[Multi-Language Covers] Special ASF Release. v3.0 ;]

[MENTION=297]Pinkylicious[/MENTION]; Yeah I understand you, I would have been the same if there wasn't for my crazy neigbourhood "gang" xD. They are the one to blame for me becoming a party maniac xD.

Nvm, Ill just post some links on your wall as soon as I eat something, I just got back from school and Im starving lol.
Well I could make you a present like u did for me, but I really doubt it would sound good xD

PM replied!~

Finally have some random little things xD Ehh well theyre not really finished exactly? But something at least :x And i doubt they will actually be finished either... http://www.anime-sharing.com/forum/...my-random-stuff~-63772/index7.html#post793703

Yeeeeey!~ Will go there after replying here.^^

Hmm im not really sure... i really doubt the oil is all gone but not sure about the court case :/

Oh... I understand. I'm happy their court case was officially ended. Hopefully things would get better soon.

Lol okies~ I guess the people who listen usually arent professionals as it is x3

Some are.^^ But I guess, the majority of the listeners are from the public audience.~

Lol seems like you did so much more than i did xD Had a trip somewhere or another?

Hahaha. Nope. I think you did more than I did. :p We went to simple places like malls, amusement parks and so on... Not that technically special, but twas fun to spend time with my parents and siblings. How about you?^^

Is it all that different from everything else you upload? xD

Not really that different... But the big factor is that, I am on the vid. :]]]

Yeeeeey!~ Will go there after replying here.^^

Lol and added another randomish one xD

Oh... I understand. I'm happy their court case was officially ended. Hopefully things would get better soon.

Yeah... hopefully it all gets better soon... but i have no idea how long it actually takes to clean up oil spills :/

Some are.^^ But I guess, the majority of the listeners are from the public audience.~

Hmm i guess the ones who could make a difference in stuff are the professionals though? xD

Hahaha. Nope. I think you did more than I did. :p We went to simple places like malls, amusement parks and so on... Not that technically special, but twas fun to spend time with my parents and siblings. How about you?^^

Hmm... I mostly stayed at home but relatives were visiting and stuff xD They went much more places than i did xD

Not really that different... But the big factor is that, I am on the vid. :]]]

Hmm... but you did have another video where you were in it? xD

[MENTION=159]alexsdu[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=11276]Baka[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=1569]Coolio[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=1238]iankay[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=26]KingArturia[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=3385]rune hiryu[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=7722]Second_Flight[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=10800]Tenshi[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=34]Tsubame[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=16583]hayate akihisa[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=23970]x-Shiki-x[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=8332]samyeung46[/MENTION] ; @Hideki ; [MENTION=18465]renano[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=23555]Ruri[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=17123]Honest[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=10440]Kasumi chan[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=4451]sarnagon[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=27362]AhGwee[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=25364]Decalcomania[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=30548]nexus[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=28760]newguy[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=10379]Neko[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=11688]kaoru12345[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=33968]Monjster[/MENTION] ;

New!~"[English - R&B] Uncommitted Duet Cover"

Hello guys! :> It's been awhile! Been really really busy. >.<
How're you all doing?^^

For everyone who had special days (birthday, graduation, and the like...) just want to greet you even though it's belated!~

Anyway, I think you guys are familiar with this song. But, I was able to mix it to duet version... Finally!
Comments/suggestions would be appreciated.~

PS: It's also the first time I've uploaded an edited "Album Cover". Haha.^^

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mmh-mmh. did you sing this song alone before? in korean? english? an alternative version? i faintly remember something like that.. anyways. nice! :3
Yeeeeey!~ Will go there after replying here.^^

Lol and added another randomish one xD

Oh... I understand. I'm happy their court case was officially ended. Hopefully things would get better soon.

Yeah... hopefully it all gets better soon... but i have no idea how long it actually takes to clean up oil spills :/

Some are.^^ But I guess, the majority of the listeners are from the public audience.~

Hmm i guess the ones who could make a difference in stuff are the professionals though? xD

Hahaha. Nope. I think you did more than I did. :p We went to simple places like malls, amusement parks and so on... Not that technically special, but twas fun to spend time with my parents and siblings. How about you?^^

Hmm... I mostly stayed at home but relatives were visiting and stuff xD They went much more places than i did xD

Not really that different... But the big factor is that, I am on the vid. :]]]

Hmm... but you did have another video where you were in it? xD

Your drawings were awesome! Wasn't able to reply before promptly but your shading is really good.~ In my case, I haven't drawn for quite sometime now. >.< Are you still practicing at school?~

The video on the other hand... Well, that' true... But the private one is kinda embarrassing because the shot is closer. Hahahahaha. xD

mmh-mmh. did you sing this song alone before? in korean? english? an alternative version? i faintly remember something like that.. anyways. nice! :3

Yuuup... This is the song I sang together with the first vid I've posted. :]] But this version is kinda different because it's a duet version.^^ Thanks for dropping by again! :3

[MENTION=159]alexsdu[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=11276]Baka[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=1569]Coolio[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=1238]iankay[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=26]KingArturia[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=3385]rune hiryu[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=7722]Second_Flight[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=10800]Tenshi[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=34]Tsubame[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=16583]hayate akihisa[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=23970]x-Shiki-x[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=8332]samyeung46[/MENTION] ; @Hideki ; [MENTION=18465]renano[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=23555]Ruri[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=17123]Honest[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=10440]Kasumi chan[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=4451]sarnagon[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=27362]AhGwee[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=25364]Decalcomania[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=30548]nexus[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=28760]newguy[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=10379]Neko[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=11688]kaoru12345[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=33968]Monjster[/MENTION] ;

Additional note: I didn't notice that my spoiler tag code last night was wrong. Hahahaha. Anyway, I updated it already.^^ I hope you'll enjoy the song.~
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Reactions: Second_Flight

[MENTION=159]alexsdu[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=11276]Baka[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=1569]Coolio[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=1238]iankay[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=26]KingArturia[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=3385]rune hiryu[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=7722]Second_Flight[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=10800]Tenshi[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=34]Tsubame[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=16583]hayate akihisa[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=23970]x-Shiki-x[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=8332]samyeung46[/MENTION] ; @Hideki ; [MENTION=18465]renano[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=23555]Ruri[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=17123]Honest[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=10440]Kasumi chan[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=4451]sarnagon[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=27362]AhGwee[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=25364]Decalcomania[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=30548]nexus[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=28760]newguy[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=10379]Neko[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=11688]kaoru12345[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=33968]Monjster[/MENTION] ;

Hi guys! :3 How are you all doing?^^
have been kinda tired lately. uni is boring and stuff, but other than that i am doing well i guess~

how have you been doing? anything new?
Just finished my last finalllll :runhappy: Now to hope for a good grade x3 Such a busy month... Ahh wait nooo there another final left /me runs into wall :dead:
Lol [MENTION=297]Pinkylicious[/MENTION]; doing fine, just need to get a job real soon. Haha. Come on IRC when you're free! :D
have been kinda tired lately. uni is boring and stuff, but other than that i am doing well i guess~

how have you been doing? anything new?

I'm not sure if I have asked this before but I'm curious of your major.^^ Been doing well, got too busy with work~ preparing to go back to school soon.~

Just finished my last finalllll :runhappy: Now to hope for a good grade x3 Such a busy month... Ahh wait nooo there another final left /me runs into wall :dead:

Congratulations!^^ Indeeeed, kinda busy. Haha. How many exams do you have to finish?~

Lol [MENTION=297]Pinkylicious[/MENTION]; doing fine, just need to get a job real soon. Haha. Come on IRC when you're free! :D

Get real job? Hahaha. Do you have work right now?~ Sometimes I do drop by.. But in ninja mode. Haha! xD
i see, busy with work. make sure to take breaks from time to time^^

umm, dont think you asked before. my majore is mechanical engineering. i doubt that it fits me, though. but i will try to finish anyways~
[MENTION=297]Pinkylicious[/MENTION]; Yep. Finally graduated. So I'm looking for a job for real. :D Haha.. Gonna be tough.


[MENTION=159]alexsdu[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=11276]Baka[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=1569]Coolio[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=1238]iankay[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=26]KingArturia[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=3385]rune hiryu[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=7722]Second_Flight[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=10800]Tenshi[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=34]Tsubame[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=16583]hayate akihisa[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=23970]x-Shiki-x[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=8332]samyeung46[/MENTION] ; @Hideki ; [MENTION=18465]renano[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=23555]Ruri[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=17123]Honest[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=10440]Kasumi chan[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=4451]sarnagon[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=27362]AhGwee[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=25364]Decalcomania[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=30548]nexus[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=28760]newguy[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=10379]Neko[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=11688]kaoru12345[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=33968]Monjster[/MENTION] ;

New!~"[Japanese - Rock] In My Head Cover"

i see, busy with work. make sure to take breaks from time to time^^

umm, dont think you asked before. my majore is mechanical engineering. i doubt that it fits me, though. but i will try to finish anyways~

thanks for your concern!:) woooow, mechanical engineering... that's a tough major!~ I know how you feel but in my case, I'm still deciding.^^

[MENTION=297]Pinkylicious[/MENTION]; Yep. Finally graduated. So I'm looking for a job for real. :D Haha.. Gonna be tough.

Wooooooow, congrats! When did you graduate? So happy for you!^^ What job are you planning to look for?~
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haha.. yeah, think long and hard about it. it's better to decide on something you can actually enjoy. :goodtea:
Hmm... just finished my last exam on sunday xD But... didnt quite expect it to be so long @_@ Took two whole days without time to play or do much else just to finish it @_@ Teacher really went nuts with the questions...
[MENTION=297]Pinkylicious[/MENTION]; Still finding... IT related stuff. Haha. :3 Thanks :D
haha.. yeah, think long and hard about it. it's better to decide on something you can actually enjoy. :goodtea:

But I think I've been thinking about it for too long. >.< I hope I can really decide soon. T___T

Hmm... just finished my last exam on sunday xD But... didnt quite expect it to be so long @_@ Took two whole days without time to play or do much else just to finish it @_@ Teacher really went nuts with the questions...

Congraaaaaaaats! Atleast now you can relax. ;) What subjects are your test? What questions?~

[MENTION=297]Pinkylicious[/MENTION]; Still finding... IT related stuff. Haha. :3 Thanks :D

IT related stuff. Cool! :3 Reminds me of our IT staff at work.~ Tell me more about it if ever you found a job.^^
too long? i havent thought about my decisions at all :goodtea: maybe trying different things out will help you with your decision.
Environmental science xD The teacher made a 650 question online final which i spent 12+ hours trying to finish and managed to do so 6 min before the deadline @_@ Its only a general ed class too... x.x And lots of stuff worth complaining about like questions types which we had no prior experience with so had no idea how to do since there was no examples either.... Class made me despise fill in the blank questions since the short form of a name and the long written out form are different answers apparently and i would get the question wrong if i used the wrong kind... not that she put any cues as to what she wanted... gahh that test was horrible... I spent about 11 hours on the art final but i expected that since it was art and im a slow worker... but classroom finals are only 2 hrs long... so 12+ was just... overkill.. x.x Its not like her class was the only class i had... if i had any other class then i probably wouldnt have had enough time to even finish... sighs... and still not really relaxing yet :/ Random little things to do.... x.x But ill live... the most horrible part is over... :/


[MENTION=159]alexsdu[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=11276]Baka[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=1569]Coolio[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=1238]iankay[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=26]KingArturia[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=3385]rune hiryu[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=7722]Second_Flight[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=10800]Tenshi[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=34]Tsubame[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=16583]hayate akihisa[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=23970]x-Shiki-x[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=8332]samyeung46[/MENTION] ; @Hideki ; [MENTION=18465]renano[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=23555]Ruri[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=17123]Honest[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=10440]Kasumi chan[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=4451]sarnagon[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=27362]AhGwee[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=25364]Decalcomania[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=30548]nexus[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=28760]newguy[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=10379]Neko[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=11688]kaoru12345[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=33968]Monjster[/MENTION] ;

New!~"[Japanese - Rock] In My Head Cover"

Another Japanese song cover but this time, it's from a Korean group!~
The quality is still not that good. >.< But still, I'd love to hear your opinion about it!^^

I've been enjoying this song for awhile, so I decided to record a shorter version of it. :)
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too long? i havent thought about my decisions at all :goodtea: maybe trying different things out will help you with your decision.

Kinda. Hahahaha. It's been a real while and I haven't decided yet. >___< How about you, how did you decide about it?^^

Environmental science xD The teacher made a 650 question online final which i spent 12+ hours trying to finish and managed to do so 6 min before the deadline @_@ Its only a general ed class too... x.x And lots of stuff worth complaining about like questions types which we had no prior experience with so had no idea how to do since there was no examples either.... Class made me despise fill in the blank questions since the short form of a name and the long written out form are different answers apparently and i would get the question wrong if i used the wrong kind... not that she put any cues as to what she wanted... gahh that test was horrible... I spent about 11 hours on the art final but i expected that since it was art and im a slow worker... but classroom finals are only 2 hrs long... so 12+ was just... overkill.. x.x Its not like her class was the only class i had... if i had any other class then i probably wouldnt have had enough time to even finish... sighs... and still not really relaxing yet :/ Random little things to do.... x.x But ill live... the most horrible part is over... :/

Oh my~ I understand how you feel. I had a memorable experience when I was first year high school. My computer subject teacher asked us to prepare for a "micro quiz" and it was made out of 150 questions. haha. :]] Sometimes, our profs would do that... And ofcourse we have a lot of subject to finish. But I guess they do that to challenge us and as a revenge... erase the last part. hahahahaha. xD When will the results come out, by the way?~

Nevertheless, atleast you've finished it! Congratulations!^^
:dthumbup: think it improved quality-wise. keep it up~ .. so you've sung english, japanese and korean now. did i forget anything?

after school i wanted to go to a unversity just so i wont be a NEET. didn't really think a lot about my major as well. I was good at math, but didn't want to major that. thought mechanical engineering would involve lots of math, so here i am.^^

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Could you please re-upload;

[2001][e-Erekiteru] Suiso ~1/2 no Kiseki~(水素~1/2の奇蹟~) [Soundtrack OP+ ED + Update]


ShowMeYourMoves wrote on Ryzen111's profile.
Hi, could you reupload this one? Thank you.
Sk0rlupka wrote on Shine's profile.
Hello, I would be very grateful if you could share this: