(
You just need to like Yuno jajajaja or is she just too high level for you :P.
She's a model for all yan-s, although admittedly, she is high level, and dont really like her.

Didnt like this story in the first place when i read it 2 years ago. Kinda messed-up
Lol, I like messed up characters/stories. I guess this is the main reason I love Nitro+.
And I just realised a nitro+ staff was one of the guys behind Blazblue too..
Should get a read or play at your arcades!

Well, back to topic, story wasnt strong, 12 killers going for each other's life to only dead in the episodes they debut is kinda bad for me. And the whole revolving around a pathetic guy who just cant 'love' his crazy girlfriend. D:
This is a shounen manga after all. We are all in this for yuno (as a yuno worshiper). Yuno LOVES him!
A great improvement from the last episode. Yuno no longer has the eyes that switch on and off. 4th is finally gone and brings an end to the first half of the series.

And the music! Holy, this episode brings us some really good pieces. Like the piano one that plays during the most dramatic scenes of the episode.

The final scene... Yuno, what's in your bag? I see what you did there.

The Muru Muru short was funny. 4th adding so many sugar cubes into his coffee. Won't he die of diabetes? Oh, that reminds me...
Nice extra content and changes, but as pointed already the animation suffered for one more episode. Anyway, next week is my 2nd favourite arc's time, since today they just filled in some manga holes

Yuno on a throne. I be her slave and let her dominate me every day.

But most importantly, the greatest mystery in this episode is...
Akise's magical jacket!

One moment, he isn't wearing it.
The next moment, he is!
And then it disappears again!
And then reappears!

Just what in holy Deus is going on?!
Tune in next week, on "Animators, take a nap", to find out!
I won't even bother to go into the superhuman abilities of the characters in this anime this time...

But anyways, I think it went pretty smoothly this episode. Though Yukiteru's "Shiruka!" lacked power, very lacking, despite the whole heavy atmosphere.
Kind of the same lacking that occured when Tsubaki showed her scroll to the three.

As always, the side-characters have so much better voice actors.

The guy standing on his car... He was standing one moment and sitting the next.
In other words, he doesn't like to stand on cars, but just wanted to be cool towards Yukiteru's group?
I thought his hair color was supposed to be lighter though...

And Kousaka took an arrow on the knee.
I definitely like the new OP lot more than the old one, although it may be just because it's Faylan. Too bad I can't say the same for ED since they merely switched the singers, but even without that fact I loved Blood Teller so it's kinda sad to see it go.

Anywho, I have to wonder when Yuki is going to man up or if he's ever going to in his life time. Not only does he free Yuno and once again depends on her because he can't handle anything by himself, he learns that Hinata and Mao are going to get injured on his diary beforehand and doesn't take any actions to prevent that. No way to treat friends who risk their lives to help you...I was cheering when 7th threw Yuki off the balcony.

Also, what exactly knocked Yuno out? I thought she got stabbed in the forehead lol.

At this point the only character with much mystery is Akise. There's obviously more to him than meets the eye. I still think he's somehow related to Deus but it's one of the things keeping me interested in this show.
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I love how twisted this anime is. Reminds me of death note. we need more real anime like this one and not the constant droll of romantic Ecchi anime that go no where.
Well this episode is sort of a slap in the face to the last one, considering that Yuno is back one episode later and is running Yuki's life. However, to his credit, Yuki was forced into making that decision. And thankfully, the show felt like Yuno forced him into the decision rather than the writers. And again, to his credit, he would have been killed if he went in. Should have taken his darts with him.

Ai and Marco remind me of Ray and Charles, only not as awesome. However, they're still awesome enough and I have a soft spot towards couples who really love each other.
I swear Yuno has the best set of Yandere expressions I've seen in a while. All her stalking around Yuki gives me the creeps, and the way she just carries a knife around adds more spice. I wonder why she didn't just kill Yuki's dad the moment she found out what he was planning, instead of trying to kill him when Yuki is around. I could never tell if she has something planned or if these things are unintentional, but I like.

One thing I find a bit less convincing is the fact that the police is getting comfy around Ninth who blew up a bunch of kids. But she seems to me like the only diary owner who is just as she appears rather than have front and back like the most other owners. I think she's going to be one of the last ones standing at the end of day thanks to her character.

This week ends in sort of cliffhanger. Will Yuki pick his good-for-nothing dad or Yuno who has been saving (sometimes draining) his life for who knows how long? Good question.
Ugh, we're already up to the dad..

I kind of don't want to watch the next episode or two, I liked...

Erhm, yeah, nevermind, lol.....

I didn't like the new OP as much as the 1st one, but I liked the new ED a lot more then I did the 1st one so I guess it evens out kind of, lol?
The first Ending was better imo.

How many eps. will this have? 26? I'm not sure if they can fit the whole story.
Yuki's dad is such a scumbag. I'll give him the benefit of the doubt since he doesn't know that breaking Yuki's phone will kill him, or well, erase him from existence. Still, he felt quite a scummy character, wanting to live 'grand' again.

Yuno looks awesome in that white dress of hers in the new OP. ;3
Yep, Yuki's dad is a total scumbag. Steal parachute from his son and leaves him to collapse with the tower (although they didn't thanks to Seventh), and even goes as far as stabbing his ex wife to death to avoid being taken to the police. Wow. No wonder Yuki is like he is. Maruco nailed it when he said Yuki is just trying to keep his hands clean while having Yuno do all the dirty work. That's exactly what his dad tried to do.

On the other hand, Seventh's little background story was touching, albeit a little cliche. I wish Twelveth got as much airtime as them. :/

I wonder how Yuki's going to turn out now that his mom is dead. It's pretty shocking considering Yuki had just determined to have his parents talk their marriage out and his scumbag dad killed his mom whom he loved. Shuu turned into a tyrant but I doubt Yuki has much guts to do the same.

P.S. Mirai Nikki should be watched on DVD/Bluray because the censorship in this show is true horror.
This was another solid episode, hopefully the quality stays this high as we go. I'm not sure if it's just that they're moving through the story material faster or have a better budget for these most-recent episodes, but ever since the OP/ED changed there's been a noticeable jump in quality (visually and in terms of direction).

The rape was an interesting addition. Watching how this episode played out, I kinda think it might've been part of the characters' original backstory that the author decided not to include in the manga. I saw this because it doesn't just give a reason for why Ai + Marco's diaries work the way they do, it also happened in a way that parallels their eventual defeat: both times Marco and Ai got separated due to some trickery, and both times they paid the consequences.

The anime's added content has generally worked to smooth things over but hasn't added anything higher-level (like parallelism, etc.), hence my guess that this is the 7th's "canon" backstory, and not something Asread added on their own. In any case, I think the general idea is solid, but something other than a rape would've been a better "bad thing" to have had happen (kidnapping?).

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