[Multi-Language Covers] Special ASF Release. v3.0 ;]

That's unfortunate to hear Pinky, but as long as you've enjoyed the project, had fun and given your best that's what matters. Here's hoping you'll get even further in the next project! Good luck with that. >:]
I don't mind waiting for your reply since I know you'll reply when you've got time to spare. :goodtea:

No worries.. I felt a bit sad but I don't find it very unfortunate.^^ Thank you thank you.~ The next project will really take long but, it should be fun too.^^ Thank you for your patience too!~

Don't worry Pinky-chan, we'll see for your next project, hope you the best ^.^
PS: kamineko-sama is mehh XD

Thank you Neko.~ Hahahaha.. So it's you after all. xD
PS: Your siggies are cute! :3

Playing from memory o.o I wouldnt be able to do something like that xD Sounds somewhat tough...

You do play piano too, right? Or was it another person? Hahaha. I think I'm mixing up people again. xD

Process of evaluation... well complication would probably give everyone a fair chance... when stuff get too simple then certain people who are otherwise good would probably get cut off for not reaching some standard...

Yup, their standards were a bit different. xD But still, it was fun and memorable.^^

Well idk... i most of them talk like theyre knowledgable and have been around for a while... this is pretty much my first forum so i have little idea whats been happening on forums and whatever rules there may or may not be~

I see... For me, even the most intelligent person in the world could still not know many things.~ So we gotta give and take and learn from others.^^ ASF's my first anime forum too as much as I remember. :) Or if not, it's the longest one i've been with so far.^^

Close enough... hmm curiouser and curiouser xD Well i guess i can only wait to see what the project turns out to be~

Hahahaha! I really can't disclose any info at the moment but I appreciate your curiosity!^^ I was a bit shocked about it too. But, I think I've said this for the nth time, it'll take time because I'm busy with other stuff as well. :( If only I can focus on this project alone. *sigh.~ Anyway, this project makes me nervous because it'll also be a make it or break it type of project. Hahaha. ;]

Aww, Don't worry, whatever you do you'd always be supported. Keep it up! :D

Thank you Coolio!~ You guys always make me happy. :)

it's okay pinky-san...there's always be tomorrow:)...remember that we're always support you;)

True, unsuccessful attempts are part of the journey! Haha.~ Thank you too, ng!^^

This quote's kinda funny but Thomas Edison has a point. :)

"I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work."
- Thomas A. Edison

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Reactions: Neko
You do play piano too, right? Or was it another person? Hahaha. I think I'm mixing up people again. xD

Nope xD I played clarinet for a short while... i like music but not too great at playing it cuz i focused on other stuff like visual arts and judo~ I would like to learn how to play piano though~

Yup, their standards were a bit different. xD But still, it was fun and memorable.^^

What were their standards? xD

I see... For me, even the most intelligent person in the world could still not know many things.~ So we gotta give and take and learn from others.^^ ASF's my first anime forum too as much as I remember. :) Or if not, it's the longest one i've been with so far.^^

Hmm yes~ It is impossible for a person to learn everything and everyone could view a situation differently and would have different thoughts~ I usually listen to advice but whether i apply it depends on other factors xD

Hahahaha! I really can't disclose any info at the moment but I appreciate your curiosity!^^ I was a bit shocked about it too. But, I think I've said this for the nth time, it'll take time because I'm busy with other stuff as well. :( If only I can focus on this project alone. *sigh.~ Anyway, this project makes me nervous because it'll also be a make it or break it type of project. Hahaha. ;]

Hmm make it or break it... seems like this will be quite tough~ Yeah... life gets in the way of a lot but you seem quite excited~ Hope your hard work pays off~
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Nope xD I played clarinet for a short while... i like music but not too great at playing it cuz i focused on other stuff like visual arts and judo~ I would like to learn how to play piano though~

Visual arts and judo! :] Hmm... Do you paint/draw/etc?^^ Judo.. Kinda like Karate? Your physical defense/offense must really be good then! :] You should try to play the piano!~ I don't really practice that much too but I do play a little bit.~~

What were their standards? xD

I don't know how to explain it, but they weren't really looking for a powerful/smooth/breath-taking voice, it's really different. xD Many viewers were quite shocked about the final two that were chosen by the judges.~~ I'm really not sure why, because I wasn't able to watch the final round. (Just got to semis.)~

Hmm yes~ It is impossible for a person to learn everything and everyone could view a situation differently and would have different thoughts~ I usually listen to advice but whether i apply it depends on other factors xD

Hahahaha! I do it like that too sometimes. xDD However, when I really made up my mind about something, it's hard to change my decision. Hahaha. Except for some factors too. xD

Hmm make it or break it... seems like this will be quite tough~ Yeah... life gets in the way of a lot but you seem quite excited~ Hope your hard work pays off~

Yup~ We're really trying to give this one our best shot since "first impression matters" specially when it comes to music artists.^^

By the way..~ We're making a cover mv this week. Hahaha. It's a small contest for fun and for art, and it's connected to Junsu-Sunbaenim!~ Haha. :) I hope you'll also look forward to that! I'm a bit embarassed how it'll come out tho. Hahaha.^^
Visual arts and judo! :] Hmm... Do you paint/draw/etc?^^ Judo.. Kinda like Karate? Your physical defense/offense must really be good then! :] You should try to play the piano!~ I don't really practice that much too but I do play a little bit.~~

Yeah~ I can paint/draw decently~ Kind of not as great in terms of sculpture but i can make something... xD Judo is somewhat less convenient than karate for self defense although i suppose it could be quite effective against someone who doesnt know~ If the person does know judo then it guess it would still hurt depending how the throw turns out... I dont have a piano or anything to really practice with... somewhat busy with school too xD

I don't know how to explain it, but they weren't really looking for a powerful/smooth/breath-taking voice, it's really different. xD Many viewers were quite shocked about the final two that were chosen by the judges.~~ I'm really not sure why, because I wasn't able to watch the final round. (Just got to semis.)~

The semis :o Thats pretty far xD Shocked viewers... hmm maybe they were looking for singers who they thought had something... special/different? idk xD

Hahahaha! I do it like that too sometimes. xDD However, when I really made up my mind about something, it's hard to change my decision. Hahaha. Except for some factors too. xD

Hmm i would say it isnt too hard to make me unsure about a decision since im dont really trust myself to remember/do stuff correctly... Whenever i make up my mind... well i usually leave some room for change~ All depends on the situation again~

Yup~ We're really trying to give this one our best shot since "first impression matters" specially when it comes to music artists.^^

First impression... well i guess thats one of the more difficult things to change... people can be quite stubborn about that... but people can always improve and change that impression~

By the way..~ We're making a cover mv this week. Hahaha. It's a small contest for fun and for art, and it's connected to Junsu-Sunbaenim!~ Haha. :) I hope you'll also look forward to that! I'm a bit embarassed how it'll come out tho. Hahaha.^^

Was that the secret project? xD Hmm connected? Does that mean that he is judging or a guest of the contest or something like that? Since you put that much effort into it... should turn out well~


[MENTION=159]alexsdu[/MENTION] , [MENTION=11276]Baka[/MENTION] , [MENTION=1569]Coolio[/MENTION] , [MENTION=1238]iankay[/MENTION] , [MENTION=26]KingArturia[/MENTION] , [MENTION=3385]rune hiryu[/MENTION] , [MENTION=7722]Second_Flight[/MENTION] , [MENTION=10800]Tenshi[/MENTION] , [MENTION=34]Tsubame[/MENTION] , [MENTION=16583]hayate akihisa[/MENTION] , [MENTION=23970]x-Shiki-x[/MENTION] , [MENTION=8332]samyeung46[/MENTION] , [MENTION=12156]Hideki[/MENTION] , [MENTION=18465]renano[/MENTION] , [MENTION=23555]Ruri[/MENTION] , [MENTION=17123]Honest[/MENTION] , [MENTION=10440]Kasumi chan[/MENTION] , [MENTION=4451]sarnagon[/MENTION] , [MENTION=27362]AhGwee[/MENTION] , [MENTION=25364]Decalcomania[/MENTION] , [MENTION=30548]nexus[/MENTION] , [MENTION=28760]newguy[/MENTION] , [MENTION=10379]Neko[/MENTION] , [MENTION=11688]kaoru12345[/MENTION]

New!~"[English - Pop] Xiah Junsu - Uncommitted"

I decided to join a giveaway contest.^^
Just made this for art and for fun and if I'll win, then I guess it's a bonus. :)

Pressing the "LIKE" button would help a lot too.~

This song was originally sung by Junsu-Sunbae, one of the members of JYJ.
This is not the "next project" I mentioned to y'all before... But somehow... It has a connection. ;]

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Girl's POV.. does that mean there is a Boy's POV as well? :o

btw, somehow i really liked the chorus xDDD
Girl's POV.. does that mean there is a Boy's POV as well? :o

btw, somehow i really liked the chorus xDDD

Yup!~ This is the original MV with the Boy's POV.^^ (Sung by Junsu-Sunbae.~)

I have a habit of changing the point of view of a song, so I applied it here and tried to show the POV of the girl.^^ It's like giving the song another story. :)

What can you say about the vid/voice/etc? Hahahaha. *is embarassed.~
it's not like i know anything about music, but here goes anyways...

i think that it was quite ok. what i like about your voice is that it's strong :D
but it doesn't show in the vid as it could be, as it's kinda quieter than the background music imo. just a matter of editing, though.

hope this helps in a way or something xD
anyways.. keep it up and show moar stuff in the future!
As much as I enjoyed the music video, I felt the vocals were much overpowered by the background music.

About the song being sung in a female's (you of course :3) POV, are the lyrics also different to that of the male's POV?
it's not like i know anything about music, but here goes anyways...

i think that it was quite ok. what i like about your voice is that it's strong :D
but it doesn't show in the vid as it could be, as it's kinda quieter than the background music imo. just a matter of editing, though.

hope this helps in a way or something xD
anyways.. keep it up and show moar stuff in the future!

Aiooo..... i guess im with shikii... background music win your voice.. and pinky movements sounds too stiff... u need more relax.. maybe pinky too nervous...?? anw pinky voice sure have more strong noww... GUd Luck okay.??

/me will support in the shadows....
Hmm yes... like they said... if your singing was louder then would be nice~ Hmm maybe if you were more confident with your abilities? xD

Could you mess with the video and make it play on a wall or something? xD Its somewhat distracting with two layers especially with the transparency changing through the video...

For second's comments about relaxing and stuff... you were somewhat more robotic at the start... im guessing you were nervous but your legs seemed rooted to the spot...
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Hmm~ i can't add much that the others already havent said~
very nice~
i thought the transparent was kinda a nice idea, though ;P

and the volume issue is just a matter of editing with cubase or such things.
I'm not the type that like to give comment, but for friend sake, here I go.

If possible, try not to stand near the wall. It's as if you're trying to hide.
You should be in the centre of the camera.

Sorry if I only have comment but no tips on improvement.

*On a side note, those trees that you were singing next to, are they guava fruit's tree(at 0:10) and sour starfruit's (kamias-tagalog) tree(at 0:27)?

Yeah~ I can paint/draw decently~ Kind of not as great in terms of sculpture but i can make something... xD Judo is somewhat less convenient than karate for self defense although i suppose it could be quite effective against someone who doesnt know~ If the person does know judo then it guess it would still hurt depending how the throw turns out... I dont have a piano or anything to really practice with... somewhat busy with school too xD

You should really post samples then!^^ It'll be effective for me then. lolol. xD I don't know either judo or karate. hahaha. You should try to learn it!^^ In my case, as much I want to practice, sched's filled up too. >.<

The semis :o Thats pretty far xD Shocked viewers... hmm maybe they were looking for singers who they thought had something... special/different? idk xD

Thank you.~ Kinda sad tho because you guys kept on supporting me but I've never won any. >.< Hmm.. They were looking for something they are somewhat comfortable with.. idk too. xDD

Hmm i would say it isnt too hard to make me unsure about a decision since im dont really trust myself to remember/do stuff correctly... Whenever i make up my mind... well i usually leave some room for change~ All depends on the situation again~

Yup! It really depends on the situation. :)

First impression... well i guess thats one of the more difficult things to change... people can be quite stubborn about that... but people can always improve and change that impression~

People really can change and improve that impression.^^ But when it comes to this project, it'll matter a lot so I gotta give more than the best shot.^^

Was that the secret project? xD Hmm connected? Does that mean that he is judging or a guest of the contest or something like that? Since you put that much effort into it... should turn out well~

Nope this isn't the secret project.~ It's a sub-project for art and fun. Haha.^^ He's not going to be a judge/guest... But it's still connected to him. hahaha. ;]

it's not like i know anything about music, but here goes anyways...

i think that it was quite ok. what i like about your voice is that it's strong :D
but it doesn't show in the vid as it could be, as it's kinda quieter than the background music imo. just a matter of editing, though.

hope this helps in a way or something xD
anyways.. keep it up and show moar stuff in the future!

Thank you for liking the strong sound.~ Maybe because I sang the original pitch of the song which is for a guy that's why I sound a bit different.^^ Hmm... Maybe because of my movement?~ The rendering took really lots of time... I was embarassed when I saw the output. haha.~~

As much as I enjoyed the music video, I felt the vocals were much overpowered by the background music.
About the song being sung in a female's (you of course :3) POV, are the lyrics also different to that of the male's POV?

I used the same recording device for this one, but I used a different laptop (my friend's) that's why the sound is a bit less noisy than the other MQ covers.~ I recorded it around 12midnight... It was freaky to be alone. Hahahahaha. :]]

The original meaning of the song is that a guy used to be a player and then he finally found "the one" but she said he can't be committed.~ Through the female's POV, I wanna show a different story for the song.^^


She said I couldn’t be committed
She said I’m too much of a player
Come on

Ey, ey

It was all a dream
Reality was far from
the safe picture she painted for me
She told me I was the one and I believed
until the dream dissipated so suddenly

I don’t know why she was so compelled to leave
Something was messin’ with her psychology
I’m confused, she’s sayin’ something’s wrong with me,
But how can I fix something I cannot see?

She said, “You’re not ready
Baby, you’re not ready for the real thing”
She told me that I’d be
unfaithful and I cannot believe

She said you can’t be committed
I said baby I don’t really get it
She said you’re not the right type
only good for one night,
you never stay committed to me

How could this be, she’s telling me
I will never let her be my everything
She said I’m a player and I’ll never change
I feel that I’m ready to leave the game.

She said she could’ve never trusted a player like me
but baby that was part of my history
she’s telling me breaking hearts is a part of me
it’s like it’s in my system and it would never leave

She said, “You’re not ready
Baby, you’re not ready for the real thing”
She told me that I’d be
unfaithful and I cannot believe

She said you can’t be committed
I said baby I don’t really get it
She said you’re not the right type
only good for one night,
you never stay committed to me

She said you can’t be committed
I said baby I don’t really get it
She said you’re not the right type
only good for one night,
you never stay committed to me

I’m committed

Uncommitted, I’ll never admit it
and then i’ll never get it but somehow she could be right
Uncommitted, I’ll never admit it
and then i’ll never get it but somehow she could be right

She said you can’t be committed
I said baby I don’t really get it
She said you’re not the right type
only good for one night,
you never stay committed to me

She said you can’t be committed
I said baby I don’t really get it
She said you’re not the right type
only good for one night,
you never stay committed to me

the lyrics are a bit different. :goodtea:

The orginal from the female POV? Yup.~ Some of the lyrics were retained to give the feel of the original song.^^

Aiooo..... i guess im with shikii... background music win your voice.. and pinky movements sounds too stiff... u need more relax.. maybe pinky too nervous...?? anw pinky voice sure have more strong noww... GUd Luck okay.??
/me will support in the shadows....

Hahahahaha! I was too stiff indeed. I felt a bit awkward filming specially during the first day. There were also some bloopers while filming. Hahahaha. Ofcourse it was cut out. xD I felt really shy while filming.. Too many people around. >.< The clips which I look comfortable (or not so stiff) are the last clips that were shot. Hahaha. Really, you guys think it really got stronger?^^ Thank you much SF for the support! :)

Hmm yes... like they said... if your singing was louder then would be nice~ Hmm maybe if you were more confident with your abilities? xD
Could you mess with the video and make it play on a wall or something? xD Its somewhat distracting with two layers especially with the transparency changing through the video...
For second's comments about relaxing and stuff... you were somewhat more robotic at the start... im guessing you were nervous but your legs seemed rooted to the spot...

True.~ Gotta work on the confidence part. Haha.~ As for the video, it was intentionally edited like that.^^ I want to give it the original feel but with a twist.. something like that.~ It's also a way to cover my face! Hahahaha. :] Robotic! Totally! Hahaha. I felt like a moving tree that time. xD

Hmm~ i can't add much that the others already havent said~
very nice~

Thank you, Hideko. :> Nice to see you around last night at irc!^^

i thought the transparent was kinda a nice idea, though ;P

and the volume issue is just a matter of editing with cubase or such things.

Thankyouuuuuuuuu.^^ Hmmm.. What is cubase? Something like audacity?~

I'm not the type that like to give comment, but for friend sake, here I go.
If possible, try not to stand near the wall. It's as if you're trying to hide.
You should be in the centre of the camera.
Sorry if I only have comment but no tips on improvement.

*On a side note, those trees that you were singing next to, are they guava fruit's tree(at 0:10) and sour starfruit's (kamias-tagalog) tree(at 0:27)?

Thank you, friend!^^
I'm trying to hide indeed. Hahahahaha. I'm so silly. I wanted to do this mv but I can't help being shy. >___< My friends also told me that I should try to be in the centre.~ If another sub-project like this will come, I hope I won't be as shy like this anymore. :) Thank you so much for the comment alexsdu!~

The first one, I'm not so sure if it's a guava tree but the second tree is indeed kamias. Why? And... How'd you know that? Coooool!^^

AT EVERYONE: Thank you so much for always being there to support.^^ You guys were always there even though I haven't won anything big until now. >___<
You should really post samples then!^^ It'll be effective for me then. lolol. xD I don't know either judo or karate. hahaha. You should try to learn it!^^ In my case, as much I want to practice, sched's filled up too. >.<

I did post some stuff that i did last sem xD Not particularly proud of most of them... Hmm most of the people here automatically assume that its karate when someone is wearing on of those uniforms... Im not that great with instruments... needs to practice a lot xD

Thank you.~ Kinda sad tho because you guys kept on supporting me but I've never won any. >.< Hmm.. They were looking for something they are somewhat comfortable with.. idk too. xDD

Hmm comfortable with... but everyone has different tastes... so that might not be the best way to judge :/ Unless all the judges liked a different genre xD Its all fine~ When you win all the supporting will pay off~

People really can change and improve that impression.^^ But when it comes to this project, it'll matter a lot so I gotta give more than the best shot.^^
Nope this isn't the secret project.~ It's a sub-project for art and fun. Haha.^^ He's not going to be a judge/guest... But it's still connected to him. hahaha. ;]

Hmm sub projects xD Well good experience for the main project? Connections... well good to have for the future~

True.~ Gotta work on the confidence part. Haha.~ As for the video, it was intentionally edited like that.^^ I want to give it the original feel but with a twist.. something like that.~ It's also a way to cover my face! Hahahaha. :] Robotic! Totally! Hahaha. I felt like a moving tree that time. xD

Lol hiding xD Well... another suggestion wouldve been to somehow make you stand out more~ maybe less transparent where you are but since youre trying to hide... welll xD idk...
The first one, I'm not so sure if it's a guava tree but the second tree is indeed kamias. Why? And... How'd you know that? Coooool!^^
Here in Malaysia, we called it Belimbing Asam (Literally meaning Tamarind Starfruit, - Asam(Tamarind) is a sour fruit).
We used to have a small Kamias tree grew near my old house's car porch. My sister and I used to like eating them when we were kids. Now, every time I'm thinking about that fruit, it always cause soury feeling at the back of my tongue and cheeks. Have that feeling while I'm typing this too. XP

I did post some stuff that i did last sem xD Not particularly proud of most of them... Hmm most of the people here automatically assume that its karate when someone is wearing on of those uniforms... Im not that great with instruments... needs to practice a lot xD

Ooooooohhh.. Where where? Link please! :> Judo... That's the one with a wooden sword-like practice weapon, right? Or that's also different?~~ Me too, I also need to practice a lot. >.<

Hmm comfortable with... but everyone has different tastes... so that might not be the best way to judge :/ Unless all the judges liked a different genre xD Its all fine~ When you win all the supporting will pay off~

That's true.~~ That's why many people questioned the results too.~ But I'm happy for them.^^ The first winner of SSK actually had to try several times too before getting his chance. ;] Thank you again for the support, Samyeung46!^^

Hmm sub projects xD Well good experience for the main project? Connections... well good to have for the future~

Yuuuuup... Good experience for the main project indeed!~ During the filming of the Sub-Projects, there were a lot of bloopers and all that. Hahahaha. xD Connection~~ I'm just happy to see that the steps are indeed moving little by little.^^

Lol hiding xD Well... another suggestion wouldve been to somehow make you stand out more~ maybe less transparent where you are but since youre trying to hide... welll xD idk...

Hahahaha... Maybe if I'm confident enough, I won't hide anymore. Hahahaha! xD

Here in Malaysia, we called it Belimbing Asam (Literally meaning Tamarind Starfruit, - Asam(Tamarind) is a sour fruit).
We used to have a small Kamias tree grew near my old house's car porch. My sister and I used to like eating them when we were kids. Now, every time I'm thinking about that fruit, it always cause soury feeling at the back of my tongue and cheeks. Have that feeling while I'm typing this too. XP

Cooool!~ But how did you know that it's called Kamias? Hahaha! :) Oh oh! Me and my sister used to like eating them too when we were kids! Hahaha. I share the same feeling as you.~ I can feel that soury feeling too! Suddenly I wanna try eating kamias again because it's been a long time since I ate one. Hahaha. How about you?~~

Shout out to: [MENTION=33968]Monjster[/MENTION]!~ Hi!~ Thanks for visiting this thread.^^
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Damn I have no idea how I got here but I must say Im glad that I did.

I just heard few but in the last song your voice really sounds powerful and amazing. Keep it up!
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Hello Monjster! Hahaha... I just gave you a shout out in my post above because I saw you around the thread.^^ Never really thought you've posted already. xD Glad fate brought you here. Hahahaha!~

Kidding aside, thank you so much for giving a part of your time to post! :) Oh, and what songs have you listened to?^^ I feel nervous whenever someone gives a comment. Hahaha. xD

Damn I have no idea how I got here but I must say Im glad that I did.
I just heard few but in the last song your voice really sounds powerful and amazing. Keep it up!
Well it was impossible to see me around before as I was mostly in the spam section not really doing anything smart .

I listened to that Insaa cover, Exclusive, the one that starts with piano forgot the name and the one u sang on a wedding and checking them out as Im typing.
Im big fan of piano and this nice relaxing voice will make me download few of them just so I can listen to it in early mornings before the school :D.

Im amazed how k-pop is so much more pure than our own pop... It's incredible.

ve with th
Cover of Remember me this way, what can I say, in my opinions best performance
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Being in the spam section doesn't mean you're not doing something really smart. ;] Sometimes it could even mean you're doing something smarter that's why you hangin' around there. ;)

Woooow! Thank you.. You've listened to many covers already.^^ So far, which one's your favorite cover? :) I also like listening to piano instrumentals!~ And I feel embarrassed, thank you for your comment of feeling relaxed when you listened to the covers.^^

Our own pop... What do you mean by that?^^ Are you also from the same country as I am? :)

Well it was impossible to see me around before as I was mostly in the spam section not really doing anything smart .

I listened to that Insaa cover, Exclusive, the one that starts with piano forgot the name and the one u sang on a wedding.
Im big fan of piano and this nice relaxing voice will make me download few of them just so I can listen to it in early mornings before the school :D.

Im amazed how k-pop is so much more pure than our own pop... It's incredible.

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