Mirai Nikki

Well, now where at the point where all the "Yuki's such a pussy! I can't stand him!" stuff will reverse a little. Although he does turn more into an asshole then anything, lol..

Oh censorship, how will you ever show the
if all you can show with the knife wounds is blood shooting out with no wounds, lol..
...I won't get into the Yuno's-identity because I've read the manga (though I have to agree with those who said to Yukki: who cares? Seriously, if he can deal with the fact that she's an obsessive yandere serial killer who once kidnapped him and kept him tied up in an abandoned building, a little thing like her identity shouldn't be bugging him. Particularly when it's been proven through 19 episodes that bad things always happen when he stops listening to her).

That said, I love the fact that Yukki has finally taken a level in Evil Badass--but only when he reads off Yuno's script! It's like he's getting "How To Be Evil" lessons from his girlfriend!

(Though Yuno blows it big-time here, too. Shoot Bacchus, don't stand around listening to him yap! There's nothing that Akise's information can do that isn't improved by having Eleventh a corpse while that info is being doled out. I hope that Nishijima got a phone call from Ninth or Akise before he chose to save Eleventh, though. Being on Minene's side and following her plan would be one thing, but picking Eleventh over First and Second...especially when he was being half-assed about it and shot to disarm instead of to kill Second.)

7/28 is supposed to be Yuno's Happy End, right? Thirteen days left!
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Well that explained how they would handle the censorship for a few scenes in particular, just shove a giant streak of white that covers 60% of the screen over it, lol..

I have to admit, that onigiri scene had me saying "Oh no.....don't show the nice little girl for to long......" knowing what came next, lol...

But the extreme censoring when Yuno chops off her head and making it like a 4 second sequence just made me laugh out loud instead while saying:


The whole sequence was kind of "less then stellar" for something that was supposed to signal Yukki deciding to "kill em all" instead of being afraid/indecisive.

They really glanced over it to get to the "Yuno lied to me.....!?!?!" stuff lol..
does anybody know if there is going to be a OST for this anime soon?
Oddly enough Yuno's adorable face scares me even more than her psycho stare.

This was another stretch I really anticipating seeing animated. Very mixed feelings on how they adapted it, but I think on balance it was a solid adaption of this week's material. Definitely a lot of smallish changes that cumulatively resulted in a fairly different flow of events when compared to what I remember from the manga.
And the trash writing kicks in.
Good job on this week's episode too. The pacing is pretty solid and it's looking like the ending will be fine. Also: Murmur's post-show omakes make a return. This one was, well, interesting in context, seemed like a way to add more detail without changing the flow of the story. It made me laugh (apple doesn't fall far from the tree...?).
Is there anyone watching The Future Diary? Talk about it.


I'm a bit fans of Gasai Yuno. good killer.
Re: Is there anyone watching The Future Diary? Talk about it.


you should've look the other threads first before making a new one...
mirai nikki thread is already there doesn't so very hard to find since it still on the first page!


i shall ask the mods to move your post to the existed one!

edited: it's been moved!
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No HAMMER TIME! Eh...well the original manga ending was always too moochy and sweet for me. It's not that I don't like happy endings but it, for me at least, didn't match well with the rest of the series. Having a bad or at least not "Everything is ok!" ending isn't always a bad choice, especially in a dark and psychological series like this.

I'll just say that I liked the anime ending more, they did basically the same thing as the manga only instead of the overly sweet scene where Yuno meets up with Yuki along with all their friends (I gagged a bit at that scene in the manga) it was just a simple message that could be interpreted in a number of ways.

It was a very interesting decision by Asread to stop where they did, especially with that "next project" tease. it seems odd that the series has so many fans when so few seem to get what Esuno was trying to do with the series - I guess Yuno and the overall entertaining trash factor are the reasons. The very stuff people complain about - Yuki's flaws, the so-called plot holes, and the like - are the whole point (or may be I am just reading too much into it). And he's actually taking on a lot of the same questions Anno Hideki did in Eva, to the point where many of the characters could be argued to be avatars to NGE counterparts (and the ending certainly ties into that). Overall, it is a very entertaining anime and that's what I look for.

As for the new project, THE LEGEND OF YUNO CONTINUES!
I just hope the "next project" isn't related to the live action movie of Mirai Nikki. *facepalms*
I cannot imagine a real 3D Yuno. Probably the paradox manga I guess.
Dude gets god powers but doesn't even use em. What kind of ending is that? It was a good anime but Yuno was what made this show awesome...
I have nothing but complains for this series. The plot-holes, the trash writing and disgusting portrayal of the 'enemies'' background story so that people would would actually feel for them makes this whole thing overrated in my opinion. Watched for yandere goddess in Yuno, highest standards of yandere possible till date.

3-D looks horribly dumb, cant imagine the guys who actually planned for this to happen.

No further comments in this thread for me.
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I am just thinking that the plot holes might be intentional by the writer poking fun at tropes. Yuno herself is a good example.

You just have to show me. x_X
I still need to finish this. I got pretty far in, but there was so much plot-holes and inconsistency that I stopped. :/

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