[Multi-Language Covers] Special ASF Release. v3.0 ;]

[BUMP] Update Repost:

[MENTION=159]alexsdu[/MENTION] , [MENTION=11276]Baka[/MENTION] , [MENTION=1569]Coolio[/MENTION] , [MENTION=1238]iankay[/MENTION] , [MENTION=26]KingArturia[/MENTION] , [MENTION=3385]rune hiryu[/MENTION] , [MENTION=7722]Second_Flight[/MENTION] , [MENTION=10800]Tenshi[/MENTION] , [MENTION=34]Tsubame[/MENTION] , [MENTION=16583]hayate akihisa[/MENTION] , [MENTION=23970]x-Shiki-x[/MENTION] , [MENTION=8332]samyeung46[/MENTION] , [MENTION=12156]Hideki[/MENTION] , [MENTION=18465]renano[/MENTION] , [MENTION=23555]Ruri[/MENTION] , [MENTION=17123]Honest[/MENTION] , [MENTION=10440]Kasumi chan[/MENTION] , [MENTION=4451]sarnagon[/MENTION] , [MENTION=27362]AhGwee[/MENTION] , [MENTION=25364]Decalcomania[/MENTION] , [MENTION=30548]nexus[/MENTION] , [MENTION=28760]newguy[/MENTION] , [MENTION=10379]Neko[/MENTION] , [MENTION=11688]kaoru12345[/MENTION] [MENTION=33968]Monjster[/MENTION]

New!~"[English - Gospel] How Great Thou Art Live"

Here's another update.^^ It's another short one. ;]

I sang this song just recently for my friend's wedding.~~ The whole song is composed of 4 verses and 5 chorus overall that's why I didn't upload the whole song. Hahaha. :P My friends were the one recording the vid and they were also trolling around because of the length of the song. lolol.~

This is how my voice is currently doing. >.< Would love to hear your comments again!~

Pinkylicious Singing.jpg

Guess what color of dress I was wearing during the wedding! Hahaha! ;]
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this time around somehow your voice came out better than before. could be because of the acoustic in the wedding hall =]

liked it and ?the dudes that tried to sing along in the background? were funny~
I wont be commenting on first paragraph as we both know that ain't true :P.

My favourite must be "Remember Me This Way", I havent really heard the original but this is just amazing and in my opinions your best work. Well there is something to piano and nice relaxed female's voice that just makes me feel warm and relaxed, I only need a glass of cold beer and it's a perfect combo :).

Well I suppose your are from Korea right? Then we are not even near. Im from Serbia. And what I meant is that serbian pop is really bad and all the same and monotone, unlike what I just heard (I never before listened to K-pop, only some J-pop that was from anime show).

LoL I just noticed that guy trying to sing in the wedding one looool. Btw very nice job :D
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Thank you.^^ Somehow while I was singing this, I was more confident, I think. >.< Hmm.. It's actually not a wedding hall. ;] For this song, I sang in an open covered terrace surrounded by a garden overlooking a mountain (Named: Taal Lake/Volcano).~ The picture I attached is during the reception of the wedding which was held in the ballroom area of the hotel where the wedding was held.~~ We sang a duet song that time.^^

And yes, the guy's funny right? Hahahaha. :]] That's also a part of the reason why I didn't upload the whole song, it'll be really funny because they're giving side "sing-along" comments and are trolling around because the whole song was really lengthy. xD They are part of the band that's why they can troll around like that and get away with it unnoticed. lolol. xDD

this time around somehow your voice came out better than before. could be because of the acoustic in the wedding hall =]

liked it and ?the dudes that tried to sing along in the background? were funny~


It's true and I'm 100% sure with it. :P I know you know it too. ;]

Woooooooahhh.. You went all the way there, thank you!^^ I haven't tried re-recording the songs we did before... I'm not sure if I'll sound different this time. >.< Before, my style of singing was not just all about those super strong high notes but softly hitting those notes. But currently, me and my pianist are trying to strengthen and expand my voice and hopefully mix it with my old style to give more the songs more flavor.^^

I see... RMTW: Maybe that song also sounded a bit different because of the quality of recording compared to others. :) I didn't expect you to mention that as your fave.^^ Thank you again! :) I don't drink beer tho, but *cheers!~

And Oh, I'm not from Korea but I'm from the Philippines.^^ I thought when you mentioned "our" your were pertaining to the both of us that's why I thought we're from the same country.~ Oh Serbian pop.. Haven't listened to it before.. I just googled one now... I think it has a unique flavor too just like k-pop, j-pop and p-pop (philippine-pop).^^ Can you still recall the first k-pop song you've heard? :)

Hahaha... The side comments were not meant to be recorded but it was recorded because my friends who were trolling were near the recording device. :]]]]] As for the sing-along, maybe some of them are legit.~ Because during that part of the ceremony, as part of German tradition, the guests and the couple are asked to sing-along with a certain song.^^ I'm not very sure with the details of that tradition but that's what the bride told us. :) And I'm really happy you liked it!^^

I wont be commenting on first paragraph as we both know that ain't true :P.

My favourite must be "Remember Me This Way", I havent really heard the original but this is just amazing and in my opinions your best work. Well there is something to piano and nice relaxed female's voice that just makes me feel warm and relaxed, I only need a glass of cold beer and it's a perfect combo :).

Well I suppose your are from Korea right? Then we are not even near. Im from Serbia. And what I meant is that serbian pop is really bad and all the same and monotone, unlike what I just heard (I never before listened to K-pop, only some J-pop that was from anime show).

LoL I just noticed that guy trying to sing in the wedding one looool. Btw very nice job :D
I just can't ressist replying to tl;dr post with another tl;dr post bit at the moment my time is really limited so Ill keep it short:

Well whatever style u choose just make sure u try hardest.

Well maybe quality of the song made it look like it to me but right now I am not sure lol.

And for the Korea thing, I thought somewhere on your songs k-pop that's why I said Korea.
But if your songs are not k-pop then I didn't hear a single one that I know of xD.

All in all keep up the good work, and I should be going, waking up at 6 am like everyday for school.... Damn if only u could make enough money from gaming to never have to go to school again... Well that was random...

Good night.
Still awesome as always Pinky! Great song and great outfit! :D Good job.
Ooooooohhh.. Where where? Link please! :> Judo... That's the one with a wooden sword-like practice weapon, right? Or that's also different?~~ Me too, I also need to practice a lot. >.<

Ehh the stuff i posted are here though i plan to update the thread with more recent works soon xD
Judo is mostly throw and stuff xD No weapons or punches or anything~
Practice... gets quite tough for me to practice anything with all that hw and stuff... :x

That's true.~~ That's why many people questioned the results too.~ But I'm happy for them.^^ The first winner of SSK actually had to try several times too before getting his chance. ;] Thank you again for the support, Samyeung46!^^

Quite the odd contest xD Hmm i suppose experience might have helped him/her find stuff that the judges would like~

Yuuuuup... Good experience for the main project indeed!~ During the filming of the Sub-Projects, there were a lot of bloopers and all that. Hahahaha. xD Connection~~ I'm just happy to see that the steps are indeed moving little by little.^^

Everyone should expect to make mistakes before they finish something xD Almost impossible not to in the long run~

Hahahaha... Maybe if I'm confident enough, I won't hide anymore. Hahahaha! xD

Confidence... hmm that takes quite a lot of time to improve~

Oh hey xD I know that song~ I never really thought of it as a wedding song though xD But your singing is really nice :3 You seem more confident for this xD Did everyone eventually join in? That can sound quite very nice~
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I just can't ressist replying to tl;dr post with another tl;dr post bit at the moment my time is really limited so Ill keep it short:

Well whatever style u choose just make sure u try hardest.

Well maybe quality of the song made it look like it to me but right now I am not sure lol.

And for the Korea thing, I thought somewhere on your songs k-pop that's why I said Korea.
But if your songs are not k-pop then I didn't hear a single one that I know of xD.

All in all keep up the good work, and I should be going, waking up at 6 am like everyday for school.... Damn if only u could make enough money from gaming to never have to go to school again... Well that was random...

Good night.

Hahahaha!~ I resisted from replying because for sure It won't stop. xD

Alright, I will do my best!~

Hahahahaha! Told yah it might've been the quality. ;]

Oh, indeed they are korean songs.^^ Some of them are k-pop, some are a bit k-ballad-ish.~~ Wow, so those kpop songs are your first?^^

Thank you!~ Last night.. or morning should I say... I slept at 4am. I think today too. Hahahaha. xD But atleast I don't have to wake up 6am.~ Until when is your class? And if people could make enough money from gaming... I wonder if school will exist. xD No prob with the randomness. I enjoy that.^^

Still awesome as always Pinky! Great song and great outfit! :D Good job.

Omo. I think I still ain't that awesome. >.< But I do love my outfit. Haha. It was tailored by my grandmother and I was the one who designed and picked the fabric.. So indeed, it's pink. :) xD

Ehh the stuff i posted are here though i plan to update the thread with more recent works soon xD
Judo is mostly throw and stuff xD No weapons or punches or anything~
Practice... gets quite tough for me to practice anything with all that hw and stuff... :x

Woooooooooooooooow! :o I like the first series... I didn't get it at first, but after going through it again, I was amused! Is the last part of that set made of fabric? I enjoyed my freehand drawing classes too. I think I can draw with lead pencils more than with colored pencils. My weakness is cloth! >.<


Judo.. throw and stuff. I see.~~ Which one is the one with a wooden sword that is commonly seen in animes? Samurai perhaps? xDD Oh... So I guess you're busy to practice too just like me. >.< Oh well, we can do this!!~ :)

Quite the odd contest xD Hmm i suppose experience might have helped him/her find stuff that the judges would like~

Odd... Yup..~~ Quite kind of a long story too with some sad twists. >.<

Everyone should expect to make mistakes before they finish something xD Almost impossible not to in the long run~

Confidence... hmm that takes quite a lot of time to improve~

Both truuuuuuuuuue!~

Oh hey xD I know that song~ I never really thought of it as a wedding song though xD But your singing is really nice :3 You seem more confident for this xD Did everyone eventually join in? That can sound quite very nice~

This song was sung as part of German tradition from what the bride told me.~~ The song was choice of the groom and the people would sing along with it.~~ Really? I sounded nicer this time? :> Yup, everyone did join in, but since the recording device was away from the main audience, only the trolls were clearly recorded. Hahahaha! xD It was a great experience tho.^^

Yeah I find this more fun than talking all those trolls in the spam section. As much as it is fun it gets boring from time to time xD.

Well for k-pop yes they are first.

Well I could do that too (stay up until 4 am) but I would be even bigger of a zombie for the day lol...
Well I get home around 2,3 pm (I travel to another city to school).
LoL Imma kinda flooding this thread with my posts, but u gotta bear with taht as an upcoming music artist :P
Woooooooooooooooow! :o I like the first series... I didn't get it at first, but after going through it again, I was amused! Is the last part of that set made of fabric? I enjoyed my freehand drawing classes too. I think I can draw with lead pencils more than with colored pencils. My weakness is cloth! >.<


Judo.. throw and stuff. I see.~~ Which one is the one with a wooden sword that is commonly seen in animes? Samurai perhaps? xDD Oh... So I guess you're busy to practice too just like me. >.< Oh well, we can do this!!~ :)

Lol it was a somewhat odd painting... xD Personally i think it got odd... Yeah the last one is cloth~
Hmm weak with cloth... cloth usually doesnt have many sudden transitions in terms of shadow xD Though that depends on lighting~ Should probably make everything have some tones but leave the highlights bright~ How bright depends on how bright the actual object is but the lightest highlight should probably just be white/ paper color~ I like pencil too xD Always have some around so i can doodle stuff~ Btw i shoved random new stuff in my thread xD
I think the wooden sword one is kendo or something like that xD
Busy... hmm i suppose im probably not as busy as i could be with how im running two games on the forum and posting tons xD But yeah... hw does take a lot of time... especially considering how midterms are starting...

Odd... Yup..~~ Quite kind of a long story too with some sad twists. >.<

Well everything takes work... Sad twists... what kind?

This song was sung as part of German tradition from what the bride told me.~~ The song was choice of the groom and the people would sing along with it.~~ Really? I sounded nicer this time? :> Yup, everyone did join in, but since the recording device was away from the main audience, only the trolls were clearly recorded. Hahahaha! xD It was a great experience tho.^^

Oh traditions xD Your voice is louder than the music this time~ And i heard the song quite clearly~ Lol only the trolls xD Hmm this helps with singing in front of crowds? xD
Yeah I find this more fun than talking all those trolls in the spam section. As much as it is fun it gets boring from time to time xD.
Well for k-pop yes they are first.
Well I could do that too (stay up until 4 am) but I would be even bigger of a zombie for the day lol...
Well I get home around 2,3 pm (I travel to another city to school).
LoL Imma kinda flooding this thread with my posts, but u gotta bear with taht as an upcoming music artist :P

Hahaha! :) It's indeed fun to hang aroung the spam section~ I used to post at LPW but got life a bit busy so I only lurk around and reply to SOTM and Creativity sections. Nevertheless, I still post around in the spam section once in a while. ;)

Oh, I see, I'm really happy to be able to share kpop to you.^^

Zombie.. Haha! :) That has happened to me before. xD Sometimes because of school, I would even be sleepless for some days.~~ Oh, your school is in another city? How far is it from your home? And no worries. :) I'm glad to reply to everyone.^^ "Upcoming music artist"... That made me smile. lololol. xDD

Lol it was a somewhat odd painting... xD Personally i think it got odd... Yeah the last one is cloth~ Hmm weak with cloth... cloth usually doesnt have many sudden transitions in terms of shadow xD Though that depends on lighting~ Should probably make everything have some tones but leave the highlights bright~ How bright depends on how bright the actual object is but the lightest highlight should probably just be white/ paper color~ I like pencil too xD Always have some around so i can doodle stuff~ Btw i shoved random new stuff in my thread xD

It's nice because you were able to portray the transitions well. Good job.^^ Though, the second to the last one got creepy indeed. Hahaha!~ I guess it depends with the cloth~~ When we had our exercise before, it was only one cloth but it was flowing freely so it has varying shadows and all that. >.< Doing it in pencil is alright, but with color, it's kinda difficult specially if you don't have many shades of the same color. xD My profs want us to use varying shades = many color pencil. hahaha. xD

I think the wooden sword one is kendo or something like that xD

Right! I think it's kendo or something like that. Hahahaha. Atleast both has "-do" in the end. lolol. xDD

Busy... hmm i suppose im probably not as busy as i could be with how im running two games on the forum and posting tons xD But yeah... hw does take a lot of time... especially considering how midterms are starting...

Two games in the forum! :O Where are they?~~ And yup, you're ASF's top poster indeed. :P Congrats! Hahaha. :)

Well everything takes work... Sad twists... what kind?

It's because the original singer of my song choices has a controversial issue specially in Korean broadcasting networks.~~

Here's a recent article to give you a glimpse:

Oh traditions xD Your voice is louder than the music this time~ And i heard the song quite clearly~ Lol only the trolls xD Hmm this helps with singing in front of crowds? xD

Yup, tradition.^^ Maybe my voice sounded louder because the band was sort of an acoustic set-up?~ I'm happy it turned out well. I was really nervous during the practice dates and I wasn't confident if I'll be able to hit the notes well. :S Carrie Underwood had a similar version of that song.^^ Trolls... Actually I didn't hear them while I was singing. Hahahaha. I only heard it after hearing the recording. xD They usually do that while we had the practice because the song was really really long with not that much pause in between verses and chorus. Hahaha. :]

It's nice because you were able to portray the transitions well. Good job.^^ Though, the second to the last one got creepy indeed. Hahaha!~ I guess it depends with the cloth~~ When we had our exercise before, it was only one cloth but it was flowing freely so it has varying shadows and all that. >.< Doing it in pencil is alright, but with color, it's kinda difficult specially if you don't have many shades of the same color. xD My profs want us to use varying shades = many color pencil. hahaha. xD

Hmm pencil xD But one pencil can get a lot of different colors~ Though having some softish pencils would probably be good too... I sort of have some drawing of cloth and stuff that i did quite a while ago... hmm not sure where they are actually xD Well if your weakness is cloth then maybe you could sort of just find some odd cloth and let it fall in random positions for you to draw~ Practice and whatnot~ For the shadows you could use complimentary colors and the such~ Basically the opposite color on the color wheel~ Black works too if you have that... xD Theyll create decent shadows and stuff~

Right! I think it's kendo or something like that. Hahahaha. Atleast both has "-do" in the end. lolol. xDD

Lol yeah it both has -do xD Different martial art though ;p Judo doesnt use weapons~

Two games in the forum! :O Where are they?~~ And yup, you're ASF's top poster indeed. :P Congrats! Hahaha. :)

Thief game~ and Mafia game~ xD I tend to overcomplicate rules and whatnot... xD

It's because the original singer of my song choices has a controversial issue specially in Korean broadcasting networks.~~

Here's a recent article to give you a glimpse:

Wow O.o That is quite... Not very nice... 3 hrs in the cold x.x... So that would affect how the judges react to your songs? :x

Yup, tradition.^^ Maybe my voice sounded louder because the band was sort of an acoustic set-up?~ I'm happy it turned out well. I was really nervous during the practice dates and I wasn't confident if I'll be able to hit the notes well. :S Carrie Underwood had a similar version of that song.^^ Trolls... Actually I didn't hear them while I was singing. Hahahaha. I only heard it after hearing the recording. xD They usually do that while we had the practice because the song was really really long with not that much pause in between verses and chorus. Hahaha. :]

Well i guess acoustic wouldnt be as loud as electric... usually~ I suppose it depends xD Hmm hitting notes... are notes hard to hit? Or is it that certain notes are tough... Own version? With different lyrics and stuff? xD Well they only got recorded because they were close to the recording device right? xD So they werent actually that loud or anything~ Long? I dont really remembering it being too long xD Is it that there are lots of repeated things?

Hmm pencil xD But one pencil can get a lot of different colors~ Though having some softish pencils would probably be good too... I sort of have some drawing of cloth and stuff that i did quite a while ago... hmm not sure where they are actually xD Well if your weakness is cloth then maybe you could sort of just find some odd cloth and let it fall in random positions for you to draw~ Practice and whatnot~ For the shadows you could use complimentary colors and the such~ Basically the opposite color on the color wheel~ Black works too if you have that... xD Theyll create decent shadows and stuff~

True~~ It's easier for the lead pencil than the colored ones... Or maybe my professors before were just strict because they want an "even" texture for the colored sketch.~~~ They would often ask us to use the "white" color pencil to even out the texture. >.< DRAWINGGG! WHEREEEE? GO LOOK! HAHA! :) I love using the compliments as a shadow technique!^^ Specially for sunset-like images.. How about you?~~

Lol yeah it both has -do xD Different martial art though ;p Judo doesnt use weapons~

Yup! Hahaha. ;p

Thief game~ and Mafia game~ xD I tend to overcomplicate rules and whatnot... xD

I'll drop by once my sched gets a little bit less hectic.^^

Wow O.o That is quite... Not very nice... 3 hrs in the cold x.x... So that would affect how the judges react to your songs? :x

Not nice, true! >.< And that's just an example.. Many other not-so-good has happened to him and his group because of some factors~~ But I'll stand by them.^^ I was hoping it didn't affect, but based on how I've felt and the comments of the people I was with... I think somehow it did. :(

Well i guess acoustic wouldnt be as loud as electric... usually~ I suppose it depends xD Hmm hitting notes... are notes hard to hit? Or is it that certain notes are tough... Own version? With different lyrics and stuff? xD Well they only got recorded because they were close to the recording device right? xD So they werent actually that loud or anything~ Long? I dont really remembering it being too long xD Is it that there are lots of repeated things?

Hahaha!~ I guess it depends too~~ Hitting notes.. Some ofcourse are hard to hit specially if your singing in a key that is not fit for you.~~~ Sometimes my pianist would say, I could sing a certain song a note higher or so but whenever I sing in the original key, I sound different. lol. xD and vice versa~~

Own version of Carrie: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pLLMzr3PFgk
Our version: http://soundcloud.com/pinkylicious/how-great-thou-art
Same lyrics but the arrangement is somehow different.^^

They were recorded because one of them are actually holding the recording device. Hahaha!~~ They weren't too loud but they were close to it that's why they could be heard clearly. xD We forgot to mention to them that they will be recorded along if they play around. lollol. xD And yes, it is too long indeed. The whole song is composed of 4 different verses and 5 chorus overall with no pauses unlike Carrie's version.~~
Damn I hoped for more music when I saw that there was a new post lol
True~~ It's easier for the lead pencil than the colored ones... Or maybe my professors before were just strict because they want an "even" texture for the colored sketch.~~~ They would often ask us to use the "white" color pencil to even out the texture. >.< DRAWINGGG! WHEREEEE? GO LOOK! HAHA! :) I love using the compliments as a shadow technique!^^ Specially for sunset-like images.. How about you?~~

Hmm even texture... they never really asked for that where i went xD It was mostly hatching/cross hatching~ I suppose it wouldve been easier to please our professors if it was charcoal or something easy to make smooth?
Ehh ok xD Ill go see if i can find the sketch books... and hope its not too smudged...
Hmm i havent drawn quite as much in color pencil... but i usually just have some random darker colors to shade...

I'll drop by once my sched gets a little bit less hectic.^^

Lol ok xD Drop by when you want~

Not nice, true! >.< And that's just an example.. Many other not-so-good has happened to him and his group because of some factors~~ But I'll stand by them.^^ I was hoping it didn't affect, but based on how I've felt and the comments of the people I was with... I think somehow it did. :(

Is there people who dislike his group or something? :x So the judges may have been biased... Well... i guess there isnt much that can be done now is there?...

Hahaha!~ I guess it depends too~~ Hitting notes.. Some ofcourse are hard to hit specially if your singing in a key that is not fit for you.~~~ Sometimes my pianist would say, I could sing a certain song a note higher or so but whenever I sing in the original key, I sound different. lol. xD and vice versa~~

Hmm original key... sounds different as in it doesnt sound natural for you or something? xD I cant even make notes that are outside of my value range so... idk xD

Own version of Carrie: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pLLMzr3PFgk
Our version: http://soundcloud.com/pinkylicious/how-great-thou-art
Same lyrics but the arrangement is somehow different.^^

They were recorded because one of them are actually holding the recording device. Hahaha!~~ They weren't too loud but they were close to it that's why they could be heard clearly. xD We forgot to mention to them that they will be recorded along if they play around. lollol. xD And yes, it is too long indeed. The whole song is composed of 4 different verses and 5 chorus overall with no pauses unlike Carrie's version.~~

Was the recording going to be used for anything? xD Hmm i wonder if they assumed that the music would drown out anything they said~
Hmm did everyone have a sheet with the lyrics so they could sing along?
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New!~"[Korean - K-Ballad] Here I Am"

Hahahaha.. I didn't know I have HQ recording of this song.~~ This was recorded last year too along with "That Woman" but I just thought to share it with y'all.^^
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I'm having a problem uploading it to soundcloud. :( I tried several times, but it always has a "copywrite" claim after few minutes. T____T Do you guys know any alternatives for it for the meantime? >.<

ah... i see it.... i see.. i see Oops, looks like we can't find that page! :shockmenft:

Hmm not working here either...

Lol still not working for me, well bb anyway

"Oops, looks like we can't find that page!"
Copyright? But you sang it didnt you?...

I did. :( That's why I find it kinda weird. Everytime I try to upload, it only takes few minutes then it's blocked. T___T There's a "counter block" for it, but you have to put too much private information + agreements which for me is kinda dangerous and weird. :O

Don't worry Pinky, you can always upload it when it works next time. :D

Thank you for understanding.~~

PS: I just noticed your sig... We have fb group and fb page? Hahahaha. I didn't know. xDD
Hmm... try uploading to youtube or something instead? :x I wonder why theyre not letting you upload... Do they give a reason?...

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