[Multi-Language Covers] Special ASF Release. v3.0 ;]

No matter how much I click or hold the enter thing (yeah it seems Internet Explorer works really well on this department), the hit counter doesn't increase any more for some reason, but try waiting an hour and then refreshing it, it seems the counter increases in number but I dunno why lol, maybe it's because she's already on the top one that's why, and increasing it further would be overkill? D:
But the other guy actually has 5 mil hits :x Unlike us.... Do you think we actually have to watch the video for it to count now? xD
mmh i dont think so...clicking works as long as i dont hit enter...after i do, even clicking doesnt work :/

correction: doesnt work at all XDDD
Hmm, I was able to increase the counter by around 6, I clicked the thumbnail twice and it seems to register every click, but after I reached around 6 clicks, the counter stopped increasing even if I click or hit enter.

WHAT SORCERY IS THIS?!?!?!?! :disbelief:

But in any case I guess it's because she's already on the top one, and is everybody's favorite nao hahaha, it's kinda disturbing but I guess, it would also humiliate the one with 5 mil hits more too, for having someone that has a lot less hits than him, throwing him out of his throne like a boss WAHAHAHAHAH!!! :evillaugh: :lmao:

Are you using Internet Explorer? Or did you also tried it to other links as well in the net? Like clicking a link here and there and then holding enter assuming the broswer just opens a new tab but doesn't take you directly there? D:
firefox. only using the links from sams sig or directly from this thread. everything used to work before, but maybe it really is because pinky is already first, as you said~
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Yeah I guess, and maybe it will also make things better, for she might get noticed by the higer-ups there, for being the first while having less clicker than the previous 1st placer ahahahaha. :lmao:

If things go awry we can just put something heavy on the Enter button again wahahahaha. :evillaugh: :lmao:
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nah, the system is probably just messed up XDDDD
Messed up... Ruri's technique is something I wouldn't pull... ingenious in yet quite unbelievable~
Ahaha, well, I don't worry much about that, this has notebook cooler below plus my aircon is open as well that time, this is still quite new so it won't break that easily while some batteries and USB are stacked on the enter button ahahahaha. XDDD

Well at least it was very effective and I was able to get the 2nd placer guy out of his place, but I really didn't expected her to even blast away the 1st guy like a boss, the feeling is just so rewarding ahahahaha. XD

And I think latop-chan is happy as well. :XD:
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Hmm yes would be nice... now how does that even work... :x I wonder if theres something wrong with the first guy's entry... he seems to keep moving back... :x
[MENTION=18465]renano[/MENTION], [MENTION=8332]samyeung46[/MENTION], [MENTION=23555]Ruri[/MENTION] and everyone else.~ I'll be replying to your posts one by one before I sleep today!^^ I was out last weekend, physically and cyberly speaking. xD Last Friday, I was busy the whole day and I think I got over exhausted, after I got home 1am+ the next day, my body felt so weak and uber tired. I think it was a mild asthma or something. :S I wasn't able to do that much stuff during the weekend. I was like the "princess" at home, but being unable to do anything feels awful actually. -___-

I have read all your messages thru my mobile internet, but ASF isn't really compatible via mobile so I can't reply. :l I still feel tired now but atleast I have recovered some energy because of the rest I had during the weekend.^^

Yeah, otherwise, it will only become an "instrumental" rather than a song hahaha! XDDD
True.~ xD

Yeah, I play the Piano as well.
Post some sample! :>

Yeah, that's my number one problem as well, so many things to do, so little time, ugh. :reallydespaired:
Well at least it's much better than having nothing to do at all I guess hahah.
Yup!~ That's where priorities come hunting you down. xDDD

Imma do that later on, hopefully this year haha, I need to get back on singing, after lying dormant for around 8 years now. XD
Last time I sang is when I was a member of our school choir during Grade 6 (Graduating Grade in Elementary), which was around 8-9 years ago, when I was 9-10 years old.
I'll let you know as well when I finally started such project. :XD:
Do that ASAP!~ That'll be really exciting! Send me a PM anytime if you have finally decided to start such project.^^

More pure, as in no hint of "H" eh? XD
And it seems you and Checkmate knew each other for a long time now, wow, that's really nice, how long you've known each other now though? D:

Oh, definitely not. Saying no hint of "H" is definitely a lie. I mean even movies has a hint of it y'know. :) It's just that when the extremes come, they warn me ahead like "Pinky don't click that!" or stuff like that.^^ And I guess I have known Check way back 2008 along with the other staff I think. :) But ofcourse we don't know each other personally. Usually I together with some staff and old members usually talk about random topics as in totally random topics. xD And like I have mentioned, they would usually warn me whenever there's an "unclickable link AKA not suitable for Pinky link" around the chatbox. :]

And speaking of which, out of curiosity, how old are you now? XD
That is a secret. Hahahaha. :) What's your guess?

Anyway, well, not all Visual Novels have that porn content, or even if they do have, it just made the dating sim aspect of the game more realistic, cuz real people do those kinds of things to procreate anyway or else they will become extinct. XD In any case, if you will disregard the hentai content in it, you will still learn a lot of lessons, not to mention the stories of the ones I played so far are all good, and diverse in genre. Even that game I played , Monmusu Quest for example (and still waiting for the final chapter of the game), it can be regarded by some as a very perverted game that most women would most likely repel themselves from, there's always porn content in each and every corner, but if one learned to disregard that and focus on the story and the lessons the Visual Novel is trying to convey, one will most likely like it, it was one of those underrated games out there as they call it, because of its superficial contents (but it received a pretty high rating last time I saw it in vndb). It covers politics, religion (lol, two things aren't allowed to talk to here), differences in races and why one shouldn't destroy each other, but instead learn to coexist and understand each other, especially their differences and such, understand and exercise unity, and together, make the(ir) world a better place to live for both of their races (Humans and Monsters), the errors and disasters blind faith can bring (unquestioning faith and authority and just doing whatever they say and believing it and accepting it without a grain of salt), and so on, the story is much more serious than what it may seem on the "outside", and the character development is so awesome, what you thought as a benevolent goddess, was hiding some sort of pure evil inside, among the other examples I can name. Along with other visual novels out there, they most likely have very nice storylines, some of them got even adapted to anime. XD
It's good that VNs have influenced you in a good way.~ I think my fave. anime came from a VN.. It's Clannad to be exact.^^ I think it really depends upon the person how they see the VNs, it's an art to the creator but once the audience puts malice on it, it becomes different. Anything could affect your life but it depends on your choice on how you will be affected. :) Like what I have said before, ASF is like a micro version of the WWW, it depends on you if you want to go beyond what you should.^^

As for me, I judge everything by their appearance and "contents", be it books, humans, animals, potential lover and so on, as for friends though, I don't pay much attention to their appearance unless their personality or attitude is so annoying or just obnoxious that it makes them physically repulsive, making them even the more "uglier".
I can't say I don't judge a person like this or I judge a person like that. It really depends upon the situation. It's true that our brain usually records "first impression" about somebody, but that shouldn't limit me to further try to understand them and I can't "box them in" in that impression. People change and I myself also change.~

You can also get more ideas on singing styles by listening to their songs, and Supercell changes its singers from time to time, from Yanagi Nagi to Koeda and Chelly, and I feel they would have more auditions to come as well to give chance to other singers.Speaking of Yanagi Nagi, she also, sort of like, collaborated with Jun Maeda too (if you watched "Angel Beats!" anime, you would be familiar with him too, along with other songs and music in Key's Visual Novels, and BTW, I also recommend you to try to watch "Angel Beats!" if you haven't yet, has a good blend of epic action, comedy, musical, romance and drama haha), here are one of the songs from the album "Owari no Hoshi no Love Song".
You can also try listening to the others, the ones in CloveredCinnamon's channel have the English Translation too, and I must say, the "story" the songs conveys are all good, it's even like a whole story in and of its own (the whole songs in the album). And can sometimes make one go /Q_Q -Just like the one above Q_Q-
Wow, they change singers from time to time.~ Thanks for all the recommendations, I'll sneak them in little by little into my schedule.~ It's really great to hear different styles from different singers because you get to learn new techniques and you also get to develop your own.^^

I'm glad I was able to help and share some of the things I learned. XD
Ofcouuuuuuuuurse!~ Thanks alot again.

I see, that is good, thank you for answering.

I will answer the other question early now, as I view some of the videos for the auditions, I sensed these auras of "motives" or "desires", whether true or not, while watching them: "To get famous", "To have them people drooling over me", "To get a lot of fanboys/fangirls", "To have people screaming and going into panic out of happiness when they see me", "To have people envy me", "To prove myself that I am much better than the others, that the others are trash compared to me", "So I can make money, become rich, and buy anything I want and to hell with helping others", and all of that... sigh, those kinds of reasons are things that saddens me so.

Woaaah, really? How about my aura? What was your first impression about it?~ I agree with you by the way, some people would like to be a singer/celebrity/etc because of the money and fame. But money and fame is just like a side effect of your passion.~ I've got to admit that sometimes I think about that, but it's not because I want to have it for myself but because when a person achieves such, they'll be able to help and influence more people. The "influence" on the other hand, is another issue. Some has actually become rich and famous but they influence people with their "bad" aura or AKA "I don't care I think this is cool so you do it too" attitude. I don't know if what I'm saying makes sense. xD But that's what I like with the seniors I respect in the Korean Entertainment industry that I'm hopeful to be an apprentice someday. They were able to influence their fans in a way that their fans would donate and help the whole staff of the filming team, protect an animal shelter, help build schools etc. So it was really inspiring.~

I even remember one actor in PH, forgot the name, saying something like, if one wants to become an actor or actress just to become famous and make money, then you better back out now. My point is, one must be doing these things, not to earn a fortune, or become "famous", but to live out your dreams, and the path you have chosen in your life, earning a fortune and being famous are just the "side effects" of that, and one mustn't really focus on those two things as the only reason he or she sings or acts, but focus instead on the intent of living out your dream, if THAT is really your dream in the first place, deep inside you.
I see. That is also how I see things. No matter what your passion is, whether it be music, teacher, artist, etc, if your passion for a certain craft is really that deep, the "rich and fame" side effect will easily follow.~ If you're only driven by those things, then certainly you won't last long. But then again, I'm not saying that I don't think about those things but it's just that they aren't the primary focus of my goal.~

As for me, I once tried having this as my goal when I was a kid because I want to help my family financially, but I gave up days after I realized that, because I feel that I'm not really comfortable in the showbiz industry, especially when 90% of the T.V shows in this country are all freaking shows that induces negative emotions and thoughts which are really bad at one's overall health, physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Yeah, those repeated stories of dramas, tragedy, hate, revenge, and all of the evils of humanity, and that typical protagonist that lets him or herself become abused by the antagonist over and over and over again without even fighting back even if he or she is killed in the process, seriously, it's annoying. And the showbiz industry in PH must change its paradigm NOW.
Hahahaha. I gotta agree with that. I think that type of protagonists only exists in a fantasy world. No matter how good a person is, there's always a just and right way to fight back.~

That's the reason I gave up, and it's not my plans nor my passion to begin with, I would rather become a music artist instead, but then my parents keeps on pushing me such as "Oh you look like <this and that>, you got the looks so why don't you go have a showbiz career, so that you can become rich as well and have all the people panicking and screaming when they see you", yeah, I seriously hate them when they say that, and I hate being the center of attention actually, much more have people screaming and panicking like pathetic animals lusting for a food when they see me, honestly, it's very uncomfortable and annoying.
I see, so your parents want you to taking the showbiz path?~ Omo, in my case, I want people to appreciate the art and my passion and not because "omg she's so famous" and the like. I'd rather have hundred people who sees your heart rather than a thousand people screaming your name because your "in" or something like that.~

[And even if I got the looks as they say it (well, beauty depends on the beholder), I won't waste it by adding to the population of someone who induces people with negative emotions and thoughts, and seeing as they want me to do it so that we can have even more money than what we currently have just always give me a bad feeling that they will just juice me that freaking money while I still work in that industry... yeah... horrible right? Mainstream people really got con-TROLLED by the Elite through forcing them to live with money or die without it. Ahahaha, I'm laughing at how it was thoroughly planned, genius indeed./QUOTE]
You got the looks, so why don't you try! For change to happen, there should be someone, or some people who would ignite it, right? :)

I see, that sums it up then, at least the reason is not something out of... "Oh, most Pinoys love Korean songs, and is pretty popular, so maybe if I became a K-Singer as well, I will earn more fans from both Korea and the Philippines, I will become more famous, the Philippines will give me honors and then I will be super rich WAHAHAHA. :evillaugh: " or anything along those lines. XD
I want to become a K-Singer because of my personal appreciation about it and not because "they like it so I like it too". And like what I have mentioned, there's so much to learn from their culture so having an opportunity to learn from them would be really great.^^

Honestly, these questions are just to test you regarding what really your intentions are, most singers and actors that I've seen today only aims for fortune and fame, which is a "disgrace" to the art, due to lack of better word to use, one must have a passion to what he or she is doing, that's a secret to living longer, for example, if you don't like a job, then better give up on it rather than die early through stressing yourself on it, making one an inefficient family/self supporter in the process.
Omo. So these are test questions? :l Suddenly I felt like my answers are fleeting and unreachable.~ But no matter what happens, whether I win or lose this audition, I shall continue trying and pursue my passion.^^

I see, I see, once again, I am happy to know that you don't aim for fortune and fame, as your motivation, people with passion on the things they are pursuing are more likely to succeed and last longer than any other.
Yup, like what we both have mentioned, fame and fortune are only side effects.~

I see, and indeed, Songs literally breaks the language barrier, it's powerful, even those who can't understand a thing on a song can be affected by the emotions conveyed by the singer and the arrangement itself. And... your motive is good, you're aiming for Unity, yes? Cultural Exchange... have all people in the world do that to each other, the "World Peace" these humans have been dreaming of will be much more possible to attain, to hell with that patriotism, virtue of the vicious and the wicked, we are all same types of species called humans living in this very same planet, there's no need to isolate ourselves to other country or "Race" and become hostile with them and destroy each other because of differences when we should not be doing that anyway.
Yes, Unity.^^ Since music is a very influential means of communication, it'll be great to be able to influence others in a positive way and be a channel to open the minds of each other. We all have our own culture, we just have to respect each other and we should also be open with the culture of other people.~

In any case, so that is your motive then, I wish you the best here, there should be more singers like you who aims the same things as you, the world needs unity right now in these current era's end times, singers can break the language barrier, giving them an ability to connect the people of the world and create a bridge to each and every country, thereby becoming ONE, which shares the same will and intent, thereby making this planet a whole lot better place to live.

Unlike in this current era whose funds only goes to the research and development of tools to destroy mankind and make us extinct, imagine what would have happened if they used all of those time and money for the benefit of mankind and nature, instead of researching and developing things to destroy it, imagine what would have happened if they all unite as one, sharing the same will, and made this world a better place to live for everyone and protect it along with the whole of humanity.
Yes yes I agree.~ But ofcourse I won't be able to do that alone. My goal could only be achieved if some people share the same view as I do, and that's where you guys come in.^^ Having a small group of people who believes in you is actually encouraging and it feels a small step a way to the long long path ahead.~ A fire is ignited by a small spark. Therefore a huge goal can be achieved by a small start. :)

The auras I feel? Yeah, I mentioned them earlier as a response to my first question you answered... and since I feel that way, I figured of verifying yours by asking about your intentions and what you want to accomplish by doing this, and basing on your answers, and I trust that you're honest, I guess lending all the help I can give would not be in vain.
Oh, I'm again I'm speechless with your words but I'm very thankful with your help.^^

Frankly speaking, I just felt a sort of, they just want to earn fame and fortune by doing that, while the others have that kind of dream but are cheating on themselves through using a computer program to improve their voice, which is one of the things one NEVER SHOULD DO when doing an audition of some sort. In any case, let's just hope, -if for some reason you are not chosen- that the one that got chosen has that kind of pure intent such as yours.
Oh, though their auras are like that, we can never really know their true intentions. ;) So yes, let's just hope that whoever gets picked for the contest will use the opportunity wisely.^^

BTW, till when is this audition going to last?
I think it'll be open until the end of June because there will still be live auditions for other countries.~ As day pass by, the "competition chance" gets kinda scarier. :S

Ahaha, in the end, Perfection is in the eyes of the Beholder. In any case, again, good luck there, and do your best.
Alright! Thank you again.~ I'll do my best. This audition is definitely just a warm up, whether win or lose, I'll keep on practicing and hopefully improve more and pursue further. :)
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So much support... I'm also surprised, excited, and overly joyed~ Go Pinkylicious!
That 'press enter' trick seems to be getting around... Still, when I want hear something melodic *clickclickclick*.
Hahahaha. Yup, the melodic clickclickclick's nice.^^ Thanks renano!~

Let's click more!
Let's go clickers!~ Hahaha.^^

lol, the system got messed up xD
Oh, I'll explain how that happened in my last post.~

It did o.o wow xD Pinky is first now yay lol~
Yes, I was shocked. xD Thanks to everyone's hard work!^^

1. Get D size batteries plus USB
2.Stack them on top of the enter button
3.Sleep for around 6 hours
4.Eat, take a bath, take a nap, and do groceries for around 6 hours total :shopping:
5. ?????

1. Get D size batteries plus USB

(Taken after I woke up)

2. Stack them on top of the enter button

(Taken after I woke up)

3.Sleep for around 6 hours

4.Eat, take a bath, take a nap, and do groceries for around 6 hours total :shopping:




:evillaugh: :whipmaster: :hapgirl: :mafiaboss: :emjudge: :runhappy:

Since I don't DL some animes through torrents now because the memory space is running out, I will continue on doing this instead everytime I sleep kekekekekekekekeke...

HAHAHAHAHA! So that was the secret mission. xD That was a huge boost Ruri! Thank you very very much!^^

Lol oh teh craziness of it all xD Nice job~
Yup! Nice job everyone!~

I hope those Koreans will take notice of her wahahahah, now... I finally achieved my goal, of removing that previous 2nd placer from his place BWAAHHAHA!!! :evillaugh:

In all seriousness, I just feel like he is not worthy to be on the top 3, like... he doesn't feel like he should belong there, frankly and honestly speaking, I would choose the previous 1st placer instead of the previous 2nd placer if you ask me. XD

Well, achieved the first phase of my goals, feels good man. :evillaugh: :lmao:
Hahahahaha. I hope they'll notice the entry too.~ The original singers of the song I sang is actually a controversial group but I hope it won't affect the audition. :l And as for the other competitors, no comment.^^

Bedel Joseph Idjao's entry video...had to laugh at that guy in the mirror xDD
I only had a glimpse of the other entries. Seems like you guys are already familiar with all the other entries. >.<

Yeah that one too hahaha!! Because the singer's face is blackened though his facing away from the light source, the person in the mirror became all the more noticeable. XD

What really bothers me is that how this guy just casually walks in and out of the room, if that were me, I would look at the person singing and troll around the camera, but the guy just seems to ignore him, strengthening my suspicion that the singer is only lipsyncing. :XD:
Really? He's lip-synching? I saw one entry like that but oh well, if they really lip-synched, too bad, it could've really been a good chance.~

Oh [MENTION=23555]Ruri[/MENTION] epic ^^
HAHAHA. The pic's safe so I'll let it slide. :P :P :P *mod mode* :]]]]]
I think the first guy is actually at 5 mil... :x But somehow were first...

Yeah, I only expected her to be on top 2 because the previous first placer has more hits, but I didn't expected her to be on the top 1, I was laughing so hard when I got home and refreshed the page hahaha. XD Though for some reason, my clicks doesn't count on the hit counter of Pinky's video now... WAAAAAAAIIIIIII?! :crushed: Does it do the same for you guys too?
Wait... don't tell me my Super Special Awesome Secret Operations got nerfed because it was so Over-Powered?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! :disbelief: :surprised: :disbelief: :surprised: :disbelief: :surprised:

I cant click either o.o Nuuu my giant gummy bear face floor/keyboard/enter didnt work T.T

Lol yes i likeys the To Aru series too~

doesnt work for me either? did a new patch nerf this awesome trick?? :deadsad:

But it doesnt work with normal clicking too :deadsad:

No matter how much I click or hold the enter thing (yeah it seems Internet Explorer works really well on this department), the hit counter doesn't increase any more for some reason, but try waiting an hour and then refreshing it, it seems the counter increases in number but I dunno why lol, maybe it's because she's already on the top one that's why, and increasing it further would be overkill? D:

But the other guy actually has 5 mil hits :x Unlike us.... Do you think we actually have to watch the video for it to count now? xD

mmh i dont think so...clicking works as long as i dont hit enter...after i do, even clicking doesnt work :/ correction: doesnt work at all XDDD

Yeah... cant do anything now T.T Maybe its limiting people to one click now?

boooo!!~ i hope not :/

Well...we wont actually know till anything happens... :x but yeah that sucks...

Hmm, I was able to increase the counter by around 6, I clicked the thumbnail twice and it seems to register every click, but after I reached around 6 clicks, the counter stopped increasing even if I click or hit enter.

WHAT SORCERY IS THIS?!?!?!?! :disbelief:

But in any case I guess it's because she's already on the top one, and is everybody's favorite nao hahaha, it's kinda disturbing but I guess, it would also humiliate the one with 5 mil hits more too, for having someone that has a lot less hits than him, throwing him out of his throne like a boss WAHAHAHAHAH!!! :evillaugh: :lmao:

Are you using Internet Explorer? Or did you also tried it to other links as well in the net? Like clicking a link here and there and then holding enter assuming the broswer just opens a new tab but doesn't take you directly there? D:

firefox. only using the links from sams sig or directly from this thread. everything used to work before, but maybe it really is because pinky is already first, as you said~

Yeah I guess, and maybe it will also make things better, for she might get noticed by the higer-ups there, for being the first while having less clicker than the previous 1st placer ahahahaha. :lmao:

If things go awry we can just put something heavy on the Enter button again wahahahaha. :evillaugh: :lmao:

Hmm i wonder if the first guy was found to be cheating or something? :goodtea:

nah, the system is probably just messed up XDDDD

Lol yes very messed up~

Messed up... Ruri's technique is something I wouldn't pull... ingenious in yet quite unbelievable~

Lol yes... i wonder how the laptop would be after 6 hrs of holding enter xD

Ahaha, well, I don't worry much about that, this has notebook cooler below plus my aircon is open as well that time, this is still quite new so it won't break that easily while some batteries and USB are stacked on the enter button ahahahaha. XDDD

Well at least it was very effective and I was able to get the 2nd placer guy out of his place, but I really didn't expected her to even blast away the 1st guy like a boss, the feeling is just so rewarding ahahahaha. XD

And I think latop-chan is happy as well. :XD:

Lol its quite fun to see xD Suddenly the third place passes everyone :3

Eh... whatever works I suppose...~ xD

I hope Pinkylicious is happy~ :3

Hmm yes would be nice... now how does that even work... :x I wonder if theres something wrong with the first guy's entry... he seems to keep moving back... :x

At everyone: Seems like we have reached the max vote for that day. :]]]]] GOOD JOB Y'ALL. :> And when I checked it today, seems like the clicks are working already but the "enter" isn't.~

Here's what happened: The "Today's Favorites" aren't based on the number of total hits but the number of hits the entry got for one day. And because on that day we got more than 800k hits in one day, the entry got pulled up to the first.~

I hope your laptop's fine ruri.~ "what sorcery is this"? Hahaha. I guess the system got overloaded. xD But the first placer's kind of good. When I checked his youtube channel I think he'll be releasing his own mini-album soon. (So yeaah, I guess he has alot back-up supporters.)

I would like to thank everyone again for your warm clicks and hits.^^ I'm very very much happy indeed and very shocked! Since the entry got to the first place, it has been receiving unique hits.. And that's a good sign.~
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mmmh...after 10 hits it still stops counting for me :/
max votes for today already as well? or do they have put some restriction on the counting system?

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