[Multi-Language Covers] Special ASF Release. v3.0 ;]

Oh... hope you get well and i dont mind waiting :3
Yes, I feel better now sam, greatly inspired, thank you very much for waiting!~ Even my co-workers noticed that my voice and speech tone somehow changed. :S But I think my condition's better now.~

mmmh...after 10 hits it still stops counting for me :/
max votes for today already as well? or do they have put some restriction on the counting system?

That's something I'm really not sure of atm. Maybe because it's in the first place? If ever the rank gets to second again and the hits still aren't working, maybe they added scripts to it or something. But I tried giving a boost to new entries and the clicks are working pretty well.~

UPDATE: 1.4m Hits!~
Rank#1 for almost four days now.^^

[MENTION=23970]x-Shiki-x[/MENTION] [MENTION=23555]Ruri[/MENTION] [MENTION=18465]renano[/MENTION] [MENTION=12156]Hideki[/MENTION] [MENTION=8332]samyeung46[/MENTION]
maybe we should lay-low a bit and let's see if there'll be changes.~

But don't worry because so far so good guys!^^ I was only hoping to get a competitive amount of hits for the judges but because everyone has worked so hard(including ruri's laptop's enter key.xD), it got a really really really competitive amount of hits not only for the judges but also for the other competitors as well.^^

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I apologize for not being able to click on your video as much as everyone, Pinkylicious.

Oh my, no need to apologize.^^ Just knowing that you dropped by is enough for me. :) Like what I always say to others, be a "hitter" only during your freetime and don't force yourself. ;) Forcing y'all is a complete no-no.^^ No matter how small your support is, as long as its from the heart, I'm already satisfied with it.~

I hope you liked the video entry, Decalcomania!~
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Post some sample! :>
Em not that good yet, not to mention I am still quite busy with my research and teaching and then helping my friends (and also techinically "students" on the fields I'm researching), so I cannot practice more on Piano yet, maybe next or next, next month haha. XD

Do that ASAP!~ That'll be really exciting! Send me a PM anytime if you have finally decided to start such project.^^
Yeah, I will let you know too if I started such project~.

Oh, definitely not. Saying no hint of "H" is definitely a lie. I mean even movies has a hint of it y'know. :) It's just that when the extremes come, they warn me ahead like "Pinky don't click that!" or stuff like that.^^ And I guess I have known Check way back 2008 along with the other staff I think. :) But ofcourse we don't know each other personally. Usually I together with some staff and old members usually talk about random topics as in totally random topics. xD And like I have mentioned, they would usually warn me whenever there's an "unclickable link AKA not suitable for Pinky link" around the chatbox. :]
Wow, so around 4 years eh, that's already quite a lot. XD

That is a secret. Hahahaha. :) What's your guess?
Aged 22? :XD:

It's good that VNs have influenced you in a good way.~ I think my fave. anime came from a VN.. It's Clannad to be exact.^^ I think it really depends upon the person how they see the VNs, it's an art to the creator but once the audience puts malice on it, it becomes different. Anything could affect your life but it depends on your choice on how you will be affected. :) Like what I have said before, ASF is like a micro version of the WWW, it depends on you if you want to go beyond what you should.^^
That's exactly how things goes. XD

I can't say I don't judge a person like this or I judge a person like that. It really depends upon the situation. It's true that our brain usually records "first impression" about somebody, but that shouldn't limit me to further try to understand them and I can't "box them in" in that impression. People change and I myself also change.~

Yep, everything changes anyway, and with that, counter for the "First Impression Lasts" is "All generalizations are false, including this one"- Mark Twain. In any case, if in animes there is "Character Development", so as people you meet in person and in 3D too, especially if you were to know them for quite a long time now, ahahaha.

I am a very different person four years ago, compared to what I am now, albeit that me in my past is more immature, and I would probably frown upon it if that were a different person. :XD:

Wow, they change singers from time to time.~ Thanks for all the recommendations, I'll sneak them in little by little into my schedule.~ It's really great to hear different styles from different singers because you get to learn new techniques and you also get to develop your own.^^
Hehe, this method is just so very useful in everyday life, observing other people and then learning something in return. :evillaugh:

Ofcouuuuuuuuurse!~ Thanks alot again.

Woaaah, really? How about my aura? What was your first impression about it?~ I agree with you by the way, some people would like to be a singer/celebrity/etc because of the money and fame. But money and fame is just like a side effect of your passion.~ I've got to admit that sometimes I think about that, but it's not because I want to have it for myself but because when a person achieves such, they'll be able to help and influence more people. The "influence" on the other hand, is another issue. Some has actually become rich and famous but they influence people with their "bad" aura or AKA "I don't care I think this is cool so you do it too" attitude. I don't know if what I'm saying makes sense. xD But that's what I like with the seniors I respect in the Korean Entertainment industry that I'm hopeful to be an apprentice someday. They were able to influence their fans in a way that their fans would donate and help the whole staff of the filming team, protect an animal shelter, help build schools etc. So it was really inspiring.~
I thought I had a glimpse of the words like "spread and convey the emotions and love through singing and touch people's hearts" in one of your posts quite a few weeks ago, during the first few times I was posting here, to my observation, people whose only aim is fame and fortune, and the fulfillment of their dream for selfish reasons only which can be because they do want fame and fortune solely, more or less will never be able to say the words you said.

I think the "aura" in here is good and pure, pure in the sense that, you are only answering your heart's calling to pursue your passion, while thinking that fame and fortune are only the unavoidable side-effects of this passion.

I do hope the Secret Operations was able to help you though, I hope the higher-ups would take notice. :XD:

I see. That is also how I see things. No matter what your passion is, whether it be music, teacher, artist, etc, if your passion for a certain craft is really that deep, the "rich and fame" side effect will easily follow.~ If you're only driven by those things, then certainly you won't last long. But then again, I'm not saying that I don't think about those things but it's just that they aren't the primary focus of my goal.~

Exactly, if one is really focused on pursuing and living out your passion, then the side-effects will more likely never become a priority... the sad thing is, some people are not wise enough to comprehend this "power" they will receive once they are finally able to live out their dream, which is the Money and Fame or the Influence... their wisdom cannot comprehend the power that it is degrading their attitude and humanity into a more pitiful state, and these powers are controlling them instead.

As for you, never forget your passion, don't let these two powers that you will receive among the others, get its hold on you, don't let them manipulate you, you must be the one to manipulate this power, or else, same as the others, you will not last long as well, if you let these two overwhelming power overpowers you, just be careful and be level-headed at all times, and keep the ego in check, then you're good to go.

Hahahaha. I gotta agree with that. I think that type of protagonists only exists in a fantasy world. No matter how good a person is, there's always a just and right way to fight back.~
And frankly speaking, its so very overused now that it's no longer entertaining, but annoying haha. :XD:

I see, so your parents want you to taking the showbiz path?~ Omo, in my case, I want people to appreciate the art and my passion and not because "omg she's so famous" and the like. I'd rather have hundred people who sees your heart rather than a thousand people screaming your name because your "in" or something like that.~
Yeah, but, still no, I am not fit for that, even if I am quite outrageous in the internet, I just can't seem to bring out this kinda attitude in person, and besides, I really hate being the center of attention in crowds, especially while acting, I can honesly say I have no talent for it, nor the intention to develop such ability, I would rather be performing a song in front of them instead of acting ahahaha.

And a celebrity on which people were able to see "their heart" tend to last long than those celebrities who only got famous because he or she is "in" at that period of time.

You got the looks, so why don't you try! For change to happen, there should be someone, or some people who would ignite it, right? :)
Haha, yeah, indeed, but in any case, I'm fine as I am now, and once again, if acting is all the choice I have left, I would rather be a seiyuu in an anime at Japan, where Anime Shows have much more diversity in genre, that way I would enjoy acting more, rather than acting out same genres that has been overused in this country over and over and over and over again; Drama, Tragedy, Revenge, Tragic Romance and the likes. Ugh. :reallydespaired:


I want to become a K-Singer because of my personal appreciation about it and not because "they like it so I like it too". And like what I have mentioned, there's so much to learn from their culture so having an opportunity to learn from them would be really great.^^
That is good then, in the end, "Luck always favors the righteous" hahaha.

Omo. So these are test questions? :l Suddenly I felt like my answers are fleeting and unreachable.~ But no matter what happens, whether I win or lose this audition, I shall continue trying and pursue my passion.^^
Yeah, keep pursuing it, "If you want something, don't wait for it, pursue it, chase it, reach for it, otherwise you won't be able to get it", if you lose though (but my Secret Operations should already overkill nao), there might be a reason why that happened, in any case, there's always 2nd chance, it's never too late, as long as you don't give up that is.

Yes, Unity.^^ Since music is a very influential means of communication, it'll be great to be able to influence others in a positive way and be a channel to open the minds of each other. We all have our own culture, we just have to respect each other and we should also be open with the culture of other people.~
Sharing culture in this one planet inhabitated by same species of Humans and Animals, is one of the ingredients for this planet to become a better place to live again, like in the ancient times, way before the Elites start to corrupt everything.

Yes yes I agree.~ But ofcourse I won't be able to do that alone. My goal could only be achieved if some people share the same view as I do, and that's where you guys come in.^^ Having a small group of people who believes in you is actually encouraging and it feels a small step a way to the long long path ahead.~ A fire is ignited by a small spark. Therefore a huge goal can be achieved by a small start. :)

Well, people like them are quite many, as long as you think positively, positive things shall be attracted to you, if you think negatively, negative things will be attracted to you, that is the Law of Attraction, or the "Like Attracts Like", the true graviational force of Unity, that all people must realize NOW.

So yeah, just think positively, and like-mined people will surely be attracted to you, then use the chance and work with them.

Oh, though their auras are like that, we can never really know their true intentions. ;) So yes, let's just hope that whoever gets picked for the contest will use the opportunity wisely.^^
Yeah, I can be pretty prejudiced when I said those, but in the end, I don't always finalize such initial impressions I had, and besides, this ability of mine is still at its infancy, and can never be always accurate most of the time. But indeed, I do hope the one who will get picked will use it wisely.

I think it'll be open until the end of June because there will still be live auditions for other countries.~ As day pass by, the "competition chance" gets kinda scarier. :S

Nah, it's ok, other people here can take part in my Secret Operations, just have something heavy and a USB or anything that fits on the Enter Button, and they're all set.

In case your ranked went down, I already know what to do. :evillaugh:

Alright! Thank you again.~ I'll do my best. This audition is definitely just a warm up, whether win or lose, I'll keep on practicing and hopefully improve more and pursue further. :)

Good luck~!

HAHAHAHAHA! So that was the secret mission. xD That was a huge boost Ruri! Thank you very very much!^^
No problem, and even laptop-chan agrees. :evillaugh:

Really? He's lip-synching? I saw one entry like that but oh well, if they really lip-synched, too bad, it could've really been a good chance.~
One does not simply

Use a computer program to enhance or alter their voice in any way while doing an audition

Ahaha. :XD:

HAHAHA. The pic's safe so I'll let it slide. :P :P :P *mod mode* :]]]]]
Large pics ain't allowed? D:

At everyone: Seems like we have reached the max vote for that day. :]]]]] GOOD JOB Y'ALL. :> And when I checked it today, seems like the clicks are working already but the "enter" isn't.~

Here's what happened: The "Today's Favorites" aren't based on the number of total hits but the number of hits the entry got for one day. And because on that day we got more than 800k hits in one day, the entry got pulled up to the first.~

I hope your laptop's fine ruri.~ "what sorcery is this"? Hahaha. I guess the system got overloaded. xD But the first placer's kind of good. When I checked his youtube channel I think he'll be releasing his own mini-album soon. (So yeaah, I guess he has alot back-up supporters.)

I would like to thank everyone again for your warm clicks and hits.^^ I'm very very much happy indeed and very shocked! Since the entry got to the first place, it has been receiving unique hits.. And that's a good sign.~

I see, so that's what happened, and the Shadow-Faced guy returned to rank 2 again!!! FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU

I am now tempted to use Secret Operations for a little bit for the previous 1st placer guy to throw Mr. Shadow Face on rank 3 or lower again hahaha. XD

But since you got to Rank one already, to hell with everyone else nao haha. :XD:

Anyway, my laptop is fine, really, the stacking of batteries then USB didn't caused any damage on the laptop, I even mash the buttons harder whenever I play games, but didn't do any damage at all, so it's ok, and I can always use Secret Operations every time I wish kukukukukuku. :evillaugh:

For some reason, it just makes me quite proud as a Filipino that most of our countrymen are the ones who reached the top places, hahaha.
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Hmm i wonder how far it would get if someone just left a laptop on and left a batter on enter all day xD Though that limit would keep the count from getting too high now...
It works for Pinky, since the others can no longer spam as well, but also against her, cuz my Secret Operations have been nerfed. :/


Laptop-chan: "Ah, thank goodness." :goodtea:
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Hmm it seems that i can only do 10 clicks every time... :x Oh well at least its something~ I wonder if that how many clicks per person within a time limit or something...
Yeah, 10 clicks for me too...


And my Secret Operations doesn't work ANYMOOOOOOOOORRREEEEE!!! AAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!


I can't take this!!! -faints-


Hmm yes that guy... :x But i managed to add 10 clicks three times yesterday... so its not just limited to 10 clicks a day... Probably 10 clicks within a certain time limit...
We should... we should experiment...


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[MENTION=8332]samyeung46[/MENTION], [MENTION=23555]Ruri[/MENTION] : seems like it is limited to 10 clicks.~ omo. omo. omo.
Hmm would the other clicks still count for anything even if its not counted in the number?
[MENTION=159]alexsdu[/MENTION] , [MENTION=11276]Baka[/MENTION] , [MENTION=1569]Coolio[/MENTION] , [MENTION=1238]iankay[/MENTION] , [MENTION=26]KingArturia[/MENTION] , [MENTION=3385]rune hiryu[/MENTION] , [MENTION=7722]Second_Flight[/MENTION] , [MENTION=10800]Tenshi[/MENTION] , [MENTION=34]Tsubame[/MENTION], [MENTION=16583]hayate akihisa[/MENTION], [MENTION=23970]x-Shiki-x[/MENTION] , [MENTION=8332]samyeung46[/MENTION], [MENTION=12156]Hideki[/MENTION] , [MENTION=18465]renano[/MENTION] , [MENTION=23555]Ruri[/MENTION] , [MENTION=17123]Honest[/MENTION] , [MENTION=10440]Kasumi chan[/MENTION] , [MENTION=4451]sarnagon[/MENTION] ,

Let's click again tonight if you have time.~ ^^ It seems like you can only hit 10clicks per certain time~ 11th click forward will not be counted anymore(I think). But if we "trend" the entry by hitting altogether, I think we can make it on the faves again. :] The USA audition will take place on the second week of June so I guess the results will be coming out this month (June) hopefully.^^

And oh, because I can only reply frequently via e-mail, if you have urgent concerns, you may now reach me at kkyeoul@yahoo.com

PS: I'M SO PROUD OF EVERYONE'S HARD CLICKS! YEAH. :> My entry wouldn't make it that far if not for everyone's huge support. :]
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A joyful and smiling Pinkylicious is what we all want to see and hear~ ^^

We'll be sure to support you to the very end and to a new beginning if there's another contest in which we can contribute in any way possible~ :3
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A joyful and smiling Pinkylicious is what we all want to see and hear~ ^^

We'll be sure to support you to the very end and to a new beginning if there's another contest in which we can contribute in any way possible~ :3

[MENTION=18465]renano[/MENTION] : Ofcourse I'm happy.~ Very much.^^ I'm glad to hear that renano! :> So touched and thankful.~ Let's hope for the best!^^

EVERYONE: UPDATE: We're back to the daily3! Yey!~

[MENTION=159]alexsdu[/MENTION] , [MENTION=11276]Baka[/MENTION] , [MENTION=1569]Coolio[/MENTION] , [MENTION=1238]iankay[/MENTION] , [MENTION=26]KingArturia[/MENTION] , [MENTION=3385]rune hiryu[/MENTION] , [MENTION=7722]Second_Flight[/MENTION] , [MENTION=10800]Tenshi[/MENTION] , [MENTION=34]Tsubame[/MENTION] , [MENTION=16583]hayate akihisa[/MENTION] , [MENTION=23970]x-Shiki-x[/MENTION] , [MENTION=8332]samyeung46[/MENTION] , [MENTION=12156]Hideki[/MENTION] , [MENTION=18465]renano[/MENTION] , [MENTION=23555]Ruri[/MENTION] , [MENTION=17123]Honest[/MENTION] , [MENTION=10440]Kasumi chan[/MENTION] , [MENTION=4451]sarnagon[/MENTION] ,

Update: Still in the featured list. :3 Good job again everyone!~


Got an e-mail last Sunday. THANK YOU EVERYONE! I hope you'll continue clicking.^^ One month more to go and the next result will come out.~

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