[Multi-Language Covers] Special ASF Release. v3.0 ;]


[MENTION=159]alexsdu[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=11276]Baka[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=1569]Coolio[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=1238]iankay[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=26]KingArturia[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=3385]rune hiryu[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=7722]Second_Flight[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=10800]Tenshi[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=34]Tsubame[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=16583]hayate akihisa[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=23970]x-Shiki-x[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=8332]samyeung46[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=12156]Hideki[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=18465]renano[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=23555]Ruri[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=17123]Honest[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=10440]Kasumi chan[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=4451]sarnagon[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=27362]AhGwee[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=25364]Decalcomania[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=30548]nexus[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=28760]newguy[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=10379]Neko[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=11688]kaoru12345[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=33968]Monjster[/MENTION] ;

New!~"[English - R&B/Soul] If I Ain't Got You Cover"

I hope you'll like it too. :3 Toned down the instrumental a bit.^^
Comments/suggestions would be appreciated.~

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[MENTION=297]Pinkylicious[/MENTION]; I like it, but I alredy heard that kind of song from u, I wanna hear how u sound on something more energetic now :P

Hahaha. Is that another reason why you chose HOTD Opening? xD I hope I can pull it off.~ *gets more nervous. xD
oh, i know this song :o

and yeah, it's really better now with the background music a bit quieter! good job!^^
Ehh i guess im a bit late too...

It's okay~ I guess we're both busy. >.<

Hmm sort of wanted to have something finished before i replied but i guess its not too much to finish it by later today or something~ xD

*waits for later.~ :D

Well influential groups seem to think they can do anything... :x Did they win the lawsuit? Though i feel like that other company is going to be a pain for quite a while... Well could also hope the agency stops being a bother since the lawsuit is over...

They won in. It was officially concluded last November.~ Actually, they should've won the lawsuit around 6 months ago or so but then the "other company" kept on filing motion for reconsideration or something like that (not sure of the term) that's why even though the battle should've ended earlier, the "other company" kept on using the delaying tactics. >.< (I think they're known for doing that. :l)

Ill critique to the best of my ability though i dont think i would really be qualified considering how music isnt really my focus xD

Sure!~ I'm open to any comments/suggestion critique or not because any of those will help.^^ Sometimes, it's not the technicality of the song that makes it beautiful but on how the artist relates to its audience. ;]

Hmm my holidays were... somewhat busy somewhat not~ Had relatives on their honeymoon come by for a while and also traveled a bit xD Not sure if theres going to be more~

Mine was busy too! But not just busy but also costly! hahaha. xD

Oh :/ But isnt that sort of ignoring fair use and stuff?... Though youtube has been giving companies perks =.= Not that abusing copyrights is going to help them much...

I'm not sure how they evaluate songs but it's kinda weird. xD Maybe it's because of the song too~ After receiving the message from YT they also said that since that video has a "copy write claim" they will have specific advertisements or something like that.

[MENTION=297]Pinkylicious[/MENTION] ; Your voice is nice listening to but you have to train. Throughout the whole song your voice is rather weak and hard to understand. Best example at 2:00 till 2:25: the beat drowns the power of your voice. Also there are passages where you force your vocal chords and break the flow of the song.

The positive is your voice is pleasant and I like the way you sing the refrain. That's it for a quick review. No idea how good the quality of your other covers are but might as well lend an ear if you wish.

Let me add this: BUY A BETTER MIC D': The recording ruined the song quality.

Anyway, I was impressed by it, keep going~

Mornin' coins~
G'night Pinky~
G'night nana1~

Hi Wiesl!~ I pasted your comment here because the spam thread is an open field. xD (I'm a bit shy. >.<)

Thank you so much for your quick review!^^ I'll be taking note of the things you've mentioned both negatives and positive. :] I really want to be trained (so much) but due to some reasons, I couldn't. >.< Currently working on some possibilities for it.~

I'd be happy to hear more reviews from you! :)
You may listen to a HQ song cover here: http://soundcloud.com/kkyeoul_official/that-woman
Live performance: http://soundcloud.com/pinkylicious/how-great-thou-art
I don't have much HQ covers because the place where I record is far from where we live now that's why I'm using a headset+mic instead. T___T

I'm glad you took time to reply last time. Thank you once again.^^

oh, i know this song :o

and yeah, it's really better now with the background music a bit quieter! good job!^^

Wow, I'm glad you know this song.^^ How's the cover? Vocals? Emotions? >.< It was a bit difficult to adjust the settings but, I'm happy because it has an effect somehow.~
Damn now I had to listen and get addicted to That Woman cover again lol...
Hi Wiesl!~ I pasted your comment here because the spam thread is an open field. xD (I'm a bit shy. >.<)

Thank you so much for your quick review!^^ I'll be taking note of the things you've mentioned both negatives and positive. :] I really want to be trained (so much) but due to some reasons, I couldn't. >.< Currently working on some possibilities for it.~

I'd be happy to hear more reviews from you! Click here to enlarge
You may listen to a HQ song cover here: http://soundcloud.com/kkyeoul_official/that-woman
Live performance: http://soundcloud.com/pinkylicious/how-great-thou-art
I don't have much HQ covers because the place where I record is far from where we live now that's why I'm using a headset+mic instead. T___T

I'm glad you took time to reply last time. Thank you once again.^^
I'm sure you'll become better as time goes by. Just don't slack off, lol~

Sure, I'll help anytime. I listen to your cover and live performance after finishing classes for today so expect me to post/edit a review later.
No problem with headset+mic as long as you're training (would be more of an issue if you start selling 'ur stuff, haha). Try to get your hands on a professional mic when you're able to afford it. I can help you make a choice if you're not entirely sure which one to buy~

Btw, what is there to be shy about, lol?
Pinky, wooohooo nice song! :D Keep it up! :D

Thank you!~ Happy birthday by the way!^^

I'm sure you'll become better as time goes by. Just don't slack off, lol~

Sure, I'll help anytime. I listen to your cover and live performance after finishing classes for today so expect me to post/edit a review later.
No problem with headset+mic as long as you're training (would be more of an issue if you start selling 'ur stuff, haha). Try to get your hands on a professional mic when you're able to afford it. I can help you make a choice if you're not entirely sure which one to buy~

Btw, what is there to be shy about, lol?

Hahaha.. Not slacking off but sort of busy with other stuff. T___T If only I can, I'd train everyday! >.<

Thank you so much! Looking forward to it.^^ Yup, I think having the headset+mic is better than nothing~ It's helpful to hear comments once in awhile.^^ Professional mic is a biy expensive right? What mic can ypu recommend which is cheaper yet good quality?~

I'm shy cuz it's the spam section and I don't often drop by there. >.< Replying out of the blue will really be weird. :]]]
Hahaha.. Not slacking off but sort of busy with other stuff. T___T If only I can, I'd train everyday! >.<

Thank you so much! Looking forward to it.^^ Yup, I think having the headset+mic is better than nothing~ It's helpful to hear comments once in awhile.^^ Professional mic is a biy expensive right? What mic can ypu recommend which is cheaper yet good quality?~

I'm shy cuz it's the spam section and I don't often drop by there. >.< Replying out of the blue will really be weird. :]]]
Hey Pinky, sry for the late reply. I somehow ended up with stomach ulcer and with that my perceptivity went down the road lol~ Didn't want to give you some half-assed review~

After recovering here I go~

Listining to "That Woman" Cover your voice still lacks power. Truth be told I wouldn't listen to this a second time and would soon have forgotten who sung it~ You won't get peoples attention like that. Also, it's neither good nor bad what's probably the biggest problem here. As said already, try to train your voice~ time show's results C';

Still, your live performance piqued my interest. Simply said, it was pretty damn amazing. That's the kind of music I like. I felt your feelings crossing over the mic. Pretty amazing, congrats~ I suppose you had a good day back then~ Anyway, try to go in that direction and think back how you felt. How about I give you a possibitity to train for yourself while you have no tutor? Run around home listening to music you like and try to obtain control over the octaves while you're singing~

I dunno how much you are able to spend on a new mic but let me say this. There no point in buying junk or saving much money if you look after a microphone. The most good mic's in comparision with ones of lesser quality are really cheap nowadays.

Here's what I recommend:

AKG Perception 120 USB

That's all from me. Keep up the good work, Pinky~ Tell me if you need sumthing again
Hey Pinky, sry for the late reply. I somehow ended up with stomach ulcer and with that my perceptivity went down the road lol~ Didn't want to give you some half-assed review~

After recovering here I go~

Listining to "That Woman" Cover your voice still lacks power. Truth be told I wouldn't listen to this a second time and would soon have forgotten who sung it~ You won't get peoples attention like that. Also, it's neither good nor bad what's probably the biggest problem here. As said already, try to train your voice~ time show's results C';

Still, your live performance piqued my interest. Simply said, it was pretty damn amazing. That's the kind of music I like. I felt your feelings crossing over the mic. Pretty amazing, congrats~ I suppose you had a good day back then~ Anyway, try to go in that direction and think back how you felt. How about I give you a possibitity to train for yourself while you have no tutor? Run around home listening to music you like and try to obtain control over the octaves while you're singing~

I dunno how much you are able to spend on a new mic but let me say this. There no point in buying junk or saving much money if you look after a microphone. The most good mic's in comparision with ones of lesser quality are really cheap nowadays.

Here's what I recommend:

AKG Perception 120 USB

That's all from me. Keep up the good work, Pinky~ Tell me if you need sumthing again

No worries.^^ Not really in a rush. :) Oh, but how are you now? Do you feel better?~

"That Woman" HQ" was recorded almost 2 years ago.~ I think that's one of the first cover recording I've had.^^ During those first tries, I would usually listen to the song repeatedly (can't practice at home due to some reasons. hahaha.~) and then have a round or two of practice on the day of the recording that's why I think it's not that well-rehearsed. >.<

Here's a recent version of it: (Not HQ but just wanted to know if there are improvements between them^^)


The live one on the other hand, was recorded last year for my friend's wedding. I had several real practice for that. Hahaha. (It was sort of a must. xD) Moreover, I wasn't that confident that I'd be able to pull it off because they sort of based it from Carry Underwood's version:

Video: www.youtube.com/watch?v=dnvg0OtupuI

I'll be taking note of your microphone recommendation! Thank you!^^ Hmmm, do you have any alternatives for that? And if ever I find a second-hand seller, will it be okay or it's not recommendable?

Thank you very much again for your detailed review! Currently, I'm training by myself but can't focus that much because of work, school and other factors. T___T I'll do my best!^^ Looking forward to more reviews in the future. :)
It's okay~ I guess we're both busy. >.<

*waits for later.~ :D

Ehh sry still dun have it finished... well actually this one probably wont be finished considering how my dad moved what i was drawing... could still post it if you want but ill be working on another >.<

They won in. It was officially concluded last November.~ Actually, they should've won the lawsuit around 6 months ago or so but then the "other company" kept on filing motion for reconsideration or something like that (not sure of the term) that's why even though the battle should've ended earlier, the "other company" kept on using the delaying tactics. >.< (I think they're known for doing that. :l)

Oh... well... yeah companies are known for doing that >.< The gas companies delayed... not sure how many years? But they just kept going to court and delaying... was waiting for the judges or something to be more... oil friendly? Since they could save millions for that... it was about some oil spill and the way the judges calculated how much the company should pay... which delayed the effort to actually clean the mess and everything >.<

Sure!~ I'm open to any comments/suggestion critique or not because any of those will help.^^ Sometimes, it's not the technicality of the song that makes it beautiful but on how the artist relates to its audience. ;]

Hmm ok xD Well you do have feeling in the songs~ I suppose this is where professional critiques and the audience disagree or something? Though professionals arent really trustworthy imo considering the money they get for positive critiques...

Mine was busy too! But not just busy but also costly! hahaha. xD

Costly? Hmm... i guess mine wasnt exactly cheap either... xD

I'm not sure how they evaluate songs but it's kinda weird. xD Maybe it's because of the song too~ After receiving the message from YT they also said that since that video has a "copy write claim" they will have specific advertisements or something like that.

Hmm... i guess... youtube is somewhat odd... well did you still upload it after all that?
Beautiful... Lots of beautiful parts in there truly a lovely listen.

If it ain't you baaaby~~ haha loved it, unwinding to that was beautiful.

Ehh sry still dun have it finished... well actually this one probably wont be finished considering how my dad moved what i was drawing... could still post it if you want but ill be working on another >.<

Any samples would be awesome!^^

Oh... well... yeah companies are known for doing that >.< The gas companies delayed... not sure how many years? But they just kept going to court and delaying... was waiting for the judges or something to be more... oil friendly? Since they could save millions for that... it was about some oil spill and the way the judges calculated how much the company should pay... which delayed the effort to actually clean the mess and everything >.<

Awww... Is that issue resolved now or still ongoing?~

Hmm ok xD Well you do have feeling in the songs~ I suppose this is where professional critiques and the audience disagree or something? Though professionals arent really trustworthy imo considering the money they get for positive critiques...

I think professional critiques also consider much technical stuff. That part is important, but for me, you just don't sing for the "critiques" but you sing from your heart to other people's hearts... So every person counts.^^

Costly? Hmm... i guess mine wasnt exactly cheap either... xD

Sometimes, a person tends to go overbudget specially if it's for your family. Hahahaha. xD I'm guilty of that. :]]

Hmm... i guess... youtube is somewhat odd... well did you still upload it after all that?[/QUOTE]

Yup~ I still did.^^ It's sitting in my private vids! Hahahaha. :]] Kinda embarrassed to post it here. >_<

Beautiful... Lots of beautiful parts in there truly a lovely listen.

If it ain't you baaaby~~ haha loved it, unwinding to that was beautiful.

Iankaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyy!~ It's been awhile my friend!^^ How have you been?~

Thank you for listening to my song covers once again. :) I also posted a special "Christmas/New Year Holidays" cover last time with special shout outs. Hahaha. ;]

[MENTION=159]alexsdu[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=11276]Baka[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=1569]Coolio[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=1238]iankay[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=26]KingArturia[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=3385]rune hiryu[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=7722]Second_Flight[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=10800]Tenshi[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=34]Tsubame[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=16583]hayate akihisa[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=23970]x-Shiki-x[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=8332]samyeung46[/MENTION] ; @Hideki ; [MENTION=18465]renano[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=23555]Ruri[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=17123]Honest[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=10440]Kasumi chan[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=4451]sarnagon[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=27362]AhGwee[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=25364]Decalcomania[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=30548]nexus[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=28760]newguy[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=10379]Neko[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=11688]kaoru12345[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=33968]Monjster[/MENTION] ;

New!~"[Japanese - JRock] HoTD Opening Theme"

This song is specially dedicated to Monjster!^^
Happy birthday! :]
I hope you'll enjoy your 18th birthday!~

It's the first time someone requested a Japanese cover song. Haha!
I kinda mumbled with some of my words though. xD
I hope y'all will like it.~
Feel free to send requests anytime.^^

PS: February 17 is also a special day for me...
It's my grandma's birthday.^^

Hey, how is the HToD op doing, if u haven't forgotten :P

I planned to upload it on your birthday but you might be busy, so, I uploaded it today!^^
Happy happy happy birthday Monjster!~ I hope you like this simple gift from me! ;]
Thanks a bunch <3. I really like it, but that beeping killed some parts xD. As I expected, your voice fits the song in my opinion.

Thanks again :)

Well Im mainly busy today as the party is tonight, but never the less, the gift is amasing, in my opinion best I could get :P


Channel List for Soundcloud:
Pinkylicious (Main Channel)
KKyeoul_Official (For Special Purposes)
K-Pinkylicious (Korean Channel)
J-Pinkylicious (Japanese Channel)

I have also updated the first post of this thread!^^
Happy listening to everyone! ;]
Thanks a bunch <3. I really like it, but that beeping killed some parts xD. As I expected, your voice fits the song in my opinion.

Thanks again :)

Well Im mainly busy today as the party is tonight, but never the less, the gift is amasing, in my opinion best I could get :P

I enjoyed doing it.^^ I hope I can buy a new set of mic soon. >_<

Thank you for considering it as a best gift. But I'm sure you'll be receiving better gifts than what I did.~ Just wanted to make your birthday special somehow!^^ I'm glad you liked it!~ I'm relieved. Hahaha. xD Enjoy your day and also your party~ tell me more about how it went when you're not that busy anymore. :]
Wow, pinky goes JRock. Nice attempt Pinky, pretty tough one to sing since it's super fast. But you sang it well. Good job. :D Happy belated birthday Monjster! :3
Wow, pinky goes JRock. Nice attempt Pinky, pretty tough one to sing since it's super fast. But you sang it well. Good job. :D Happy belated birthday Monjster! :3

HoTD Cover: http://soundcloud.com/j-pinkylicious/hotd-optheme

Thanks Coolio.^^ It was a special request.~ Had fun doing it. ;) However, since I've been more focused on k-pop lately, it was a bit difficult to switch to Japanese again. Hahahahaha. My pronunciation was really weird. xD I guess it's been a while since I sang a Jap song. >.<

Here's the orignal version by the way!~ http://soundcloud.com/roella_nica0012/highschool-of-the-dead-by

[MENTION=33968]Monjster[/MENTION]; How was your birthday celebration?^^
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[MENTION=1569]Coolio[/MENTION]; Thanks :)

[MENTION=297]Pinkylicious[/MENTION]; Party was crazy, guys were drunk, girls were drunk, all dancing till 3 am, then we had a little incident where my drunk friend got in a fight with some random 120 kgs skinheads so that influenced the party a little but not that much. In overall it was crazy, and the whole class is asking to make the party again xD. I posted some pics in the IRL pics thread, so u can check that if u want :)

How are u doing anyway?
[MENTION=297]Pinkylicious[/MENTION]; Party was crazy, guys were drunk, girls were drunk, all dancing till 3 am, then we had a little incident where my drunk friend got in a fight with some random 120 kgs skinheads so that influenced the party a little but not that much. In overall it was crazy, and the whole class is asking to make the party again xD. I posted some pics in the IRL pics thread, so u can check that if u want :)

How are u doing anyway?

Cool! That must've been awesome.^^ Although, I'm not really that type of woman who drinks and is also not a hard party-goer. I enjoy going to parties but I like observing. Hahahaha. ;]

Hmm... I've been totally busy. >.< Busy with work, class and also events... Nevertheless, it's fun.^^ Would you mind if I ask what the link of it is?~ I'd love to see your birthday pics! Mine's close too.. About one and half month left. :)
[MENTION=297]Pinkylicious[/MENTION]; Yeah I understand you, I would have been the same if there wasn't for my crazy neigbourhood "gang" xD. They are the one to blame for me becoming a party maniac xD.

Nvm, Ill just post some links on your wall as soon as I eat something, I just got back from school and Im starving lol.
Well I could make you a present like u did for me, but I really doubt it would sound good xD
So very late :x
Any samples would be awesome!^^

Finally have some random little things xD Ehh well theyre not really finished exactly? But something at least :x And i doubt they will actually be finished either... http://www.anime-sharing.com/forum/...my-random-stuff~-63772/index7.html#post793703

Awww... Is that issue resolved now or still ongoing?~

Hmm im not really sure... i really doubt the oil is all gone but not sure about the court case :/

I think professional critiques also consider much technical stuff. That part is important, but for me, you just don't sing for the "critiques" but you sing from your heart to other people's hearts... So every person counts.^^

Lol okies~ I guess the people who listen usually arent professionals as it is x3

Sometimes, a person tends to go overbudget specially if it's for your family. Hahahaha. xD I'm guilty of that. :]]

Lol seems like you did so much more than i did xD Had a trip somewhere or another?

Yup~ I still did.^^ It's sitting in my private vids! Hahahaha. :]] Kinda embarrassed to post it here. >_<

Is it all that different from everything else you upload? xD

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ProfProcPlot wrote on Lebedev's profile.
Could you please re-upload;

[2001][e-Erekiteru] Suiso ~1/2 no Kiseki~(水素~1/2の奇蹟~) [Soundtrack OP+ ED + Update]


ShowMeYourMoves wrote on Ryzen111's profile.
Hi, could you reupload this one? Thank you.
Sk0rlupka wrote on Shine's profile.
Hello, I would be very grateful if you could share this: