[Multi-Language Covers] Special ASF Release. v3.0 ;]

Next Project: Team FNC Audition Part II:

[MENTION=159]alexsdu[/MENTION]; [MENTION=11276]Baka[/MENTION]; [MENTION=1569]Coolio[/MENTION]; [MENTION=1238]iankay[/MENTION]; [MENTION=26]KingArturia[/MENTION]; [MENTION=3385]rune hiryu[/MENTION]; [MENTION=7722]Second_Flight[/MENTION]; [MENTION=10800]Tenshi[/MENTION]; [MENTION=34]Tsubame[/MENTION]; [MENTION=16583]hayate akihisa[/MENTION]; [MENTION=23970]x-Shiki-x[/MENTION]; [MENTION=8332]samyeung46[/MENTION]; @Hideki; [MENTION=12156]Kotoura[/MENTION]; [MENTION=18465]renano[/MENTION]; [MENTION=23555]Ruri[/MENTION]; [MENTION=17123]Honest[/MENTION]; [MENTION=10440]Kasumi chan[/MENTION]; [MENTION=4451]sarnagon[/MENTION]; [MENTION=27362]AhGwee[/MENTION]; [MENTION=25364]Decalcomania[/MENTION]; [MENTION=30548]nexus[/MENTION]; [MENTION=28760]newguy[/MENTION]; [MENTION=10379]Neko[/MENTION]; [MENTION=11688]kaoru12345[/MENTION]; [MENTION=33968]Monjster[/MENTION]; [MENTION=190]BlueMage[/MENTION]; [MENTION=37707]FinalPyre[/MENTION];

Hi guys!~ I'm looking forward for us to finish this small project before Wednesday! :) More info from this post: http://www.anime-sharing.com/forum/...release-v3-0-;]-51958/index42.html#post914771

I'm also happy because something good happened recently! :> :redface:


E-mail: [email protected] (that's the Korean agency)
BCC: [email protected] (that's me.^^)
Subject: Please consider @KKyeoul from the Philippines

Hi I'm from "insert country here". I want to show my support to @KKyeoul. Please give her a chance and listen to their band cover when you visit the Philippines this June 2013.

"Insert your personal reason here why you think my band and I deserve that chance."

From: Her ASF family worldwide.


I wonder what happened Pinky-sama, is it something you can share with us or? :P I'm just about to type my e-mail I find myself very busy the last couple of days whilst I was preparing my trip to HK, but now that I'm in HK I've tons of free time and I just woke up, it is on the top priority list of things to do, so expect my CC soon Pinky-sama ;)

[Edit] I've just sent my e-mail I hope my e-mail could be of help to you Pinky-sama! Please check that I did the right thing as I just copy and pasted the e-mail, but sometime laptop can do random stuff so please check that I've sent the e-mail correctly because if not, I'll need to send it to the right place! :3
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I wonder what happened Pinky-sama, is it something you can share with us or? :P I'm just about to type my e-mail I find myself very busy the last couple of days whilst I was preparing my trip to HK, but now that I'm in HK I've tons of free time and I just woke up, it is on the top priority list of things to do, so expect my CC soon Pinky-sama ;)

[Edit] I've just sent my e-mail I hope my e-mail could be of help to you Pinky-sama! Please check that I did the right thing as I just copy and pasted the e-mail, but sometime laptop can do random stuff so please check that I've sent the e-mail correctly because if not, I'll need to send it to the right place! :3

It's something good, not that big, but it's a progress! :> Wow, why are you in HK now? for vacation?^^ I hope you'll enjoy it!~ I can see your e-mail and BlueMage's too, but don't wanna open it yet. :) For me, those e-mails are really important and must be opened at the right moment. ;] Thank you so much for always giving your support KA!^^
Ah, I see :3 Good Luck to you Pinky-sama :3

[EDIT] [MENTION=297]Pinkylicious[/MENTION] So, how did the audition go Pinky-sama? Any good news?
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Ah, I see :3 Good Luck to you Pinky-sama :3

[EDIT] [MENTION=297]Pinkylicious[/MENTION] So, how did the audition go Pinky-sama? Any good news?

From FNC? Still none.~ Actually those e-mails are another leap of faith for us. >.< Just thought it would be good timing if they will be here next week. Nevertheless, usually, they are expecting candidates to be residing from either US or Kor.~ Most agencies rarely contact those who are outside Korea. T___T
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[MENTION=297]Pinky-sama[/MENTION] Aw...that's a shame, I'm sure there will be other opportunities in the future! And if you need further support from me, don't hesitate to ask, you've all my support ;)
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[MENTION=297]Pinkylicious[/MENTION]; Sorry for the late reply. I'm out in a foreign country where internet is limited. And grats for you! I hope more fans help out! :D
[MENTION=297]Pinky-sama[/MENTION] Aw...that's a shame, I'm sure there will be other opportunities in the future! And if you need further support from me, don't hesitate to ask, you've all my support ;)

No worries, I'm not sad about that.^^ Failures are unavoidable. It's the journey that counts!~ Thank you so much for showing your support. I really appreciate it! :)

[MENTION=297]Pinkylicious[/MENTION]; Sorry for the late reply. I'm out in a foreign country where internet is limited. And grats for you! I hope more fans help out! :D

No worries, are you having your vacation? Where?^^ I hope you'll enjoy a lot!~
[MENTION=297]Pinkylicious[/MENTION]; I was back in Indonesia (If you didn't know I'm Indonesian). But now I'm back in Singapore again. Haha. Wasn't really a vacation. More like a torture. D:
[MENTION=297]Pinkylicious[/MENTION]; I was back in Indonesia (If you didn't know I'm Indonesian). But now I'm back in Singapore again. Haha. Wasn't really a vacation. More like a torture. D:

I think you have mentioned about it before.^^ Hmmm... More like a torture? Why?~ >.<
[MENTION=297]Pinkylicious[/MENTION]; If you've been to Indonesia before you'll know. Humid weather, bad traffic and LOTS of mosquitos.

My legs were swollen from mosquito bites. Sucks. :p

[MENTION=159]alexsdu[/MENTION]; [MENTION=11276]Baka[/MENTION]; [MENTION=1569]Coolio[/MENTION]; [MENTION=1238]iankay[/MENTION]; [MENTION=26]KingArturia[/MENTION]; [MENTION=3385]rune hiryu[/MENTION]; [MENTION=7722]Second_Flight[/MENTION]; [MENTION=10800]Tenshi[/MENTION]; [MENTION=34]Tsubame[/MENTION]; [MENTION=16583]hayate akihisa[/MENTION]; @x-Shiki-x; [MENTION=8332]samyeung46[/MENTION]; @Hideki; [MENTION=12156]Kotoura[/MENTION]; [MENTION=18465]renano[/MENTION]; [MENTION=23555]Ruri[/MENTION]; [MENTION=17123]Honest[/MENTION]; [MENTION=10440]Kasumi chan[/MENTION]; [MENTION=4451]sarnagon[/MENTION]; [MENTION=27362]AhGwee[/MENTION]; [MENTION=25364]Decalcomania[/MENTION]; [MENTION=30548]nexus[/MENTION]; [MENTION=28760]newguy[/MENTION]; [MENTION=10379]Neko[/MENTION]; [MENTION=11688]kaoru12345[/MENTION]; [MENTION=33968]Monjster[/MENTION]; [MENTION=190]BlueMage[/MENTION]; [MENTION=37707]FinalPyre[/MENTION]; [MENTION=28746]KuroiHana[/MENTION];

Hellooooo everyone.~^^ How have you all been doing? Because of a recent convo with some people *cough Coolio, KuroiHana cough* just wanna give a shout out to you all! :redface:
Hellos Pinky, long time no chat. Been busy with life and stuff (got into music production and stuff so that kept me busy during the summer break lol). Now back to school, final year lol. How about you?
Hmm... school ish being busy xD But still alives... Just need to rush random projects since i procrastinate too much.. xD Spent all summer on a painting i didnt finish though... T~T
Hellos Pinky, long time no chat. Been busy with life and stuff (got into music production and stuff so that kept me busy during the summer break lol). Now back to school, final year lol. How about you?

Woooow!~ Music production? Is it difficult? Was it fun? Gyaaah. That sounds exciting. >____< Final year? What's your major again? (I'm not sure if I have asked before but maybe I have forgotten. :|)

Me? Been busy with work during weekdays, family, errands and ministry during weekends.^^

Hmm... school ish being busy xD But still alives... Just need to rush random projects since i procrastinate too much.. xD Spent all summer on a painting i didnt finish though... T~T

Ohhh.. So busy with school... Which painting? Would love to see it!^^
Lol i sort of want to finish it before i post it xD Not satisfied with half of it atm~ Since its sort of... half done as it is xD But its so hard drawing clouds correctly @_@
[MENTION=297]Pinkylicious[/MENTION]; Well it is really complexed as you need to know a lot of stuff about sound :)... But if I combine it with my DJing it's really fun...

Well it's my final year of economic highschool xD
hello just a random person dropping by 8'D

ohhh, i see cnblue 8) + some other kpop songs ouo <3 and omg i love your voice o: ! i think you have an amazing voice and can sing better than quite a lot of people i know :3 i think that if you were to balance out the editing it would sound even better! because in some of them i think the background music overpowers your actual voice and it makes it hard to hear >< since you seem to sing r&b more i think it'd be especially important to let your voice be heard ouod and i think if you did some breathing exercises it can boost you up by a lot o: cause i realised that after high or long notes you seem to get a bit out of breath--which is normal of course :3 but due to that we can hear you gasping for air then hurriedly rushing the next note o: im not a music teacher so i cant really instruct you on how to do any breathing practices, but there are a tonne in the world to try from and well, i cant wait to see you getting better and better c: !

keep up the good work :3
Lol i sort of want to finish it before i post it xD Not satisfied with half of it atm~ Since its sort of... half done as it is xD But its so hard drawing clouds correctly @_@

Ooohh.. Okay~ I'd be happy to see it.^^ I prefer drawing clouds than cloth. haha. >___<

[MENTION=297]Pinkylicious[/MENTION]; Well it is really complexed as you need to know a lot of stuff about sound :)... But if I combine it with my DJing it's really fun... Well it's my final year of economic highschool xD

Seems fun indeed.^^ Hmmm.. Highschool?

hello just a random person dropping by 8'D

ohhh, i see cnblue 8) + some other kpop songs ouo <3 and omg i love your voice o: ! i think you have an amazing voice and can sing better than quite a lot of people i know :3 i think that if you were to balance out the editing it would sound even better! because in some of them i think the background music overpowers your actual voice and it makes it hard to hear >< since you seem to sing r&b more i think it'd be especially important to let your voice be heard ouod and i think if you did some breathing exercises it can boost you up by a lot o: cause i realised that after high or long notes you seem to get a bit out of breath--which is normal of course :3 but due to that we can hear you gasping for air then hurriedly rushing the next note o: im not a music teacher so i cant really instruct you on how to do any breathing practices, but there are a tonne in the world to try from and well, i cant wait to see you getting better and better c: !

keep up the good work :3

Hi Leia!~ Thanks for dropping by. :3 I hope you wouldn't mind if I add you to my shout out list.^^ CNBlue~ do you like that group? And.. Thanks for listening to my covers~ Which are your favorites? It has been a while since I uploaded a song cover, so I'm not sure if my voice has improved. >____< Thanks for your kind compliments too, still gotta practice a lot!~

Editing... I can't do much about that atm but with your other recommendations, I'd be glad to note!~ Sometimes, I add my way of breathing to my style of singing, but it hasn't been polished yet, so I gotta experiment more.^^

Thank you so much again for dropping by dear. :3
Hmm cloth is so much easier than clouds xD Well drawing realistically clouds are just about impossible... perfectionist... sighs xD
Hmm cloth is so much easier than clouds xD Well drawing realistically clouds are just about impossible... perfectionist... sighs xD

I guess we're opposite when it comes to that. xD haha.^^ I like to draw clouds... And I feel more comfortable doing it especially if I use water-based media.~
Lol well im trying to draw them as they are in the photo so that gets troublesome quickly x3 Otherwise if its just from imagination then theyre about the same as cloth when using paint... pencil... well theyre quite difficult with pencil... x3
Lol well im trying to draw them as they are in the photo so that gets troublesome quickly x3 Otherwise if its just from imagination then theyre about the same as cloth when using paint... pencil... well theyre quite difficult with pencil... x3

~have been waiting for it~ ;]

PS: Oh, I noticed your siggy.^^ Thanks for promoting SOTM!~
~have been waiting for it~ ;]

PS: Oh, I noticed your siggy.^^ Thanks for promoting SOTM!~

Havent had the chance to work on it :dead: Finally found out how much work animation is... x.x Or maybe i procrastinate but still so much workkkk x.x

Lol well i think i should change it though... not quite the right SOTM atm x3
Hi Leia!~ Thanks for dropping by. :3 I hope you wouldn't mind if I add you to my shout out list.^^ CNBlue~ do you like that group? And.. Thanks for listening to my covers~ Which are your favorites? It has been a while since I uploaded a song cover, so I'm not sure if my voice has improved. >____< Thanks for your kind compliments too, still gotta practice a lot!~

Editing... I can't do much about that atm but with your other recommendations, I'd be glad to note!~ Sometimes, I add my way of breathing to my style of singing, but it hasn't been polished yet, so I gotta experiment more.^^

Thank you so much again for dropping by dear. :3

of course not 8D i would love to be added to your list :3 and im so sorry for the late reply TT A TT i actually went overseas for a while there XD and disappeared for a while OTL of course i do :3 ! to be honest i actually love many kpop groups and singers XD to be honest, i liked almost all of your covers, there were some parts which felt like it could be improved o: but i blame the mic for that so its perfectly fine, though if i had to choose i'd say probably the special that you made :3

ahh yup 8D a tone of people do that, like JYP said "singing is half voice and half air, if the ratio is out your voice will crack" XD or something among the line i cant remember really 8'D and im looking forward to your new releases! and no worries :3

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