[Mod Discussion] (Illusion) Honey♥Select (ハニーセレクト)

is it possible to create transparent skin in HS?
if possible how can I do that? I tried using SkinTexMod with transparent texture but the character doesn't appear to be transparent

It's possible. You have to add an shader with transparent attributes, like from the cf_m_nip_00.unity3d or cf_m_underhair_00.unity3d into the cf_m_base.unity3d.
But than you will get another issue, that all girls become transparent. No matter if you add textures without alpha channels.

Is unfortunately not more like in the olders titles, where only need to change an HEX Code, like from 02 to E2, to activate the alpha channel mode, at the girl where you want it.
But you can check out this mod: SkinTexMod for Honey Select, if this mabye supports your transparent textures.
Need help with mesh coloring?

Hey, I've been making my mod recently since I couldn't find anything like it anywhere. I was almost finishing my mod, but the color changing on the textures is screwed up and I don't know why?

I was copying texture that could have their colors changed but I was also adding my own sides to the 3D models I was doing, and most of them work. Some of them can just go from black to white only.

(I can't upload an image for some reason so I'll try to explain)

Basically imagine a cube in HS with it's 8 sides and imagine that only 6 sides can change to any color, whereas the two remaining sides can only be either black or white.

What can I do to enable the mesh to change the color?
Posting images on AS is limited to some 20mb per user, but you can use an external image host (not imgur and a few others who block AS as referrer) and link using [img]{url of image}[/img].

Each vertex has a UV coordinate which is a point on your texture. A good 3d editor has a UV editor for such a purpose.
Posting images on AS is limited to some 20mb per user, but you can use an external image host (not imgur and a few others who block AS as referrer) and link using [img]{url of image}[/img].

Each vertex has a UV coordinate which is a point on your texture. A good 3d editor has a UV editor for such a purpose.

So basically all I need to do is to UV unwrap with one solid colour or pattern and my problem is solved? (I solved the problem by duplicating the working nails, and I finished the mod, but it'd be nice to know if that's what is causing the issue since when I open the texture editior in Blender I just see the nail stuff that looks transparent and nothing seems to be off, even though it is since I can only change the colours to black or white for certain parts of the mesh).

It's annoying having to borrow meshes that already have the texture which can change colors working.

Also, I have another question if that's okay. I was editing foolboy's nails mod. I couldn't be bothered to do the second hand since they're reflections. So I mirror flipped the nails to the right hand and the flipped nails were still attached to the left hand. How do I determine which mesh goes to which hand?

I fixed it with UB3U tool, in frame tab and I just ticked update bones and applied changes. But I'd still would love to know how to do it without that button.
Meshes dont have textures, never. Meshes use materials (one per submesh). And that assigned material has texture slots, e.g. _MainTex for diffuse. The point on the texture is defined by the UV of a vertex (in the submesh).
Additionally, a vertex can have a vertex colour but I doubt that it is relevant in your case.

Blender or other 3d editors can handle this differently! But the above definition must be the final result in the game files. Sb3UGS is converting some aspects automatically. But I would need more details to answer this completely for your case.

Updating transforms of bones after your changes to the skeleton, is kind of adding a single animation frame to meshes. This may have fixed your problem but is more confusing in general because the skeleton should not be changed! What ever you change in the Transforms' matrices is overwritten by animations. But computation of bone matrices in Sb3UGS depends on the skeleton. So you can easily get unwanted deformations into your meshes.

Except for rare cases where you really want an extra animation frame baked into the mesh, you should see no change of any mesh when clicking "Rest Pose". I have seen Illusion using such an additional deformation in some hair and skirts.
Meshes dont have textures, never. Meshes use materials (one per submesh). And that assigned material has texture slots, e.g. _MainTex for diffuse. The point on the texture is defined by the UV of a vertex (in the submesh).
Additionally, a vertex can have a vertex colour but I doubt that it is relevant in your case.

Blender or other 3d editors can handle this differently! But the above definition must be the final result in the game files. Sb3UGS is converting some aspects automatically. But I would need more details to answer this completely for your case.

Updating transforms of bones after your changes to the skeleton, is kind of adding a single animation frame to meshes. This may have fixed your problem but is more confusing in general because the skeleton should not be changed! What ever you change in the Transforms' matrices is overwritten by animations. But computation of bone matrices in Sb3UGS depends on the skeleton. So you can easily get unwanted deformations into your meshes.

Except for rare cases where you really want an extra animation frame baked into the mesh, you should see no change of any mesh when clicking "Rest Pose". I have seen Illusion using such an additional deformation in some hair and skirts.

Yea sorry, I meant material not texture.

I still don't know how to fix it though. Is there an option in SB3UGS to assign a material to the mesh? Or is there something in blender to assign a material so then I can change the shape I made in Blender to any color I want in the game? If there's YT tutorial you could pinpoint me to please do. I tried to replace it before by editing one in Paint.net but it had no effect.
Sure, when you select a (Skinned)MeshRenderer from the list (or in the ObjectTree) then you see the material assignment for each submesh. Click on that assignment and select any (valid) material you like. Valid materials are all materials in the same file of the Animator, and every Material in another file which has been defined as external reference. I would recommend to concentrate on the former. The latter is an optimization and allows to use the same material from meshes in different files.
Sure, when you select a (Skinned)MeshRenderer from the list (or in the ObjectTree) then you see the material assignment for each submesh. Click on that assignment and select any (valid) material you like. Valid materials are all materials in the same file of the Animator, and every Material in another file which has been defined as external reference. I would recommend to concentrate on the former. The latter is an optimization and allows to use the same material from meshes in different files.

Amazing, thank you. I'll see if it works if I encounter the problem again. Cheers!
Sure, when you select a (Skinned)MeshRenderer from the list (or in the ObjectTree) then you see the material assignment for each submesh. Click on that assignment and select any (valid) material you like. Valid materials are all materials in the same file of the Animator, and every Material in another file which has been defined as external reference. I would recommend to concentrate on the former. The latter is an optimization and allows to use the same material from meshes in different files.

I just realised that for the piercing mod I imported shape and added a material previously in Blender itself and it worked, so I guess my problem is definitely solved. All I need to do is to just assign material in Blender haha.
That's a limitation from the game. When you have a mesh composed of multiple sub-meshes the 4E2D tag only works in the top sub-mesh. You can change the order of the sub-meshes but the problem remains.

The only workaround I know is to export all the sub-meshes, use Blender or another editing program to combine all the sub-meshes into a single one, and import that back into the file.

For Blender: Export all the sub-meshes in fbx format using SB3UGS. Load in Blender using import>fbx, with scale set to 1000. Select all the sub-meshes using Shft+RightClick, and combine using Joint (Ctrl+J). Export from Blender using export>fbx, with scale set to 0.001.

Use SB3UGS to import the combine mesh back, replacing the original in the object tree. When you import the combined meshes back, you will replace only the top sub-mesh in the list, so be sure to remove the remaining sub-meshes which are no longer needed or you will have duplicates and interference.

I've been doing what you said here, but I thought I fixed my issues but I didn't. I can only change the softness of the object in the game? I connected the cylinder to the cloth here and somehow I'm still unable to change to color of the entire object. It's all connected. I connected it by pressing CTRL + J, triangulated everything as needed and exported as FBX. I replaced the original mesh in SB3U and saved it as unity3d file. I open the game, and this happens:


Could you explain what I'm doing wrong? I'm pretty angry now, since I can't figure it out. Also sorry for the spam, I just really need help haha. Whatever I did previously, only worked once, and I can't get it to work again.


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The cylinder would still need to get UVs. Since you joined it, it gets the same material, and therefore the same texture as the shorts or pants. So such extra geometry needs to find some empty area on that texture(s) and get UVs of that area. Then you would paint/compute into this area on all textures of that material.

The missing sides of the cylinder could be caused by missing normals (and tangents). And where did those vertices of the cylinder get their bone weights from? They are too far away for the "Copy Nearest" method in Sb3UGS' replacement. But may be you skinned the mesh in Blender?
The cylinder would still need to get UVs. Since you joined it, it gets the same material, and therefore the same texture as the shorts or pants. So such extra geometry needs to find some empty area on that texture(s) and get UVs of that area. Then you would paint/compute into this area on all textures of that material.

The missing sides of the cylinder could be caused by missing normals (and tangents). And where did those vertices of the cylinder get their bone weights from? They are too far away for the "Copy Nearest" method in Sb3UGS' replacement. But may be you skinned the mesh in Blender?

Okay, so replacing the UVs in Blender will fix the problem of textures entirely? For instance, if I replace the UV with an image of something, it should be fixed? Just like normal UV unwrapping?

I have also found out that if I remove the item completely except for one face in Blender itself, then add my 3D model to it, CTRL + J it to connect them and then manually remove that remaining face, then I can later remove the material in Blender as well as in Sb3UGS and it works? The shape is perfect, and I can change colours just like on a normal model. No faces are missing too. What I did is I borrowed Zeska's pantyhose to add piercing down there since I haven't seen anything like that done yet, so I edited it and it worked. I tried it with shorts but there's a transition in HS so you don't get to see it unless the person in game is standing.

Also, just for the future reference. Tell me if I'm wrong but here it goes. To add bone to an external item like that cylinder I did for lols just to show what happens, I have to export from Sb3UGS with just bones, import it as FBX into Blender and manually add bone to that cylinder? Or is there something else I'd have to do?

I've been altering mods as well, like Mayar's high heels as well, but since I wasn't sure how to add new mesh that literally shares the material with the actual item I can only re-model the existing model so the material doesn't go away. So far successful, but it's a pain in the ass to do it and I'd rather know how to add the texture to separate objects myself.
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A UV coordinate pair of a vertex consists of two floating point values, e.g. (u=0.1, v=0.4). This is a 2d point on all textures used by the submesh's material.

Sorry, but I cant answer your Blender related question. You might have more luck asking Neerhom on HF although he has not specialized in HS.

What is an external item? The cylinder has been integrated into same submesh. Or do you mean a submesh with an external material? Anyway, the usage of a bone is to deform the mesh. Required is the Transform in the skeleton which the bone references and some vertices with weights for this bone. Sb3UGS does NOT allow to edit bone weights. Bone weights can only be reused ("Copy Nearest" and "Copy in Order") or taken from an imported mesh ("Replace").

A material does not "go away". But if you change the structure of an Animator, then Sb3UGS tidies up and doesn't show unused materials and textures anymore. If you want them back in the Animator, then double click them in the file's tabs: Materials and Img. This will add them again. Then use them. The next change of the structure would remove them again if they aren't used. But they are always in the file, except if you explicitly remove them.
Can anyone help with these three issues please

Any and all help is greatly apprecited first off i have installed all my mods and i have used IPA everything is working fine in Studio BUT in Studio Neo these two things are tripping me up
and one question.

1st: IK and FK don't seem to work in unison, when i set my pose in IK and switch to FK it automatically switches to the default T pose, i have pushed the IK mirror pose button and viceversa
but nothing works only the
animation refrence button which is no use if switch between IK and FK and they dont save the changes. Please Help

2nd: When i set my male and female in a animation position they seem to be off always by several inches either too high too low can anyone help with this.

3rd: A question is there a guide as to what the buttons in neo do as i am still trying to figure some of them out like the copy and paste buttons and such can anyone help please.

Any and all help is greatly appreciated.
Hi and thank you for program group (special for enimaroah ). I have some accessory and objects experimental for studio and neo. I will try to do some of the shader coz the textures does not look good have a large RGB saturation like red colors ( see harp wood ). I have tried many different ways from another mods or decreased map saturation but without success. If i can not success will post them in that kind of moment. I have some maps for studio and NEO to publish with a semi shader problem. If anyone wants to help I will be happy and send a download link.


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Not sure if this thread is still alive, but I've been improving some of my mesh imports, but for some reason after replacing them they disappear at certain angels in the game and I can't figure out why. Anyone know what it may be?
Several points come to mind:
1. SkinnedMeshRenderer? then check "Update When Off Screen"
2. Normals correct?
3. Bounding Box / Extend very big? You may need to "Destroy" the bounding box check.

The said flags are in the Mesh editor Attributes dialog.
Several points come to mind:
1. SkinnedMeshRenderer? then check "Update When Off Screen"
2. Normals correct?
3. Bounding Box / Extend very big? You may need to "Destroy" the bounding box check.

The said flags are in the Mesh editor Attributes dialog.

Update when off screen fixed it, you da man Enimaroah! For somereason when I replaced the mesh this option became unselected or didn't work with the new mesh.
The flag is copied from the original SkinnedMeshRenderer during the replacement. So it must have been cleared before.

If there was no SkinnedMeshRenderer or a MeshRenderer before in that Transform this flag would have been set by default.

Glad that it solved the problem for you. :)
Complete modding n00b here. Finally getting around to making a few simple mods, but am not quite sure how to go about it.
I've got the relevant version of Unity for HS. I also have blender and a few other tools for modeling and texturing, tho I've already got the models I want to import into the game ready to go in Unity and able to be transferred into asset bundles.

All I really need to know is how to get them into the game as head/hand/etc accessories. If anyone has a handy guide they could point me to I'd be very grateful.
Heya guys,
I came looking for modding resources (i.e. guides and tools) for HS.
Initially, I've been browsing HF and found a few things here and there, but from what I can tell the information is really scattered.

On HF, I stumbled accross a link to AS and had a look around here aswell, but to no avail so far.
Are there any resources (preferably tutorial threads/collections) up?

I would be interested in rigging clothes from scratch, but I am not sure how to go about it.
Any information is appreciated!
Good day to all,

First I hope that this thread is still active. My only net access at the moment is via the pcs at the public library so I cannot use HongFire due to the many H ads there. I also have tried Discord but since the amount of time a user can spend on a computer is limited and I cannot make it to the library regularly a message board such as this one is more useful for my usage.

Anyway I have been learning to use Marvelous Designer in the hopes of creating more modest clothes for my Honey Select creations than are currently available. As a result I do not plan on distributing my mods to the public, simply to use them on my own. In my opinion they are not good enough for public use but will serve my purposes of making illustrations of characters from the stories that I write.

So, after spending over 100 hours in Marvelous Designer I made this:

Kurumi Astral Dress Complete 3.png

I then spent a week doing research on how to port it over to Honey Select and with the help of Roy12's video and Starlene's tutorial I was able to port things over and create this:

Kurumi Wearing Astral Dress 1.png

However it has a number of issues that I need help with and I would really appreciate any assistance the people on this board could provide.

1. Every time I try and open Kurumi in Honey Studio her bonnet disappears despite being present in the character creation screen.

2. Even using Starlene's blender template featuring an avatar with skirt bones they are not long enough for formal dresses and I have no idea how to make the skirt bones longer or to add more to them. I believe that longer bones would correct the distortion issues around the bottom of the longer skirts but I have never modded before so I am unsure.

3. For some reason my accessories won't scale in HS. This is annoying because I could take care of some of the clipping issues if I could make the bow slightly larger. I could also move the bow up or down if I could make the belt larger in the adjustment section which could also help with the clipping problems. Totally recreating it is the only way that I currently know to change the bow's size since the scaling options wont work in game.

4. Distortion of the crosshatch on the front of the corset. No matter what I try to change Kurumi's bust size it messes with the texture that I used to make the corset strings. The only solution that I can think to fix this is to make the strings within the mesh. I did that on the back of the corset for a much smaller lacing and that took quite a while to make. I would rather not spend half a day making the strings in Marvelous Designer if I don't have to.

5 The small bows on the front of the corset and the tops of the arm pieces were so badly distorted that I had to remove them. The bust ribbon looked misshapen from the start due to her above average sized bust size and the ribbons close to her elbows looked distorted every time she shifts her arms since they are near the elbows. As it is the crosshatch lacing on the arms is having some distortion issues, but only in certain poses.

I would really like to fix these issues if at all possible, but as a total newb to modding I have no idea how to proceed.

The other alternative that I can think of would be to somehow rip the characters out of Honey Select and display her in another rendering program. However I have only been able to find one video example of how to do this via Ninja Ripper and that only pulled the meshes not the textures. Besides I doubt that would take care of the distortion issues. However I do know that this is possible because a couple of VNs use characters from Honey select in them (think Lab Rats and Mythic Manor). Again any guidance would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks to all of you in advance for your aid. I would also like to thank Roy12 and Starlene for their tutorials. Without their help I never would have made it this far.

Have a wonderful evening / day/ morning.

Ia! Ia! Cthulhu ftagn!

No, there isn't much activity in any modding threads, neither here nor on HF. Not even for other games. And the only exception to this, is a script related project for producing VNs. For the ads on HF it is easy to remove them: log in! But sure, you have to reach the login first and so each first navigation would give you the ads.

Modders, especially those who target HS, can be found on discord. Asian modders have other domiciles.

One error often made is that unskinned meshes need to be "Convert"ed in the Mesh editor. HS doesn't like it when a SkinnedMeshRenderer has no bones. It is not a problem in Sb3UGS or Unity, but the game refuses to let the user transform such accessories and items.
Thank you for your kind reply enimaroah. I gave your suggestion a try and it worked! Between your suggestion and another from a user on Discord I have been able to fix (or at least greatly reduce the effects of) 3 of the issues mentioned in my earlier post. Who would have thought the the weight of the avatars breasts could cause major distortion in the chest region....

I was also able to fix the problem with accessories disappearing in HS Studio by changing their identification numbers. While I was using an accessory slot for the bonnet I was not using a HEAD slot. I would not have thought that the number range would be that important, but it seems that it is.

I am also in the process of downloading videos on rigging and on weight painting from youtube to watch over the holiday. Hopefully they will teach me enough about modding to help with the distortion issues around the base of the longer skirts. Either way I will be back on Wednesday (the next day the library is open and I have net access) to give an update.

Hopefully I will also have enough time to make Kurumi Tokasaki's date outfit over Christmas so I will have some new pictures of my work in Marvelous Designer to share.

Thank you again for your help and Merry Christmas!
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The best original for studying would be - http://bayimg.com/c0b0411658c99d442d8b52596805258b5ab984f1.jpg
For dresses you always have to decide if you put in bone weights for the legs or not. The physics from DynamicBone MonoBehaviours cant work in this example, of course. Having no weights for the legs in the dress will require an extra effort to let colliders try to prevent moving the legs through the dress.

Have a nice Christmas!
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